Posts by Adnihil
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
After creating this thread I continued with the other functions of NPCs, skipping the sprites and animations for now, and ran into an other issue: After adding events that reverse the movement of an NPC when walking into another NPC (to prevent them from overlapping, the same way I did it for Obstacles), NPCs for some reason do overlap a little bit and sometimes get stuck in each other. Gonna look into other ways of doing the movement, that'll probably solve my issues.
Today I started working on NPCs for a top-down RPG and came up with a system that changes an NPC's direction and its state (moving/stopped) randomly every second. This worked nicely when there was only one NPC but when adding more, 2 things happened; It became easily apparent that the NPCs only move/change direction once a second, which isn't very aesthetic, and I started having issues aligning the correct NPC sprite with the correct NPC object and playing the correct animation.
After being stuck at this for a while, my MFA was getting way too complicated and even crashing so I figured it's time to go to the forum for help. There's probably a way better solution I'm not seeing (or just a better way to do NPCs entirely).
Attached is my MFA, stripped down to what I had before I started on getting it to work with multiple NPCs.
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if you want, we can setup a TV(TeamViewer) session, and I can show you how it works
Oh, that would be great! Thanks! I'll contact you through PM then!
Got it working. Had to put the code under 'Always' for some odd reason.
Thank you for this! I had been breaking my head trying to figure out what was wrong and looking for workarounds for hours!
Thank you for your help. I still couldn't get it to work but I think I'm just gonna release an app without GPG first to learn more about the process of releasing an app.
How do I create the app for the store? And with 'the 2nd tab', do you mean the tab saying 'I already use Google API'?
I tried creating an app by clicking the 'CREATE APPLICATION' button on the 'All applications' page and selecting the 'I already use the Google API'-tab, but I just get the same error when trying to authorize it.Please could someone list the steps I have to take from start to finish? (like package name, I have no idea what this is or what I should enter here, seemingly I have to do something before coming to this page).
Oh, no, I haven't uploaded anything yet. Should I upload it first? (seem counter-intuitive since it's not done yet?)
Where do you mean with 'in the beginning?' Do you mean after clicking the 'Game Services' tab, or is there something else I have to do before?
I recorded the steps I took. What am I doing wrong? The only explanation I see is that I need to do something before going to Game services, but I have no idea what or where that could be...
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Hey there, I recently got the GPG Objects but I have absolutely no idea where or how to start and can't seem to find any guides or info on this.
I did find the help files (accessed by clicking the Help-button in the object's properties), but I'm having some issues.In Please login to see this link., what do I have to use as package name? Do I have to create a website first? I tried using 'com.exampleIDKtest.unnamedGame' but then when I get to step 3 b (Step 2: Authorise your app), I just get this pop-up where I can't edit anything, and clicking 'Continue' returns 'Certificate fingerprint is invalid'.
QuotePlease login to see this picture.
I tried looking online for answers but can only seem to find things that I have no chance of understanding without any prior knowledge... Could anyone please explain me what I should do here or where I should start? -
No problem, I just found the help files! I was searching for them in the wrong place. I thought the 'Clickteam Fusion Developer Help' (accessed by clicking Help > Contents) included all help files on every object, but it seems that to find the help files on the GPG Objects you have to go to the object's properties and click the Help-button under the 'About' tab.
I think I'll manage nowThanks anyway!
Thank you for the quick reply, but it appears that the guide you posted is for the iOS Game Center only, and not for the Android GPG objects...
Hey, I just bought the GPG object but can't figure out how to use this example. There's just these grey boxes and buttons that don't seem to do anything, and if I try to export it as an APK it fails. Is there any documentation on this? Or any other tutorials?
He's not completed it so far, you can see it Please login to see this link.. But I have heard from Fernando that he's re-making Lacewing for Android, so it should have bugfixes from then on.
Hey, do you mean that Fernando is remaking Lacewing, or that SoftWarewolf is? And do you have any more info on this?
Alright! Thank you all so much! Looks like I was making things way more complicated than they should be!
It's also interesting to see how things can be done in different ways. This was a good learning experience! -
Yes, thank you very much!
After a lot of tinkering I found out that for some reason having a 'collision detector' Active object seperate from the 'Player' Active object made the movement of the player all weird and glitchy. Removing the collision detector Active(s) and using the Player Active as a collision detector itself fixed the issue.There's an other issue caused by the unstuck-loops though; when a part of the Player active is overlapping an obstacle (this can be achieved by standing next to an obstacle and rotating), moving forward will make the player move backwards, and moving backwards will make the player move forward. This allows the player to move through obstacles. Even with a round Player active this can still happen since it's impossible to make a perfect circle using square pixels.
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I've been trying to find a fix for this for the past couple of hours, but to no avail (most of my issues come from rotating in corners). Do you happen to know any ways to prevent this from happening?
I also just realised that something I was planning to do isn't going to work the way I thought it would. I wanted to make the player slide along obstacles when walking into them at an angle, instead of stopping completely and having to face 90° away from the obstacle to be able to move along it. I've tried searching for guides about this but don't really know what to look for. Does this type of movement have a name or something I could search for?
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Thank you very much for making that example, it's interesting to see how you did the movement. However the issue of walking into/over obstacles is still there. You can see this if you set the forward speed to 6 (instead of 3.0) and walk forward. Setting the speed to 60 will make the character enter the purple obstacle completely. Though in the actual game the speed would never be over 10, in theory the code shouldn't allow this to happen, should it? So it's a bug?
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Have you tried turning your PC off and on again?
If that doesn't work, try reinstalling Clickteam Fusion.
You need to add another event line in your fastloop. Something like:
* On loop "Move forward"
* (Front collision detector) is overlapping a backdrop
- Character: Set MyXpos to MyXpos ("Character") - 1.0 * Sin(Angle( "Character" ))
- Character: Set MyYpos to MyYpos ("Character") - 1.0 * Cos(Angle( "Character" ))
- Character: Set X position to MyXpos ("Character")
- Character: Set Y position to MyYpos ("Character")
- Stop loop "Move forward"This needs to be after your forward movement event line. It will basically move you back one "step" and stop the loop from trying to move you any more.
I tried doing this but it didn't seem to work...Quote
This is because the check to see if you are overlapping is going to trigger on the NEXT event loop. So you will already be inside the backdrop when that is triggered. Hence the reason you need to add this extra code to reverse yourself out of the backdrop when it initially happens.But it doesn't trigger at all. If the speed (amount of loops) is set to 10, and the character is standing right next to an obstacle and you walk towards it, what's supposed to happen is it walks into the wall for 1 pixel (1 loop), and the remaining 9 loops nothing happens since it is now overlapping an obstacle, right? However what's happening is the character walks into the obstacle for the entire 10 loops (10 pixels), ignoring the condition, and only then stops (11th loop won't trigger).
So to me this seemed like a bug OR I was wrongly understanding how fastloops work and actually the conditions are only checked for the first loop after which the remaining 9 loops will play regardless of the conditions. But then how do I reverse the character out of the obstacle before the screen is redrawn?
Sorry, I know this is asking a lot, but could someone please take a look at the MFA I posted and fix it for me? I feel like I'm misunderstanding something that will seem really obvious once I see what I'm doing wrong.
You should reverse it and make it the obstacle overlaps a background
I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean. Do you mean make it "[X] Obstacle is overlapping (Front collision detector)" instead? I tried that but it required me to make the obstacle an Active object instead of a backdrop (since backdrops can't be selected in the event editor), and the result was the same... I guess you meant something else?
I don't understand why in the MFA I posted, the condition ''[X] (Front collision detector) is overlapping a backdrop'' gets ignored, making the loop play even though it shouldn't. Is this a bug?