Fernando ok thank you, i just wanted to make sure that my code at least looked right
Posts by Euingee
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
Fernando hey so what do you think about my changes? do you think its better or should i edit it? Please login to see this link. i just really want to get this thing working as soon as i can
Fernando also, how do i make sure the ads dont play in the middle of the game? like, i want the ad to pop up immediately when the global value is 3. this is the new code Please login to see this link.
Fernando yeah i got rid of the banner ad because i honestly didnt want it. ok i think this is the right way: Please login to see this link.
Fernando ok so here is how i have admob set up. my game only has 3 frames, the menu screen has going to have the banner ads provided by admob, heres the admob properties: Please login to see this link. and heres the code: Please login to see this link.
now for the interstitial ads in the level frame, admob properties are the same except banner size is standard and its located on the bottom because this frame wont have those ads so i left those options alone. the way i have the ads show up on this frame is why a global value called "Ad Value", each time the player dies 1 gets added to the value, once its equal to 3 then itll request the interstitial ad which should show up: Please login to see this link.
as for chartboost, i honestly dont really want to use it so ive decided to not work with it as of now.
but the game itself is already out on google play and its been reviewed on the admob site so thats pretty much it
so after spending hours on end trying to get ads to work on my phone for my game i had no luck. admob doesnt work and chartboost doesnt work so at this point i dont know what to do. i tried doing that test option that admob has which doesnt even show up on my phone. i just released my game and had it approved by admob and google but ads dont show up. and its been long enough for it to start showing them. im trying to put a banner ad in my game but it doesnt show. not even if i set it to test because why would it work? i have tried everything in my power to get it to work and nothing has happened. i dont know what else i can do. i tried all the example files in fusion which didnt work, i did research and couldnt find anything helpful, no tutorials that are recent, i tried my own methods. is there anything else? i feel like something in my code isnt right but i cant confirm it because i cant find anything online to try and compare it to. any suggestions would be helpful
Fernando ok so i just had the app published and it still doesnt work, but now when the ad is supposed to show up it crashes the game. i tried copying the code from the admob example file to see if that could maybe work but it just freezes the game and the text shows error. what else do i do?
Fernando ok so i checked and the interstitial is requested once when value = 3. but i think i have to release the game in order for the ads to get approved. im going to keep this code and see if they show up once google approves it
Fernando ok so i simplified the code Please login to see this link. and the counter shows a really big number
Fernando im not really sure what other changes to make, what do you recommend i do to fix it?
Fernando so something like this? Please login to see this link.
Fernando heres an example file of the code Please login to see this link.
Fernando ok so i changed it up a bit so instead of activating a group itll just activate when the global value is equal to 3 while the admob is set at the start of frame. once the value is equal to three then itll display the ad. i tested it on my phone and nothing happened so im not sure if i did it wrong or it takes like a week for the ads to start showing. what changes should i make? also - do i get rid of line 146 entirely? Please login to see this link.
Fernando so something like this? Please login to see this link.
Fernando ok so this is how i did it, so i have a global value "Ad Value" that tracks each time you die in game, so once you died 3 times then itll activate a group and the ad will show up. then after the player returns from the ad itll reset the global value. Please login to see this link. do you think thisll work?
Fernando thank you! it finally opened for me! but as for the ads, do you know how to make them appear? the video i watched is a bit outdated and the example file in fusion kinda confuses me
Fernando yeah ive never used admob and i just followed a tutorial on youtube. for me it keeps crashing so i have no idea whats causing it to crash on both my phone and virtual console. yes im building it on api 29, my minimum is 5.0 and maximum is 12.0 (my phone is api 31 so thats what i usually keep my max). im using 293.10 none beta
Fernando Please login to see this link.
Fernando would you like me to send you the mfa? maybe itll be easier that way. i tried to see the logcat on the virtual device on android studio but it doesnt say anything. unless im not looking in the right spot
Fernando i cant find the logcat, but i dont get any errors aside from my phone saying that my game has a bug