Perhaps too many objects on the frame at run time. There's a setting in the frame properties, and the default is rather low (I think 1000). I was having odd issues today while making snow fall in my game. Changing up to 2500 objects worked for me.
The setting is on each FRAME properties, Runtime options "number of objects".
Check in your debugger; how many objects are created. If this is the problem, and there shouldn't be so many; make sure you're destroying objects as they leave the screen instead of upping the objects allowed. Note; I don't know what the Clickteam abend codes mean. I'm only offering a guess based on my own experience today. Good Luck.
Posts by PlayDay
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
My Holiday Game; Candy for Santa is updated with falling snow.
The volume of snow can be adjusted in the settings window. Click the snow button to see changes from the settings window.
Thanks for reading and for trying my little games.
Enjoy the game & Have a Merry Christmas.
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More Good News! I've added a holiday version to my two game collection!
Candy For Santa was released today on
A fast paced holiday game, Candy for Santa is inspired by whack-a-mole. These games are kinder as the player feeds Santa rather than whacking them. It's still fun trying to catch them while they're up. If you like the game; please try my other game Auk Aahwk which plays very much the same but you gain points for feeding fish to auks.My new game:
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I wanted to have snow effects, but felt it more important to release today before the weekend. Watch this thread; I hope to announce an update where it snows on santa's chimneys. Thanks for all your support and help everyone to get these programs finished.
I am happy to announce that the first version of this game is now complete. It has 78 Levels of bouncing fun, a kinder rendition of whack-a-mole where you feed fish to auks but don't feed the other the sea critters. Get it through itch io Please login to see this link. Kindly let me know both if you like it and especially if you have any issues. If you play, thanks so much.
P.S. I'm working on a Christmas version where we will feed candy canes to a Jolly Santa. If you are good with naming games; please suggest a name. I'm thinking "Candy for Santa", but it sounds so generic.
This looks beautiful. I'll try it, Thank You!
You can copy the whole frame from one application to another. But that won't help if you want to join stuff from two frames into one. You might just have to place everything manually. Sorry, I can't help more.
I presume they are supposed to be multiples, exactly the same?
Just copy it once; then in the destination, use duplicate to create your multiple instances.There are several ways to find duplicate, I usually right click then choose duplicate. In the rows table, put how many actives you want.
The way you are doing it's creating clones rather than duplicates. (I think from your description)
I'm Happy to announce that I have a first test version of my quick game on
It needs some testers, please. It has only 10 levels, and won't take more than 10 minutes to play. I want to know that it runs well on other windows machines.
I know there is a lag at the end of each level when 20 points is reached, before moving to scores screen. If you notice other issues, kindly report.
The next iteration will fix the lag issue and add many levels.[MENTION=19022]Janette5[/MENTION] - I used your letter assets. Thank you for providing them in the click store.
Thanks for all the help everyone to get my game to this point.
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I don't now if this was the same problem that's been reported or I really had an infection. It took 3 attempts and 2 restarts to get a clean scan. Other removals were something like "side-stepper" from the registry (sorry, I forget the name).
I remember about two days ago browsing into one of those scary internet pages and tried to back out; but maybe not quick enough.
Reading about this PUP, it seems it actively seeks programs and download links to attach to, and the insidious part is that if a portion of it's files are missing, it will go to the internet and download them in the background. I don't think I've ever dealt with such an active virus before; most are kind of passive, you quarantine them and they're gone. My research states that this one keeps little hidden files and will rebuild itself. The odd thing is that my MMF file was not a new exe. It was compiled a month ago and hadn't been used in weeks, yet this is the first time it flagged. I'll be scanning my computer diligently for a few days. Thanks for all you do. -
My windows 10 updated last night, then immediately identified a PUP in an exe (my MMF game file) that has been sitting untouched on my computer for a month. It also quarantined an adaware file in my coupons directory, unrelated to MMF work, but I have not updated that file in a long time either. The PUP is Program:Win32/Uwasson.A!ml
Flagged as PUP by Microsoft Defender. Looking it up; it seems like a very sneaky thing that attaches itself to free software downloads. Then later, it will install the malware and attach itself to other emails and softwares to be further distributed (unknowingly by users).OH, I never upgraded my Fusion programs because I hoped I would be free of the reported virus problems. They found me! I'm using 2.5+ version 292.22 I don't need a reply. I'm posting this detail in case it can help the situation. I think I'm going to download a PUP scanner block this. I'm done with that old exe anyway, and working on a later version of my program.
If you don't have it working in a few days, and want to do the Frame Views option, let me know and I'll pull my code into an example.
I won't have time to do that until after I get my own little project completed. I'm hopeful that will happen for me today or tomorrow. -
Apppath $ + "\ gameName.ini" me semble la meilleur solution car en entrant le chemin complet, sur un autre ordinateur il faut que ce chemin existe, c'est aléatoire.
moi j'utilise Appdrive$ + Appdir$ + "savegame.ini"
utiliser le nom du jeu permet de retrouver facilement le nom et certain petit malin pourront tricher pour modifier , mais en meme temps c'est plus facile aussi pour nous .
Google translates this from french as : "Apppath $ + "\ gameName.ini" seems to me the best solution because when entering the full path, on another computer this path must exist, it's random.
I use Appdrive $ + Appdir $ + "savegame.ini"
using the name of the game makes it easy to find the name and some smart guy can cheat to modify, but at the same time it's easier for us too."
Thank You. Is appdrive good for all devices, and Appath better for only windows?
I'm still learning click fusion, but I offer my opinion.
My approach would be to change the frame VIEW rather than change the frame.There are several tuts that teach how to scroll and change frame views (the platformers).
These two show how to set it up as "rooms" not moving coninuously.
RPG action1 by ZenTaco
RPG action2 by ZenTaco Please login to see this link.Good Luck.
edited to add: I set up something like this where I used an invisible detector that the camera follows. My code moves the detector when I want to change the frame view.
I'm getting ready to share a small game with the world on
I will use an ini file for saving music volume settings.1) I'm not sure how to address the ini in the MFA as some tutorials use the full path and others use only the filename.
For a public program, is it best to use:Set current file to Apppath$+"\gameName.ini"
or Set current file to "gameName.ini"2) a second question, I see that if I double click on the ini object, there is a box to enter name.
When would we use this option; and would we put the name only or include path with name?3) last question, is it good practice to use the game name for the ini file name?
Thanks all
Thanks for the heads-up about "^" Yves.
What do you mean you created them and then delete them? Do you mean you used a "destroy" action on them, but your code still worked after they were destroyed? Because that's not what happens to me. In the following example, the red object stops spinning as soon as I hit DEL (destroying the object), and only starts spinning again when I press INS (creating a new one):
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Controlling the spin with flags set on the spinner will keep the movement after the overlapped object is deleted.
in the above example the first line will become three lines:
if objects overlapping
+ set flag ON (on spinner)
X if objects overlapping
+ set flag OFF (on spinner)
flag (on spinner) is OFF
+ set angles (on spinner)edited to add: nevermind ~ I see this is what you are doing with all those for each loops in the real code example. Everything gets very complicated when we have multiple objects. I'm glad you posted this. I learning new stuff every day.
[MENTION=15682]Volnaiskra[/MENTION] - that's brilliant; thank you for commenting.
No, I just killed the enemies off after 1.5 seconds - so they didn't stay alive for long, makes it easier to test. There'd be one per spawner alive, if they didn't die so quickly.
agreed. I changed the time to 1000 and added some movement. It behaves the same as mine; so go with Jeanette's simpler method.
fixed is an ID set by the system. It's unique to each object. I've seen that sometimes people have problems with spread; especially when the number of objects changes during game play.
Jeanette beat me. I made an example too.
Jeanette's seems to have only one enemy alive at a time.
Mine has one per spawner at a time. I use for-each loops to set the correct flags.I am learning fusion. I don't know that I've done it the best way. I made this so I could learn myself. I hope it helps someone as much as it helped me.
I think you are asking to do subtitle, not subtile.
Have you tried using the string object?
Watch the tutorial "NPC Dialogue Tutorial" by Zen Taco ==> Please login to see this link.
Making a widget is beyond my skills at the moment (sorry).
Good Luck with your project.