Posts by Nadapp

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Same for me here, Admob is better.
    Rewarded video is missing form the admob plug-in, use IronSource if you want this.
    As for Admob, my income has dropped dramatically since November 21st (-60%) while Clicks rose 13% and Impressions 41%.
    But I got 0€ form Chartboost in 5 months in comparison, so...

    Il y a pleins d'exemples de multitouch sur le forum (recherche multitouch ou multi-touch) => forum partie anglaise surtout
    Sinon l'aide de l'objet "Multitouch" est assez bien expliquée aussi (clique sur l'objet et dans ses propriétés, clique sur la bulle jaune "A propos de").

    Can anyone please build the apk from the mfa below for me (with keystore) ?
    Of course, you need to have the Google Play Games Objects.

    It seems that I have a(some) problem(s) with GPG.
    Right now, I'm unable to make GPG Multiplayers work, the app crashes when accepting the invitation.

    Since it is a bit slow for me (bug reported 5 days ago), I want to narrow it down a little bit to see if it is coming from my Fusion Software/Comuter or not.

    Thank You.

    Please login to see this attachment.
    Please login to see this attachment.


    can someone please transalte to me in english what is wirtten below (copied from GPG Multiplayers Help, description page)

    "How the roles operate in AutoMatch :

    to work in AutoMatch roles the basic concept is that should give zero when the roles are processes in AND logic operation.

    e.g: if you choose role "1" , you can not do AutoMatch with another role player "1", since a logical AND will give different from zero. But you can choose another role as "2" or "4" and make the logical AND you get zero and would work . look that also trying to automatch other player with role "3" will be unsusscessful.

    so our suggestion is that you should choose their roles in a useful way , and based on this concept, design all necessary for your development."

    On a side note,
    the mfa GPG Multiplayers example given dosen't work (crash) and is a mess. So it dosen't help understand the whole thing.

    Thank you.


    thanks for your reply.

    Yes, I understand they are working round the clock fixing problems and developping CF3.
    However, my point is that Fusion - or other products - and extensions is the way Clickteam make money, and that is also understandable, but ads is a way WE make some money.
    I guess not everyone is using Fusion just for fun...

    Anyway, if I don't see the big deal adding rewarded video in existing extension, I guess we're too few (only 3 for now) having this request.
    This might explain this little attention to it. As you can see, even if Fernando answered, it was off topic.


    voici quelques réponses :

    1) Non, ca fait tout les genres de publicités, sauf les bannières Admob
    2) oui, c'est possible. Il faut le paramétrer avec des retours d'action (ex: vidéo complétée).
    3) Je n'ai pas gagné un seul centime avec IronSource. A part Admob, aucune des régies, que j'ai testé, proposant des pubs (IS, Chartboost, Appodeal) n'a pu me faire gagner un seul centime (en fait, CHartboost m'a fait gagner 1c en 2 mois)
    4) Oui, en principe. Mais selon mon expérience, ca ne marche pas. Bug ? Escroquerie ?
    5) Non, l'objet Admob de Fusion ne propose pas la vidéo. C'est une demande que moi et plusieurs personnes ont faite depuis un certain temps. Mais comme Clickteam développe CF3 et que Fernando gagne de l'argent avec son extension IS, ils ne sont pas pressés de l'ajouter.

    J'ai pensé comme toi par rapport à IS, mais après 3 mois de tests et de déception, je suis revenu à Admob et Chartboost.

    Hi chrilley,

    It is not a bug report, it is a request. You have two sections in the bugbox.
    So there is nothing to fix here.

    If they don't have the time, something that I can understand, specialy with Fuison 3 and holidays, maybe they could give the admob code so that someone can add the Reward Video functionality to the plug-in.

    And by the way, I don't report all the bugs I find in Fusion, otherwise, I will spend all my time posting bugs. I just try to find a way out.

    Hi shaku88,
    I downloaded your app. I checked how you did with banners.
    For my part, I don't realy have a click problem on banners. For one month (30 days), my stats are 55 clicks for 2230 impressions on a small banner that doesn't appear all the time and that is not easly seen.
    While on rewarded video, I had only 32 impressions and 0 click.
    And my app was installed 235 times only (Please login to see this link.).

    I did not try Leadbolt because I saw on the forum some threads saying that it didn't have good eCPM at all.

    I want to post this request here as to see if anyone needs it too.
    There is at least two request for this functionality in the bugbox request, without any answer from Clickteam.

    I realy need the admob rewarded video because :
    - IronSource : not working properly (never work on first launch - need to restart the app -and doesn't respond with slow internet connexion) , is not counting views properly and is not counting clicks at all. Also, the extension is quite heavy (2Mb)
    - Appodeal : realy difficult for me to subscribe and get my money while living in France. Realy slow to give a response. Also, extreamly heavy (3Mb)
    - Chartboost : low eCPM, does not count clicks properly and never count installs. Sometimes, it just doesn't work at all (like today I always have a video failed message)
    - Till today, I only made money with ridiculously small banners with admob, while it shouldn't.

    I also want to say that Fusion is a real disappointing solution for me (GPG always giving errors, realy slow physics engine, limited actions possibilities, lots of software incomprehensible errors, etc...)
    I'm already considering an alternative.
    Having the Admob Rewarded Video will at least let me think that I didn't just spent my money for nothing.

    But if Clickteam doesn't care of their customers, why should I care about their products ?

    I played it and it's not a bad game.
    It wasnt clear to me that trees are to be avoided because food appears in them too. So when I went for the food I got a game-over.
    Don't let a low downloadcount get to you too much. You have made yourself a very good template for any of your future games.

    Thank a lot for your feedback !
    I'm at 163 download for now. It's not so bad :)

    About the trees specifically, didn't you have the small "tutorial" at first launch, before the game itself ?