Finally ;D I really wanted the following:
- Value reordering
- Include another frame option
- Instance value expression
All the updates are great, can't wait to test them, do you know if flip sprite will be now supported an all platforms ?
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Open a TicketFinally ;D I really wanted the following:
All the updates are great, can't wait to test them, do you know if flip sprite will be now supported an all platforms ?
As long the game is 2D, you can do it with Fusion, but you will have to invest time to learn the engine and it's quirks.
Also, Please login to see this link. is free until tonight
I'm working on a Megaman-like platformer and I'm trying to polish the basic movement. I want to replicate the movement of Megaman X4-X6.
Are there sites that have more details about the movement, like: the dimensions of player hitbox, how fast the character moves (pixels/frame), how high the jump is, how many frames/second the animation is playing ... etc.
I am looking for something like Please login to see this link. , but for Megaman X4-X6.
You could try to use Sub-Applications.
For PC you can try the following:
1) Install Please login to see this link.
2) Open it and start the Apache services
3) Export your game inside <installation directory>/xampp/htdocs
4) Open your game in browser from Please login to see this link.<game folder> (representing the "htdocs" as root)
You practically have a local server. You can also run PHP and MySQL.
For mobile, maybe you need to add an Firewall exception (Please login to see this link.)
1) More or less, you can do that, depending of the complexity, but as Xenon3000 stated , is not responsive by default, you need to make a few workarounds.
2) No (from what I know)
3) You can clean the code and make it ready for embed, but an exported Html5 project from CF2.5 is minimum 1~2 MB, really not suitable for ads. For that is recommended to use framework/library or plain JavaScript. But yes, it is doable.
Maybe first you need to click the game area to focus the canvas ?
I know that some browsers (like mobile ones) will not let play audio unless you touch the web page.
[MENTION=19102]janpier[/MENTION] That should be "normal", but with Fusion you need to embed the JavasScript function (the long code) inside the exported index.html . After that these function are called from inside the application using the Html5 Object.
In the links from above, it shows that you can put the full JavaScript code inside a parameter and call the "eval" function.
Is a mess to use JavaScript that way, but at least works.
The "easy" way Please login to see this link.
The free way Please login to see this link.
Either way, you should be familiar a little with JavaScript.
[MENTION=6268]Fernando[/MENTION] Is this the final product ? Please login to see this link.
[MENTION=18480]elvisish[/MENTION] Yes, I try to emulate sub-pixel positioning. Is this the only way ?
I know about Ultimate Fullscreen, thank you
Hello, here is my plan:
In my project each object is made from at least 2 actives (1 for box collision and 1 for animation).
The animation is smaller (32px) but upscaled to the size of box collision (64px).
On bigger screen it should look more fluid when moving then normal pixel art games.
Any thoughts on this ?
I'm also struggling with this issue.
[MENTION=5114]Yves[/MENTION] I understand that somehow the Zoom object is hard to port due to having to scale again the collisions box and other mumbo jumbo legacy code.
My suggestion is to port the Viewport object to all platforms. It should be easier and it has multiple benefits: You can zoom part of the layout and implement other nice features like Split-Screen, Flip support and even Angle support.
In my opinion, this would be the best compromise.
Hello, you can use the Perspective object, but only on Windows. That object doesn't support other platforms.
Also, shaders are only supported on Windows.
[MENTION=10703]JohnArtbox[/MENTION] explained very well.
Another way would be to compare the distance from each player to another, determine the 2 players that have the biggest distance between them and place the camera in the middle. Is not a perfect solution, but it should work in most cases.
Another implementation, it involves math :o ( trigonometry ) . Search how to calculate the centroid of triangle (for 3 players) or centroid of quadrilateral (for 4 players).
Sorry for the offtopic, I didn't want to start a new thread only for this question:
In the Frame editor, when you enlarge an object, it automatically upscales the sprite/animation.
Is there any way to disable this, just to stretch/scale in editor without affecting the animation itself ?
Sorry for the offtopic, but what is the correct way to hide the header and the status bar for a fullscreen game ?
I'm confused because there is the Android object, the AndroidPlus v2.0 and "Display status bar" checkbox in Android Options.
You don't have to copy/paste them manually from one frame to another. You can create objects at runtime from any frame you like, using the left column in the Create Object dialog. However, this only works with the Create object action, not the Create object by name action.
Thank you, I didn't know that
Unfortunately it only works in Frame Events. It doesn't work in Global Events or in Behaviors.
Back to topic, I use a global active called "gameEngine" and store as behavior all the events that should be in Frame Events. Also I copy from a template frame called "assets" all the global objects that are used in the level (in each frame). So a level frame contains the level layout, the "gameEngine", and I manually copy other needed objects like PMO etc.
It would help a lot if I could create objects from other frames using behaviors.
The downside is that I can't use qualifiers .
The alternative would be to move the events from "gameEngine" back to the Frame Events, create the assets (PMO, camera etc) dynamically from events, the level layout remains the same, and use qualifiers.
The downside would be that I have to copy/paste manually the events in each frame. So yeah, best code reuse/ sarcasm.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)