Sorry for the delay, I want to thank you very much for the time and dedication.
Thanks again!
Posts by DillonKun
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
Hello everyone, I need your help:
I want to make a kind of turret, which can shoot in the direction of player 1 at a close distance, and stop firing if the tarjet is far away.
My problem is next.
I can not make it shoot only from the turret that is closest to "player 1". Always shoot the same turret or both.
I attach the example so you can guide me.
I thank you very much!
Greetings.Please login to see this attachment.
NOTE: You can see that previously there is a shot as if it were the look, that when hit, it starts firing.
NOTE 2: Sorry for my English! -
Sounds like you're not scoping the enemies correctly. I recently wrote an article all about scoping :
Please login to see this link.
Thanks!! it´s working now!!
I add a "Fixed Value" to each object and it works! thank you very much!!!REGARDS!!
Hello I am creating an enemy, that moves randomly only when it's on the ground.
For that I created an object "sensorDown".
When sensordown it´s over the ground (with some loops and things I found) add 1 to the value of "CanWalk", and
only when "CanWalk = 1" the enemy could walk, randomly.
My question is, which it is the best way for this to work. I tried many things and I cant do anything, because all enemies start moving in the air...
I leave the example.
Sorry for my english!Thank you very much:D
Hello, I edit the options by deleting or changing all the items but the "F2 - reboot." still working. bug?
It seems that I can not disable F2 to restart function in "Properties/Menu Bar", is there another way to do it? because doenst work for me...
Its Seems to be a program error or bug...
Thank you. -
Hey, here's a very simple solution,
just move your "button" object a bit over the "door" object, so they overlap
and add this condition to the "open door" event:user press E
+player overlaps button
+button overlaps doorthis would make sure that you only open the door overlapped by the button the player is touching
see this in the example:
Please login to see this attachment.Hello! I fixed it, I know why it did not work for me.
I was using an object with physics, and when colliding with objects that have no physics did not make the loop work properly.
So I do some changes and the loop that open the doors work correctly.
Regards! -
Need help Please!
Thanks!! -
Hello, I have a problem with different values for the same object.
In this case, I want to create a door and a switch that works only for open that door.
Because, it happens to me that when you press a switch, all the doors are open.
I saw examples of "loops" but for me it´s difficult to understand.
Can you give me a hand?
I leave attached an example of what happens to me.
Thank you very much.PD: Apologies if you do not understand the message, my language is Spanish.
Thank you very much! Your answer very fast, this community is excellent !, find out later but at least I know it can be made! regards!!
Hello, I have a question for you.
First, sorry for my "English" because my native language is Spanish.
I'm planning to do an Android style "virtual pet" ("Pou") game. With the addition of having to "wait" several hours for sleep, or maybe one day to be "craft some object", etc.
This is possible with CTF 2.5, and how, you know any tutorial?
I think the application should be able to read the time (hour/minutes) of the phone and calculate when start how much time has passed, to add time to a counter. But... I dont know much, I need Help!
thank you!
Cheers -
Wow! thanks a lot! it´s a little hard, but I want to learn about this example.
Regards!! -
Hello Clickteam community
I have a question in relation to counters and "alterable values".
I'm making a game, and I want to make every enemy that falls and collision with a platform "set 1 point to Alt Value" each enemy separately. But I see that adds to all.
How I can make the counter add 1 point to the internal counter of each enemy separately?
I hope you understand.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Here is the attached example
regards -
Thank you very much for your help! This example helped me a lot and I'm going to test it. Also, I wanted to know how I can do a higher jump by pressing the "SPACE" button like the Super Mario Bros game, depending on how much you press the jump button makes a higher jump only when this from the ground.
Thank you very much again.
Hi, The game is a 2D platform SideScroller(with physic bouncing ball). And I want to do a Double Jump when the object is ascending(or the object gains altitude) by press space bar(jump). And prohibit the character to double jump when it falls from a platform, you understand?
I upload an example. The counter which teaches you when you can do a double jump Only One time until you are stand in a ground.
Sorry again for the english.
Thank you very much!! -
Hello I have a question. First my original language is Spanish and I apologize if you do not understand what I say. I am making a platform game with the "Bouncing Ball", since it can handle better in the "Physics".
My question is how to do a double jump only when the player is rising in the air ?. How can I do it?.
Because when I fall from a platform, (and this in the air) I can do double jump and not what I want.
I hope my question is understood.
Thank you very much -
it works! thanks!!
Thank you very much! it is very helpful. The only thing I see is that when you zoom out the camera does not follow the player. Is there any way to change this?
Thank you again! -
Hi, thanks for the answer.
I attach a mfa. With keys 1 and 2 you can change the zoom, and move. When you zoom out, looks like the borders of the screens are mirroring...
Thanks for you help. -
Hello to all the community.
First I wanted to tell you that my native language is Spanish, I will make every effort for you to understand me.
I'm trying to do a zoom on my game. In this game would be two levels of zoom. The first a scale of 1 that is the actual size, and the other reduced to 0.5%.
When I do that zoom at 0.5%, I see it as a mirror effect occurs. I leave a picture of how the error would be. I tried changing the resolution and the error continues.
What I can do?Thank you very much