Posts by coogart07

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    All of the applications I've made up to this point have been in very low resolutions, so they always look blurry and off (and even small, with black bars even when the application has the same aspect ratio as my screen even though it should fill the screen nicely) when I full-screen them, and trying to resize every single object by hand to look and work well on a 1920 x 1080 frame is just too much for me, so I figured I had to make an entirely new project with that resolution from scratch.

    But the problem is that I don't know how to have everything the right size. I still want to make the game with sprites being based on the default 32 x 32 object resolution, just upscaled to look well on an HD screen, so I'd like to know how to make all the sprites have the same size relative to another, so there isn't any smaller or bigger pixels on the upscaled objects in relation to each other. Is there some way of making every sprite be low res while they still have the correct size for an HD screen? Fullscreen never adjusts correctly to my screen unless the height or width resolution is the exact same as the one my monitor uses.

    Thanks, and sorry if my question and text is a bit confusing.

    Something that I considered too that might be happening is that the enemy object is corrupt, because before I programmed it to shoot a certain object that deletes itself when it collided with another object, but it didn't, it just simply went through it, but then I made another object shoot the object and then they actually destroyed when colliding.

    I have yet to try changing the object completely to see if then it works correctly.

    So I have this enemy object that I want to make my character overlap when in front and the enemy to overlap my character when it is in front. But making it as "If player's Y position is lower than enemy's Y position (and higher too) change order of the enemy" does absolutely nothing, and it's not an order issue, as I programmed something else to happen when the same conditions are met and nothing.

    And changing order doesn't work either anyway, because before I programmed an object to appear under the enemy when it's looking up and in top when it's looking down and it never changed order.

    Do actives with "bouncing ball" movement types not know what order and Y positions are or something? Because on all my other objects where I made things change order based on Y position and other things everything works perfectly.

    Any suggestions on what might be wrong?

    I actually already had thought about a method that would work, but if I made it work like that I would've had to change a lot of things about how my player character worked, so I wanted to know if there was a way of making these collisions exactly how I wanted without changing too much about how the player object worked before having to break everything apart, but the examples given weren't exactly what I wanted, so I had to take the "break everything to rebuild it" approach, but took some things from the examples that would work:

    The way I though of was making the collision box at the feet the player object, that way when it collides with the obstacle's collision box the player will stop how it's supposed to, and now thanks to "The Y position determines the order in which the objects are rendered" not only now each obstacle needs only one object: the collision box, but it also needs very few lines of code to work!

    Now I just have to update everything in my game to work according to this new system

    I love these forums, thank you so much for helping!

    Also, here's the mfa file of the collisions working properly in case anyone else has the same problem as me in the future :) Please login to see this attachment.

    (I apologize for the horrid video quality) [video]Please login to see this media element.]

    I can't make the whole object collideable, because if I do the player won't stop at the "base" of the object (like at the begining and end of the video) but as soon as it touches the object, like in 0:13 and 0:19

    The "combined collision" thing was just me trying to replicate the correct collisions (like the ones at the start and end of the video), but I've completely given up on that method it as it's been proven it doesn't work, so now I'm just trying to find the right way of making these 3d type collisions.

    They're not obstacles, but things the player must use like terminals, buttons and cannons, and I want them to feel like actual things in the world, so walking through them is not an option, so I want the collisions to make sense in the way that if the player's feet collide with the "bottom" of the object it stops like a real body would.

    And about the 3d scene screenshot I always work on the code first using placeholder art, so visually it's not much different to the mfa file I posted here, and functionally it's exactly the same.

    If I record a video of a 3d game with collisions like the ones I want to do, would that help?

    I made the hitbox bigger and centered it, and made the arms be basically tied to the waist, but as soon as the head collides with "collisionfront" while the "hitbox" (it's not too much of a hitbox, more like a detection box for where the feet are) is overlapping the front detection box it bounces back.

    And I can't remove the feet detection box as that would make what I'm trying to do literally impossible, as it's supposed to be a 3d object, so the when the feet collide with the "base" of the object the player stops, not when any part of the player collides with it, like the head.

    I think this method with all the detection boxes is wrong and have to find a new one of making 3d-like collisions, but I literally have no more ideas. Is there a way I should do it?

    So I'm trying to make convincing 3d like collisions in 2d, and I'm trying to do this by using detection boxes, one "front" of the object, and the other one "behind", and both have a respective collision box.

    "If the player is colliding with collision-front while overlapping detection box-front, make the player stop"

    The same with behind

    But when the player collides with the "front" object while colliding with the "behind" object (like in the attatched picture, in the file you'll have to hold "d" or "a" in the same and similar positions to see this happening) it starts bouncing uncontrollably, and I don't know how to fix this, and I've been trying for months now.

    The mfa file is the exact code I'm using in my game for you tou try it out and see what's the problem.

    Please help me!