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Posts by TKidder
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
Hey all, Im making a new YT series on Clickteam Fusion 2.5. We will first go through a platformer and move on to more and more topics. I was thinking of making it similar to my Udemy course but I will also show how to make little features here and there: Please login to see this media element.
Module 3 is now up!
Yeah Im hoping to have all of the modules complete by the end of febuary
Module 2 is now up! Be sure to check it out! In Module 2 we create an action RPG. I am now creating Module 3 - Advanced Platformer
Please login to see this link. RIGHT NOW THE COURSE IS ON SALE!
Hey everyone I am creating a course on Udemy! My first module for the course is complete and I am in the process of creating the 2nd one.
If you want to build games with a lightweight engine that's completely free, open-source, and that can be modified to fit your project's needs, look no further than Clickteam Fusion 2.5. Designed to get you to prototype your games quickly and easily. With its custom visual coding, or as I like to call it, Click Code language, Clickteam Fusion 2.5 is both easy to learn for beginners and flexible enough to keep more experienced developers engaged.
The Hands-on Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Mini-Degree will give you the skills needed to create cross-platform 2D and 3D games. You'll learn by building real portfolio-ready projects, including 2D platformers, FPS games, RPGs, strategy games, and more - all while mastering in-demand skills that will set you up for success as a game developer.
- Learn how to design a game by working on the game mechanics
- Learn how to put game ideas to the test by making quick and easy prototypes and testing them before moving into full production
- Learn how to use scripting to empower your game with the power of programming
- Learn the best practices of the industry
- Learn the best sources for obtaining and making assets like 3D models, sounds, music, and animations
-Earn A Certificate at the end of the Course!
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is there a way to move between path nodes? I did this but it doesnt seem to be working, I can move forward but not backwards:
* Start of Frame
Active : Stop* Upon pressing "Up Arrow"
Active : Start* Active has reached a node in the path
Active : Stop* Upon pressing "Down Arrow"
Active : Reverse -
So I released my game on gamejolt only to find out no one can download it because google and windows are both detecting it as a virus and are automatically putting it in quarantine. Sure enough I uploaded it to virustotal and it states there is a keylogger as well as a number of other viruses detected. How can I fix this?
Yeah someone explained it to me on the discord after. Thank you though, I appreciate it.
So i upgraded to the developer version through steam but I dont have access to all the exporters, any reason why?
Here this is a better version, bugs fixed Please login to see this link.
Here is a version with mouse movements instead: Please login to see this link.
This is my first game that I have created. Im proud of it for what it is, let me know what you think!
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There is a surprise at Score 20 and score 30 that adds to the difficulty
Is there a way to have it to where when you go fullscreen it doesnt stretch the game? So I want the game to be 1920x1080 but I only want the viewing space on the screen to be 640x480 but everything I have tried just stretches everything. Gamemaker has this feature by having a virtual view but I cant seem to figure it out with clickteam
So what Im trying to do is to get the player to stop leaving the screen while using the platform movement object. If I use test position and select the edeges of the screen and set x velocity to 0 nothing happens. I tried it by putting a backdrop boarder around the frame and that worked but it made the walking animation kind of go crazy if i kept trying to walk in that direction. Is there anyway to when I hit the edge of the screen to get him to stop?
So whenever I select anything in the image editor I am getting a weird glitch to where the background of the selected area is colored. Here is a screenshot. Also if I move the selected image it leaves behind a shadow.
Please login to see this attachment.Here is a video actually showing it in action
[video]Please login to see this media element.] -
Thank you so much! So it makes it more like global conditions and actions specific to that object. I really appreciate it!
How do you go to the next frame without having to reporgram the player movements and actions? it appears that it doesnt just carry over or am i missing something?
Thanks ^ That worked