Posts by spinaljamin

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    This issue affects all existing game runtimes (a basic Google search will show it), and as I mentioned, this is due to the way Android plays sound, even with OpenSL there is always a chance of lag, we are aware of this, and we are working to make some changes to get more speed and reduce this lag to a minimum possible.

    I have not had any sound issues so far in unity although I am aware of latency issues from a "basic google search". It is the frame rate drop in fusion that is the issue because of how severe it is and makes the game unplayable. Unity's latency issues also seem more to do with the 3D side from what I have read.

    I don't like unity over fusion, there is a reason I keep buying your products. What is frustrating is how long these issues take to fix without any updates and you are pushing people away from fusion. There are issues in threads that get ignored, or get told months or years apart that it's being addressed... What exactly are we supposed to do as the buyer when what we want to create can't be achieved because of an issue not of our fault? There are limitations of fusion but I'm talking about issues with fusion that shouldn't be an issue due to limitations.

    What exactly is the reason why problems like this take so long to be addressed? Is the whole team working on F3 or is there other issues? I have 8 months worth of work in fusion on ONE game, let alone the countless others. It would be great to know something is happening so we can continue working on our games...

    Is this issue heading towards a resolution?

    I have been using the recommended OGG format and have confirmed that there is no clipping, and I have tried various bitrates, but the issue remains unresolved.
    This problem occurs only in applications built with CF25.

    Muting the sound resolves the problem, but it is not feasible to assume that as a solution.
    As long as this issue persists, many genres of games will lose their comfort.

    Currently, I cannot release Android games due to this concern.
    This is a significant problem, and I strongly hope for a resolution.

    I've been at it for months now and I couldn't resolve the issue unfortunately. The only solution I found to work for android was to switch to Unity... Unity is great and all that but have been using clickteam software on and off since "klick & Play". My game had come so far but the sound issues got the better of me and as there is no zoom features that can be used across all platforms (I didn't want to have to redo features for specific platforms eg, android, windows, iPhone). Everyone was pretty helpful in discord but sometimes the smallest features I wanted to use just had too many issues or it is platform dependant.

    I will give fusion 3 a crack when (if*) it comes out, but right now at least for me it has way to many android issues to be viable for myself. It's a shame because I've spent quite a bit of cash on this program, extensions and ultimately help.

    Just so I'm clear I love fusion, it's ease of use, layout, familiarity, etc. I would hope the reason these issues are not resolved is because F3 is right around the corner, it's just a big corner... :P

    Upload to a cloud service like Google Drive, OneDrive Dropbox or anything similar and PM the link.

    I have the link on a cloud but the problem is i cannot PM you like i can others, when i click to PM you it only shows your posting/commenting history. I can definitely understand why it is set up to not directly PM; is there a moderator on Discord I can send the file/link to? I would rather not post my work, even if its not that great....

    Ok so posting this here to hopefully find a answer to my issue and to help others that might be having the same problem.

    I have created several games now targeted for android that work really good except when it comes to samples, so most of my games have had little to no sound and it does impact the overall feel of the games limiting me to what I can produce.

    The devices I have for testing are Oppo a54, a16, R17, galaxy S9, S10, s21 and a Huawei flip phone.

    The game I am currently playing around with has a very small resolution of 192x255 and each level has less then 600 objects including backdrops (sub 30 actives on most levels, as I am trying to keep it small to fix this issue). The game is supposed to have probably about 10ish samples playing during parts of the level but due to sound issues I have 1 sample playing background music and a jump sound.

    The issue is when the character jumps there is a noticeable lag like the whole game freezes for just a few split seconds including all objects and the sample too. When the sample is removed or disabled in the sound menu there is no issue. The background music makes no difference l, just the samples tied to an action or loop.

    I also have fireworks at the end of the level and the sample for the bangs are fine after the initial first few loops however are delayed or missing to begin with on the loop but I have covered this up with the background music fading a little slower.

    With the jump I have tried a direct action (playing sample on event jump), playing the sample from a flag, from a loop and from dedicated channels. I have tried different formats including wav, ogg and mp3 with no change. I have also talked with very knowledgeable people on discord without success.

    Another reason this is hard for others to help with is the devices I have access to. In windows or an android emulator there is no issue including some of the phones. The main phones that have the issues are the a54, a16, Huawei and s9. It is not as far as I can tell a power/performance issue because it works on less powerful devices and different android versions. Oh I have also tried all 3 versions of OpenGL.

    So to put all that in a lesser term, I am having issues with delayed sounds as well as lag (kinda like fps drop) on a game (and others) that is very basic and simple.

    I am happy to send a MFA via message.

    Hi, I have tried asking for help on steam, here and discord but not getting much. I am trying to make a scrolling game where the character can knock over items/crates in a chase style theme. I am also interested in other examples such as level generation. I am no artist so I make my sprites as pixel art. If you can help, I'm sure it's not hard for someone with experience. I am happy to pay for these examples or help. I am focusing on android but would also like to do iOS eventually once the games are completed. I also would like someone that can optimise the final game. I appreciate any help or feedback regarding my request too. Thank you

    okay I've spent some time going through the forums and googling and watching videos however i just cant work it out. I have created the adsense stuff with google and have all the ID's and have put them into the admob section by clicking on the icon. I have also created a Start Of Frame event with "show banner ad" and "set admob pos to 0". I have also put an asterisk in the testing part because I did see that on another post but i think he had unlicensed copy so no help there... and I didn't understand why.

    I have a simple platform game me and my family have made together (nothing flash lol) and would just like to have a small banner at the bottom of the screen. I have purchased all of clickteam software i think i need too lol.

    So right now there is nothing displaying (ad wise) when I am testing the game and didn't want to publish before it is complete due to I don't want it to block anything.

    The second thing I would like to do if possible is creating an option to remove the ad for like a $1 if they wanted to (I don't want the ad to be that annoying that its a pain, just a if they feel like it kinda thing).

    I may not be looking in the right spots but I cant find anything on that at all... If anyone could shed some light on all of this it would be greatly appreciated and would even be happy to pay for an simple example as I will be honest, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed...

    Thank you

    It would depend on the 3D modeling app your using. I don't think there is any kind of extension to do this unfortunately. Most if not all 3D modeling applications should be able to render an image frame by frame. Set your camera position where you need it and then render the animation as images. If you want an easier way to do it and you are familiar with Unity, there are a few extensions you can buy that will do exactly what you are after like "sprite maker" or "green screen".

    Please login to see this link.
    Please login to see this link.

    Hope this helps. :)

    So i am trying t figure out how to refill lives while the player is away, i have been looking through the posts all day and googled the living hell out of it but i just cant figure it out. i have found time examples but i just don't understand how modify them to do what i want.

    all I'm looking to do is life refills like most android games (eg. candy crush). as far as I've gotten is that when lives are <15 to start a countdown of 20min and then to +1 to life and restart countdown. this works perfect if you always have the app open lol.

    I've already implemented a load save function using ini and I've tried implementing the clock and ini together but i don't know if my brain is fizzled out or not because i can not figure this out!

    If anyone has a example or if there is a specific android module to do this please i beg of you send me in its direction.

    Starting to think making applications will end in a mental breakdown XD

    I had this issue trying to create a simple super Mario nes style where u can break all the small square blocks. when I created about 1000 block actives on screen the game started to slow down on mobile. I found that processor speed wise its more efficient to have 1 BIG active the whole level size, than 1000s of small active blocks, tho if its 1 big active then you can't break them individually X) so I made one big one, then small ones just for the breakable bits. not ideal but it was a workaround....ish XD

    funny to think that it's a struggle to make the nes Mario on a smartphone....not so smart lol. I just wish there was a way to paste an active block tile over part of the gfx of a giant background active & not count it as a separate active in memory :(

    ....maybe someone techy can create an extension that does this ;)

    I would be happy to pay someone to make the extensions i need lol

    that is very helpful thank you. i will play around with it a bit more but i don't think what i am trying to achieve may be possible without the surface tool. your example is the desired affect i am looking for but with almost pixel (or 2x2) backdrops and when i do this it stops loading the backdrops after about 1000. the other problem with loading it like that is it takes longer to generate and i wouldn't have the slightest idea where to start on designing a level just through event manager.

    i very much appreciate your help. :)