Anyone know if Clickteam is capable of making an online HQ Trivia-style of game? I mean the game-playing part, not the streaming live host part.
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Open a TicketAnyone know if Clickteam is capable of making an online HQ Trivia-style of game? I mean the game-playing part, not the streaming live host part.
Who wrote the ChocoBreak tutorial found here -->
Please login to see this link.
and are any of the ChocoBreak video tutorials by this author?
In the level editor examples I've seen, they are usually done as a utility to allow the game creator to more quickly put their level together. Usually using tiles put into the game.
But what about a level editor that allows the player to put in graphics they have created.
Anyone know how to do that exactly?
How about a trivia game?
My fault that my original post was unclear. I meant to say re-script the capx into a mfa.
I'm looking for someone who can convert a Construct 2 capx file to a Fusion 2.5 mfa file for me.
It's a small free example file not a full game or anything.
I want to blit a line of text and save it out as an image without any kind of background graphic behind it.
How would I do that?
So I want an efficient way to change the images of various Actives based on whatever level is current.
How would I do this whether it's 2 levels or 200?
Anybody know any Indie publishers who specialize (or at least don't reject out-of-hand) trivia games?
I have never used Qualifiers before. So say that I'm making a quiz game. Do I have a Qualifier for the answers or do I have a Qualifier for both the correct answers AND the incorrect answers?
Is there a way to mass replace an occurrence of a word in either the Event Editor or the Event List Editor?
If you don't mind my asking, what kind of memory consumption does your effects use? I was thinking of buying one or two but I don't want it to slow my game to a drag or anything.
So I want a category heading and then all the actives would be lined up beneath that heading by centering them.
How would I do that exactly?
Has anyone used the Demo Record in Fusion? Does it record in a standard video format? And where is it saved to? I can't find anything.
What are DRM keys and what do I have to do/buy/understand in regards to making Fusion games?
I only have internet access on my phone so I can't use the CEM. Can anyone perhaps help me Out? I just purchased something in the clickstore and can't use it.
Please disregard my previous post guys. Sorry about that.
Does anyone know how to limit click frequency in a certain time? Say that you have 5 buttons and you don't want the user to be able to click all 5 in 2 seconds.
How do I make it so actives have to be clicked in a particular order, such as alphabetical based on their names.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)