Posts by dursted

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Hello everyone I am happy to share my game with you. After my first "Lowrider" game's success in play store and long long time clicking in my free time I decided to release something more professional.

    Please login to see this link.

    Please login to see this link. - beta test link

    Please login to see this link. youtube video

    It's simple pixel art arcade game where you control lowrider car - gas, brake, front and rear pump control for jumping. Collect items, spend for new cars, upgrades... There are in-app purchases and reward video included too. In future I will add multiplayer option and more stages (24 for now).

    For now every stage is unlocked but in final version you will have to pass every level in a row to unlock next four.

    Game was polishing long time (specially car physics) but still you may found small bugs. I will make it live in few days but before I want to hear something from community.

    ps. If you click right top corner you will gain extra money for cars and upgardes to check content.

    hello, I have different problem. I cant compile my games in this version of fusion. Every time I insert admob into frame it says

    Hello, I wonder that there is a extension that will draw solid color background? I want to use physic ground object and fill that space under the black dots - ground objects instead of using lots of backdrops. I need this for android optimisation. Is there any option for that? Thanks.

    Hello everyone, i need help with my project. How to make two diffrent active object act the same way. Example: I got an asteroide object and beam object, every two second create both of them (they falling from top of the screen in diffrent directions) and what i want is to beam object follow the asteroide and when it hit the ground to destroy asteroide and linked beam object too. Just to make pairs that will work together and act same way. Thank you

    Hello, I cant figure it out whats wrong with my APP. I relased two games on store that using GPGobject and it works good. Now I got problem: My game shutdown without any info on my device when I try to login at first time, when I try to do it second time it login and seems ok. Same problem is when opening google leaderboards and clicking back button (that on google leaderboard) then it shutdown everytime. Also there are random shutdowns when logging out and login again in-game and its impossible to launch game when you are offline. It cause shutdown every time. I tried run on Nox app player but its the same but it gives info that app stopped working. I managed to debugg my app when installing it and launching at first time when shutdown appears. I remember I got same problem in the past with my other app but this problem just disappeared. Now I want to relase very polished app, without any bugs. Anybody got same problems? There is some settings for smooth app working with GPGobjects? Today I updated java sdk and android sdk but it didnt helpd. I build my app with 24API and 4.2 target. I am pointing on display options, maybe these google windows doesnt fit to my app settings I dont know. My settings are OpenGL ES 1.1, landscape, fit inside and adjust and color reduction. Any suggestions?

    Please login to see this link. - my log, file to large to attach here

    Hello everyone this is my first post on this forum. I decided to buy this amazing app Fusion and start making android games. I haven't uploaded and shared this game since now (didnt count play store). Game is avaiable to download for 3 months and it have +2500 installs. What do you think? Is that good result? The reason why I didn't shared is that I made this game from scratch for better optimization and 60 fps thats why its version 2.0. Also I added Google Multiplayer but it losing lot of FPS. I made it to send data every 0.25 second to keep around 50-60 fps so it looks like a litttle bit laggy. I saw some tutorials about lacewing but now I am not into it maybe later.

    So, in this game you have to press two buttons to set power of lowrider's pump and jump above obstacles. You can tap on enemies and surroundings in background to get additional points, cash and nitro. Pressing middle-nitro button makes you indestructible for moment and gives more points and cash. There is tuning menu where you can spend money. Every update I am adding new cars, bodypaitings, wheels, addons and soundtrack which is also made by me (my second hobby). Everything is uploaded on Youtube:

    Please login to see this link.

    Please write what do you think and try it by yoursefl:

    Please login to see this link.

    ps: Whats about facebook X object? I bought it and next few days it was removed from store. I managed by myself that is completly useless only thing thats working is profile picture and email. When I try facebook registration process they say I have to use "share dialog" option in my game which is not available in this object. Any updates coming?

    Greetings JS