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Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
For that, you would have to uninstall 294 and install 293. With Steam, that could be tricky, since Steam automatically updates
Your idea is the best! I downloaded older version from steam console (find need depot with steamdb). Its make me happy. Please login to see this attachment.
But now i forced to use offline mode steam. It's so sad... I hope that in new version will be switch UI between oldest and new views.
NaitorStudios your "Default Fixed (Old)" skin help me partly. I will try to replace the remaining icons based on your skin. Please login to see this attachment.
For that, you would have to uninstall 294 and install 293. With Steam, that could be tricky, since Steam automatically updates
Try completely uninstalling and reinstalling 294 in case something was bad about the installation.
I've reinstalled steam and fusion three times, but it doesn't help. All other versions work very well, but version 294 with the damn new UI engine looks really bad. Essentially I have to use a lame product. I know that many scolded fusion for its outdated interface, but I really liked it, it was cozy. Why is it not possible to opt out of using this new UI engine (for example, some kind of switch in the settings)?
Version 294 includes a new UI engine, so many parts of the interface look different. However, on your system many of the icons are clearly broken, which is not supposed to happen. 294 includes a new panel called the Skin editor toolbar, which lets you edit most aspects of the interface, so maybe try changing some things in the Skin editor toolbar and seeing if that helps.
Thanks for answer. I looked at the Skin editor toolbar, but it did not give me a positive result. Tell me please how to disable the new UI engine and return to the old view?
Hello! I need help! I use fusion on a mac via wine. now in version 294.14 everything looks extremely ugly. how to return the previous view of windows and toolbars, as it was in earlier versions?
294.14 ugly Please login to see this attachment.
292.29 beautiful Please login to see this attachment.
You have to pay some money if you need a full copy of Clickteam Fusion standalone: Please login to see this link. Read the description on the store page. If you need Fusion 2.5 Standard + Android exporter for example you would pay 19.98$.
Two days ago I purchased Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Key Conversion, sent the letter as written in the instructions, but so far no response has been received. How long to wait for an answer? Order ID: 27221
Hi! Help me please. How can I update my item in workshop? I added new functions in my game. I want to upload updated version in workshop. How can I to edit existing item on workshop? Please login to see this attachment.
Greetings! I have the Steam version Fusion 2.5. How to use Fusion without Steam? SteamEmu does not work. Where can I get the executable (standalone) file Fusion (mff2u.exe), which will be run without Steam?
Greetings, Marv! Thanks for the answer. I understand what you mean. In event list "The ball collides with the background," I have set the condition of detecting direction movement vector? But how to implement it?