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It depends of the resolution of your device. For example your resolution 325*175 is bad, it's a screen resolution that doesn't exist. First, you need to learn how adaptive resolutions work: Please login to see this link.
If you want to do it easy, with a non responsive design, 325*175 can't adapt correctly to the screen of an Iphone XS Max who's screen resolution is 2688*1242 i guess. I think it's a 19.5:9 screen. Your resolution should be at least 380*175 i believe or 325*150... But, the better way to go, is to make a responsive app so it can fit all kind of device screens, even tablets.
I tried your resolutions and it gives me a perfect fullscreen (instead of black bars like i used before) and every pixel is in place but it still has some kind of anti-aliasing blurryness.. I used black bars before and it looked good on my Iphone 5, my Ipad and my GFs phone (iphone 8), its just on this Iphone XS Max it gets anti-aliasing? maby i need to put some kind of code into xcode to get rid of it.. The search continues
I think that it's because of the resolution of your game, and the resolution of the iPhone XS Max. They may be different. You need to make your mobile games responsive to be able to support all screen resolutions.
My resolution right now is 325x175, its that too low? I wonder; wouldnt it look bad in the simulators if that was the case with this resolution and wouldnt my screenshots also be blurry and not have perfect looking graphics?
Greetings everyone! I have come across a problem with the graphics when testing on my phone. I was using an old iphone 5 for testing before and i lost that phone so now im testing my game on my Iphone XS Max. Everything works perfect and as intended EXEPT my pixel art is now blurry for some reason? Its like it is anti-aliasing even tho i unchecked the square to prevent that in the Fusion IOS Settings for my app. I wish i could show you but when i take screenshots its showing that old crispy clean pixel art it used to have on the old phone, same on the emulators its showing the game like its supposed to look?! Even if i put my fingers on the display and drag the screen and keep the window the same size the blurryness disappears and when i let go its back being blurry like some setting in xcode or something is doing it to my app to "make it look nicer".. any clues about this?? Sorry for bad english and grammar.
Hello friends! I had my game running perfectly on my old mac but the batteries started to swell to the point it might be a fire hazard. I got a new Mac and installed Fusion 2.5, IOS Exporter and Xcode. I looked up exact wich versions they all where on the working machine before it all went south so i dont have to hassle with that stuff because i know it worked on the last Mac, Now when i test my app/game in xcode on my new mac i get these errors? Any clue what they mean? Im no programmer im trying to fake it til i make it ANY help is appreciated and will be noted in the credits! Please login to see this attachment.
Okey everything is updated again and i changed the C++ Language Dialect to C++ 11 like you said and it works now!! Huge thanks, i got other messages now about other stuff but nothing that disturbs my testing (for now) Any idea what to do about them? If not, a huge thanks for the help guys <3<3<3
Note: when you re-install an exporter, you must re-install the Fusion update patch for the build you want to use, so that you are sure the exporter is updated to that version too. Is this what you did?
EDIT: well, and when you say you can't, maybe you can just reinstall the latest patch and try it, it's quick to do
Sorry im confused, you mean latest patch of Xcode or Fusion? xD
Hey! Im sorry to say I cant see that now because i reinstalled the version of Fusion i had before updating + the IOS Exporter again thinking it might fix it since i only got this problem after updating Fusion Well the old trouble went away but now i have this instead:
Greetings! Ive been making a game for IOS for one and a half year now and testing it on my phone using Xcode and it worked really good for atleast a year now, heres the problem: Today when i clicked the Fusion icon it asked me if i wanted to update Fusion and i did, now all of a sudden i get these errors in Xcode?
Please login to see this attachment.
Does anyone know what this stuff means and how to fix it??
PS. i run Xcode 11.2.1 Do i need to update it to 13 and update my Mac as well? I dont have Catalina right now because Fusion didnt work with Catalina before so i skipped updating the Mac for the sake of the game making. Did Clickteam change Fusion so its compatible now wit Cata in the update? Because i have not tried to update Xcode since u need Catalina or newer to run it and i dont want Fusion to stop working
If you can post a basic example .mfa or link (doesn't have to be your with your graphics or your whole game code) I'm sure there would be a simple fix.
Greetings! Im making an ice type of level using PMO for the character. I got invisible triggerboxes around the slippery ice blocks that will register if you are walking on the blocks that will change the characters control decreasing accelaration and deceleration so it feels like ice and goes back to normal acc and dec when ur not on ice. Everything is working fine and my guy is gliding like wayne gretsky on that ice! BUT When i let go of lets say the right button so i dont "walk" right anymore the sprite glides on the ice but it still use the walking animation when gliding across the ice and i guess its because the PMO think my guy is still walking as long as he moves and it has to o with the acc/dec but i want the guys animation to be the "stopped" animation when he is not walking and just gliding from running on the ice? I got touch controls connected to the PMO so it register "player is holding the right/left key etc and i tried to make it so when youre not holding any button but still touch the trigger it should turn on the stopped animation no matter what using "negate"-touch trigger overlapping right button + char touching ice trigger" but it wont help it only makes him to only use the stopped animaton ice then?
Greetings! I bought the Dynamic Touch Joystick Widget in the clicktstore but it seems like I cant open it at all without having the android exporter? It says nowhere i need BOTH IOS and Android to open it? Im making games for IOS only, so is there a way around for this as i have no 70 EUR over for that exporter or any interest in making games for Android? I tried e-mail the creator (Bipolar Design) but no reply back..
This is the one im talking about: Please login to see this link.
I fixed it by accident (lol) so now it looks good I simply added more animations for my stopped animation (breathing), now he is just standing still stuck on the stopped animations if i walk against a wall
Hm, no i think its exactly the same height as the rest of the path movement nodes. They go round and round, the last node connects to the first so it should be no problem? My graphics and frame are really small so its hell when i put out the path movement nodes because the screen gets so small when the path movement editor shows up Do you mean they can slip a little if they are not in the same height if the screen and player suddently change position to the starting area? I realise i just got this problem with ONE enemy, i dont know if the rest slips down some pixels because they have longer paths and its not as noticeable so ill guess ill be fine in the end but i wonder for future games
Greetings! Im making an ios platformer and one problem i just came across is: When my player dies a screen shows up and telling you that you are dead, after that the player respawns at the starting point and lose a life, so far no trouble. BUT! I got enemies who follows the path movement just in simple rectangles in the air and sometimes when you die some enemies move down a few pixels! Anyone else ran into this problem? Is the path movement bugged? Why are they behaving like this?
Hey! I use PMO and when my character block walks against a wall the character animation doesn't stop even tho the block is not moving anywhere, it makes the walking animation but like 50 times the speed instead. Can anyone tell me a way to make it just stop doing any animations at all or just doing the stop animation? Im sure i am not the only one who came across this Should one put x speed of player block is less than 1 = play animation stopped? I cant test now im at work but am i on to something?