Why are you showing a video of another users work?
Because the video shows an example but doesn't show how to make it. I did the same effect by myself and i wanted to share how to do it.
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Open a TicketWhy are you showing a video of another users work?
Because the video shows an example but doesn't show how to make it. I did the same effect by myself and i wanted to share how to do it.
Hi guys, a few months ago i recreated the grass movement effect created by Mymetic Studio.
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Now i recreated the Shield effect.
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Hope you enjoy it
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Hi. I'm trying to use the viewport object on my game, but i've noticed that it only works fine with Standard display mode. I'm using Direct3D9 because i use a lot of visual effects on my game.
Is there any way to make viewport object work with Direct3D9? Or is there any object compatible with Direct3D9 that can zoom in and out just as Viewport?
Hi, i'm trying to use Viewport with Direct93D but is not working. The image on the viewport just stays black. Do you know what's happening?
Cmon guys, i know someone here knows what is happening, please help me XD . The path movement is kinda bugged for me i think. Or is it normal to set only the first node movement speed and not the rest of them? As i said, i've been using this software and even the previous versions (Klik and play), and it never happened to me. I use to put "Set speed to 25" for example, and the entire path movement was set to 25. Why doesn't it work anymore?
Cmon guys i need your help, i know someone here knows what am i failing at. Consider it as a challenge for you! XD
I need to fix this to finish this boss fight
When i change path movement speed via event, it only set the speed for the first node, and the rest of them stays at the original speed.
The code is just "Start frame {Set "Object" speed to 10}".
I tried this too: "Always {Set "Object" speed to 10}", but when the object reaches a node it takes a bit to set the speed to 10. This is very strange for me, i've been making games with this software for a really long time and this never happened.
I'm currently working on a Top Down Shooter.
But I can't seem to make barriers like Walls and stuff.I tried with an Active Object.
But that didn't work.What do I do?
What do you mean with "Impassable"? A simple obstacle backdrop is not an option?
Hi guys, im making a Boss fight for my game, and i wanted him to appear randomly arround the screen, and move randomly to 8 predefined directions. It works with 5 of the 8 directions, but the code is exactly the same for the rest of them, can someone tell me what am i failing at?
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really nice dude, contra fanboy too
Yeah i'm a contra fanboy indeed haha. I'm working on a game that you'll be able to explore the universe and find different planets with differents ecosystems and stuff. For now i'm using this contra Sprite. But at one point i'll have to replace it for one of my creation i think haha
This is a very nice example. I will schedule this for my website.
By the way, this is not the original. I had to adapt it to the post requeriments (Wich was 1MB maximun size).
If you want to i can send you the original one, basically the sounds are much much better and the background is a video instead of a static image.
This is a very nice example. I will schedule this for my website.
Thanks Nivram, its an honor haha
Ok now i made a better one haha.
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Hi guys, i made a good example of grass and plants that moves and make sound when the player walks over it, i think it's a very enjoyable ambient effect to use on any game. Feel free to use it if you like. Any comment will be apreciated
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Well guys i managed to make what i wanted n.n Check it out, i hope you like it and find it usefull.
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Haha exactly, i didn't make it, i just want to know how to do something like the example on the video.
How can i create a grass movement effect that can be affected by the player that will walk over it? Just like this vídeo :
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I almost did it by using some ecuations with sin and cos and the timer but im still not good enough by myself with it.
I'm guessing the player sprite is the actual player object? You could create a small rectangle and make that the player and then have the player sprite follow the rectangle instead. That way the only thing colliding with obstacles is that rectangle and not the player sprite
Yeah, a collision mask, i made it for some collisions with enemy shoots and stuff. But the code is already too complex to replace everything with another object haha I got noticed about this problem now, when the game is already very advanced, and would be very complicated to change everything, but i was wondering if there is an easier way to solve it.
Hi, im having a problem with my player object. It has the normal platform non physic movement. The problem is ,when it jumps and collides with a wall, it sometimes get stuck there if i keep moving on wall's direction, and when i stop moving on wall's direction, it falls really quick, much faster than normal. I don't want to use the physic platform movement because i don't like the way it jumps (It has a delay between jumps, and doesn't jump again if i hold the jump button). Anyway, is there a solution for this?
See Please login to see this link. for Anders' Viewport object and example.
You can also get Nivram's "Zoom With Scroll Example" Viewport example from Please login to see this link.
Not sure if either suit your particular use case or not.
Wow, those 2 are perfect, thanks a lot
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)