which one looks bad? basing it on tile type or using arctangent?
The two detectors idea sounds pretty cool
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Open a Ticketwhich one looks bad? basing it on tile type or using arctangent?
The two detectors idea sounds pretty cool
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if CtF has the arctangent function, you can take the coordinates of the character and the coordinates of the point where he touches the sloped platform and feed them into arctangent which will give you the angle between them.
I think for sonic clone, you can just identify the tile type the character is colliding with and base the character angle on the type of tile theyre walking on. use floor detector
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use smaller pieces, move viewport instead of moving the pieces
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if i understand correctly what is wanted is to keep the crosshairs contrained within the area of the circle but not only on the outer perimeter.
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how do you mean "clamped"?
clamped means you limit the value like a combined max and min, so that you take the max between 0 and the relative position, as well as the min between 150 and the relative position.
The actual mouse cursor will be hidden. The crosshairs will be positioned at the hero's position plus the mouse's distance from the mouse starting position (sometimes called the mouse delta), but limited to that circle.
if the distance from the character to that offset that positions the crosshairs is going to be greater than 150, you can limit it using trig functions to keep it within that circle. there's a few ways to do this but one i was thinking of involves finding the angle between the crosshairs and the hero (like with the arctan2 function or whatever CTF uses). you can use that found angle, putting it into the cosine and sine functions to constrain it to that circle.
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how about crosshairs position = character position plus mouse position clamped within 150 times cosine of character position x and sine of character position y?
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For the scrolling, I recommend moving your viewport and player ship rather than moving everything else.
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api 14 is too low you should use min 21
shouldnt that depend on the target hardware? What if the target hardware is old like a samsung galaxy s2?
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also make sure you have developer mode turned on for your phone
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Have you installed the android Sdk and NDK?
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i dont know ctf very well but in Box2d physics, you cant scale the collision primitives IIRC. Anyone know if you can do this in CTF?
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Possibly so, im using fusion physics for cross platofrm compatibility, how can I make it so a static physics object can only move on 1 axis?
In box2d there are 3 options: dynamic (affected by gravity, can be pushed and bumped by other objects, etc),
Kinematic (only moves itself), and static (never moves via physics).
I think if CTF has something equivalent to Kinematic, that would do the trick and you could just set an X speed for it, then stop or reverse speed when it reaches the end of the range you want it to go.
Sorry I've not gotten into CTF enough yet to be more help.
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i think maybe setting the position of the phsics platform directly like that makes it so it's not actually making a physics movement, so friction and overlap are not calculated via physics engine. if you move the platform using physics instead, i bet it will work. kinematic body with constant velocity will probably do the trick (if it is box2d. not sure what to use in CTF)
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side question: does that also scale the collision dimensions of the object?
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also recommend using an invisible rectangle to be the character that moves and collides, but have an animated object that shows him walking, jumping, etc., follow it every frame.
Some custom movement types might do this for you. The benefit of this is that while animating, it doesnt animate parts of the character through the walls and ceilings etc. and get him stuck.
Even doing this it is sometimes possible to get stuck inside other objects if you dont have a depenetration algorithm. Some custom movements might handle this for you too.
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where will the email list be hosted from?
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so you need an object inside one of the 3 app windows to follow the cursor no matter which window it is on, or even if it is not on a window at all?
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do you want the viewport to follow cursor (scroll the view in any direction), or do you want a specific object to turn toward it, or do you want a specific object to move toward the cursor?
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not sure, but maybe you can base the viewport position on a linear interpolation from its current position to the desired position but clamp it so it cant stray too far.
do you know how to do a linear interpolation?
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Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)