You have a great onesignal extension made by haoujey (votre serviteur
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You have a great onesignal extension made by haoujey (votre serviteur
Hi @Frenando,
Active image is crashing since 293.10 when receiving wrong URL.
Before, when a wrong url is received (no image to download) the extension don't do anything.
But now it makes the app crash.
Here is a small mfa to test (a correct url in the example)
Just change the url, by removing the last character and build it again, and the app will crash.
message: java.lang.Object.hashCode() on null object reference
Please login to see this attachment.
Can you check and fix please?
Hi Fernando, i'm having the same problem. Can you send me PM too ?
I'm receiving messages on clickstore from happy buyers (thank you very much for your support ), reporting crashes with the new fusion beta version (api 30). It's normal as the version published on the store is made for the actual official fusion version.
I can't answer your messages in clickstore, as this option isn't available, and i don't receive your user names so i can't send you pm here.
So for every one: I have a news version for the extension compatible with api 30 and with also new features. But i can't publish it on the store as long as the fusion compatible with api 30 isn't official.
Once the beta becomes official, i'll publish it.
If you need this new version, send me a pm here with your order id and order date and i'll send you the extension by pm.
Thanks et have a nice day everyone !
You replied just as I had fixed it, I edited the object and changed the line for alarm minute from 10 to 0.
A local alarm object would be great or even implementing it into android dialog v2 object.
Thank you. My issue is resolved using the calendar object for local notification now that that I've edited the object.
I don't understand what you have done here ? Did you change the android source code ?
thanks for this update
the calendar entries example provided with fusion doesn't help ?
db251 does it solve your problem with local notifications ?
No it works only online. as it's a push that comes from a server.
Hi, is there any plan to support building for Vr like oculus quest (with firefly extension maybe ?) ?
Use target 11 and api 30. 12 and 31 are not yet supported.
In my app i have a login / password screen. When i remove then setup again the app android doesn't suggest to fill automatically the login pass fields, like it does with the other apps.
How to make it remeber these values ? It's an important feature for our users.
Hi Yves, thanks for this new update. Is the bug related to layer positions in Android runtime fixed ?
When active objects or texts are created off screen on a layer and the the layer is moved so these objects come in the visible part of the screen the objects doesn't apear as soon as they enter the visible area. They just suddenly appear some where in the middle of the screen.
This behavior is visible only in the android runtime.
Sorry I meant "Frame editor" not "File explorer"
Clickteam pls bring the edit button back...
Great to know, i'll use it today to clean my project. Thanks
+1 - I've been wanting nested folders for a long, long, long time.
+1 too AND the abillity to move multiple objects in the same time. It's a pain to reorganize my objects after a few weeks working without putting each file in the good folder
Hi CrazyFrezi. Yes it builds on 293.6 with api 30 and target 11. We didn't do extensive testings but for now everything seems ok.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)