I still use the cloning method but never needed to add pixels or something like that, really strange. Its only a guess, but by any chance it have something to do with minimum and maximum speed of animation? I always set then at the same speed and most of times didn't even use an alpha channel (maybe its a bad habit from Multimedia Fusion 1 days, I still prefer to copy and paste a sprite than importing it).
Posts by Lelygax
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
Yeah, thanks. I think it would be better to continue this later in another thread. Since my problem doesn't seem to be with PMO but something with how I used my foreach. XD
I had a look at it and changed the events to use spread value in IDs instead of fixed value
Admittedly i'm not entirely sure what is supposed to happen but tell me if it's something like this you're looking for
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Thanks, but if there is 2 zombies at the same time, it still brokes it.
What I want is to be able to create as many zombies as I want and they still work. Even so I'm grateful for your effort
You're right, but I understood he didn't want a stopped animation...
That was in my first example mfaIf I understood right he wanted only to maintain his logic, I did it. I didn't changed anything from the event editor apart from making the object invisible/reappear. Also sorry, to be honest I didn't had downloaded your example until now.
I think he said he didn't liked this logic because you were "changing to stopped" instead of "restoring animation", not because a stopped animation existed. We will discover soon when he read our posts. XD
Thanks for that....I did edit the file but no joy!.
If you take a look at the file I just uploaded you can see the problem.
Found the problem, it was kinda tricky. The problem was the active was missing a stopped animation, so it could never finish BOOM because there was no animation to return or go to, being stuck on it forever. I've added a stopped animation and it works now. Also I set it to become invisible when the animation ends (since it seemed to me that it was your intention).
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@ Lelygax..... Only way I can see to test if the animation is NOT playing is to say this: Current Frame of BOOM=0.
If there is another way, please tell meHowever, I did try your way and no... the flag is not resetting.
Yes there is. Create a event (Which animation of "Active" is playing? > Choose "Boom") and then "animation Boom is playing" will appear in the event editor. Now right click into it and choose "Negate", a red X will appear near it meaning its now the opposite. So now you have a "animation Boom is NOT playing".
Maybe this wouldn't solve your problem like you said, but it opens a huge sea of possibilities. If this doesnt help, sorry for that.
Try again, I removed all uneeded extension that I had forgotten, now only PMO is needed to open the file. Notice in the debugger that its setting the value correctly in the ID, yet something is wrong.
Wow it works!
Still, even after examining your code, I don't get what I'm doing wrong. Someone can examine my file? I'll attach it.Its making me nuts for almost 2 days already.
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For some reason I always look at codes for making various instances of the same enemy and do something wrong. Today I tried even harder and managed to get almost everything working, but movement not. I've tried even making the enemies move without PMO for testing and got bizarre results too.
It never resets, or doesn't reset only if you continue overlapping the object?
I know something that may work as an workaround (yet not the correct way I think) for now, try changing your logic to this:
PLAYER is overlapping Active Object+ Animation "Boom" ISN'T playing + FLAGCounter=0
Start animation "Boom"
Set FLAGcounter to 1Animation "Boom" is over
Restore animation sequence
Set FLAGcounter to 0 -
I'm using "For Each" and Alterable Values so Fusion know which set of objects belong to which. After some time I think I got the grasp of it and its working. The problem is that I no matter how much I try, I can't make PMO to move 2 objects at the same time correctly.
Each time a enemy is created, I create a new PMO (already separated only for this kind of enemy) and set its ID to my new enemy Fixed Value. Then I make events for movement and collision that runs "for each" loops and check if they have the correct ID. Collision is working, direction is working, but movement isn't.
What happens is that only one enemy moves (so if I destroy the first, the second starts moving) and yet somehow, their speed stacks! :o
So for example: Enemy moving is walking left, enemy that should be moving but isn't (no matter what) is looking right. Now the enemy moving isn't anymore, because they nullfy its speed, if it the two were looking left, they would've double speed.Maybe its a bug, or wasn't never intended to be used this way, and I should use an workaround like baking a set amount of Enemy's PMO separatedly and set a enemy for each slot? Like, if there will be 20 enemies in this room at maximum, I create manually in the frame editor 10 PMO separated? That wouldn't be perfect but if it works I can live with it.
So, someone can help me with that or know something about it?
Thanks for taking your time and sharing all this info Volnaiskra, you really entered in details like I wanted. I never had thought or even knew about the MP3's licensing problem or that OGG is kinda smaller, adding the detail about little pause that may be added at the end, I can see why everyone chooses OGG now.
I didn't knew about that extension, only by checking it fast I've noticed how its superior, it lets you choose from where it should start the sample, instead of always forcing to start from the beginning. Also it seems to let you record audio and add on the go adding a lot of crazy possibilities.
AND, this info is very helpful. I don't have nor plan to export for iOS nothing for now since, but its always good to know and the best part is that can help someone else. You guys recommend a specific sample rate range for good quality vs size?
I would like to ask what are the best or most used sound formats (*.Ogg, *.Wav, *.Mp3, *.Flac [lol], etc) and if possible, why?
I plan to start adding sounds in my game soon, so I thought it would be best to do it right from the beggining instead of discovering some new info later and deciding to change everything because of it.
I'm no sound pro, I only know that Wav is ancient and have higher size and Flac seems to have best quality but must be big too.
I've seen some fangames ussing Ogg over Mp3, but I don't know if its better in compression or quality, or if people only prefer it because it wasn't very common and so not everyone could play it freely.
I want this info to choose the best option, so I wouldn't have sounds with big sizes and yet would have a nice quality, with a good Fusion compatibility (I believe it works equally with all supported formats, but I've never tested, so you gurus may be able to clarify it to me haha) XD
Thanks to whoever helps.
Hmm... I really think no. PMO isn't automatically checking like a fastloop. The main difference is that a fastloop checks it a lot faster than a normal event and can do it more than one time for each normal loop.
Depends what you want to do, lets say that you want to kill the player if it touches an object and this object is traveling to the left. Lets say that it normally would move 100 pixels by frame. Instead of setting it to Always set position of object to "X (object) -100", create a fast loop that moves it only 1 pixel by loop, and set the loop to run 100 times by frame. Inside the same loop you will check if the the player is overlapping the object and if yes, kill it.
Now if you only want to check if its colliding against an wall and it only will be needed on fast speed mode, use an flag, if the flag is ON, always run a fastloop for the amount of times you feel necessary while inside the loop you will put your collision check.
fastloops are like normal events, but it can happen more times in a normal loop than another events. Each time a fastloop run, it will repeat what is inside of it for the amount of times you set it (unless you use a condition to "end loop" prematurely, like lets say, its not overlapping an obstacle anymore, so no need to shove the player more 90 pixels to the left lol)
Check if this is enough:
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What I did is use a timer on the "Always" event, and set it to a fixed value plus the framerate count, so if the framerate increases, it gives more time before destroying the squares too.
I don't know what purpose it will have, but if you will use it like an object that will be destroyed instantly you can always add to an alterable value, and when it reaches a set value, its destroyed. Its even better because it will start counting only after the object is created, instead of globally. The problem of counting it globally is that its not constant, while counting after the object creation is. I've included both examples.
Maybe someone more experienced can suggest an even better idea. I don't know a lot, but since I had some ideas I wanted to give a try at helping.
edit: Oh I didn't had noticed that someone already have suggested using alterable values, sorry for that. Yet, taking the framerate into account still can be valuable maybe.
Its like Sebekpolak51 said, if you want it to be easier load all animations before resizing. If for some strange reason you can't import all animations at once and you are using some strange scale like lets say, 2.5x, atleast make a spare copy of the original active object in its original size. Now if you are scaling an object to be 2x or 4x its easier to keep track, and you can scale your sprites even before importing in your preferred image editor or even in Fusion image editor itself, like in this image:
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Remember to mark these boxes so your image will increase size proportionally, them double the X value and apply, it will be already x2, wanna double it again? repeat the process! This way you resize any animation frame individually, like you wanted
Yeah I think you guys are right. Thanks for the help, everyone.
I plan to use it in two different ways, all two pause the game. First one is a simple pause menu/inventory, so semi transparent isn't needed. Second one will show the explored part of a map, and only the explored part, but the map shouldn't be transparent.
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Please login to see this picture.Since there is no secret on the first one, I'm focusing on the second. Hopefully these examples helps understand better what I mean.
Since you lose a lot of effects by choosing Standard, yes there is. Now if I save it as a standalone *.exe and tell the game to load it I wouldn't have that drawback, maybe performance, if that works (I need to test it later, its only a theory for now).
edit: Also, thinking about it now, if I did choose another project to load, I wouldn't be able to choose which frame of it to load. Unless its possible to encrypt and hide more than one project inside a build, it would be problematic to leave another files open in the wild for users to mess with.
Since I'm still a newbie I can see all sort of wrong things happening like animations and movements going wrong when the game unpauses, thats why I'm using the easier SubApp workaround xD