Posts by spellsword0

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    I would however not feel too easy if i just took the game and ran without a thanks, so would it be okay if i gave you and spellsword0 a Shoutout in the Credits if the game ever gets finished

    I didn't really do anything and my assumption was wrong anyway, but I wouldn't mind if you felt you needed to. As Linky said though, it was a simple issue, and there will likely be many more in the future. It'd be a pain to credit every random person who tries to help you solve something, but helping is what we're here for, no real credit needed.

    Next to the Event Editor button should be an Event List Editor button (shortcut is Ctrl L). If you could click that and screenshot the results, that would be helpful.

    Alternatively, if you could copy the events and paste them into your post, they'll paste as more detailed and readable text.

    Though based on what I can see right now, I'm going to take a wild guess: Your walking events, while A and D are pressed, are likely setting the walking animation constantly. This would have the effect of the animation being set to frame 1 over and over, as the animation is being changed to walking over and over. Assuming I'm right about this, you'll want to add an extra condition to those events that ask, "Is walking animation NOT playing?"

    In my experience, this is not so much a CTF2.5 or a VaCCiNE issue, so much as it's a Steam issue. Any game or application outside of steam which you want to use a controller on is going to suffer from this issue. From my own attempts of looking into this issue on my projects, and having seen VaCCiNEs code, I do not believe there is anything we can do to really fix this.

    But, there are some potential work around solutions. I don't have any experience with the PS4 controller, but I have found that what Steams Big Picture mode is doing is mainly mapping your controller inputs to the keyboard. This doesn't directly prevent a controller from being used outside of Steam, but can cause conflicts when a key and a button input is being registered simultaneously with a button press.

    One thing you can do to stop this is to have an option in your application to disable keyboard inputs entirely. I have found this to as an alternative to going into Big Picture mode and turning off the controller settings myself. It is not the most elegant solution though, and I personally keep it on the side as a troubleshooting option people can use if they are having issues.

    Alternatively, simply closing steam before running your application would also work. Your users would just have to live with not having steam open while using your application if they are having issues.

    That is the best I got. If there are options in Big Picture mode to disable the keyboard emulation on controllers, that would be ideal. Otherwise this is an issue that needs to be taken up with Valve directly.

    There has been no reply from Clickteam on this subject yet. Though I remain hopeful for some acknowledgement from them at least.

    In any case, I hope that your project is fairing well and that you have not let this mishap halt your progress. I've formed a good habit of making multiple backups a day as I work, especially if I intend to start work on a major change or system. When something like this happens, it may mean hours of work lost. But that is better than losing the entire project to a corrupted mfa.

    The ambiguity of this error remains a problem though. Even if it is well intended, removing bad references for the purpose of preventing mfa corruption, it still leaves the user in a fog of uncertainty with no good way to rectify the situation. Removed conditions and actions should be flagged, or incorrect references should simply be flagged without removal. I hope Clickteam sees this thread and considers this.

    For my own application I've spent a few days just brute force testing it to see if anything went wrong, in order to locate the missing events and/or conditions.

    After that, it seemed relatively fine without further issues.

    All the same, it would be nice if this error left some sort of marker indicating the incorrect references/removed conditions/actions. CF2.5 already does this with bad object data, so I'm unsure why this error does not, and why it's so ambiguous in its wording and actions. Alternatively, instead of deleting the conditions and actions, the error could amend a special null or error type condition that acts like a never condition. This would give us something to spot at worse, and something to search for with the search feature at best.

    [MENTION=8114]Metal_Shadow[/MENTION] I do sympathize with your situation, but my advice would be to make a back up and continue working, not letting this error halt work on your application. Possibly take some time rigorously testing the application to look for any problems that could point towards the altered events. But I wouldn't wait up for a response concerning this, as I'm not sure there is much clickteam would be able to do anyway for the present situations. Hopefully however they will acknowledge the problems with an error that removes random bits of events and work towards a better system for the future.

    You have an event under HUD which goes off every five seconds when anything under group.HUD.counter is visible, line 30.

    This event activates the group that initiates your introductory text.

    I discovered that everything under group.HUD.counter is visible at the start, which ensures that the introductory text will appear every time the frame restarts after five seconds.

    I solved this by simply unchecking visible at start from all objects on the frame under group.HUD.counters. After which the introductory text ceased to appear when restarting at checkpoints, as desired.

    You can use a global value in place of the counter. Global values remain regardless of a frame reset. You would just replace the counter with that global value.

    If the counter object is absolutely required, you can use the global value to hold the checkpoint number and then set the counter to that global value.

    Beyond that, I do not think it is possible to retain local object data on a frame reset without the assistance of outside data.

    The Situation:

    I opened up MMF2.5 from Steam. Standard edition with the + DLC.

    Opened my .mfa file from the top of the most recent files list.

    Then this error box pops up, stating the following:

    Warning! Incorrect references to certain objects were found in Create, Launch actions or on collision conditions. These actions and/or conditions have been removed from the events. You will have to re-enter them.

    Please login to see this attachment.

    Extra Info:

    After clicking OK, the mfa loads fine and I have full access to it without issue.

    I'm no stranger to bad object references, but I did not find a single bad object reference when making a quick scan through the frames and events.

    I have not attempted to run the application yet, figured I'd ask some things here first...

    It's a fairly big and dense application so going through it with a fine tooth comb would take some time...


    Is there really no way to know what was removed as implied by this error? Do I really have to comb through the entire mfa and look for things that might be missing?

    Is it possible my mfa is simply corrupted? Should I save myself time and just load up an older backup, taking a small loss in progress?

    Or is the mfa potentially fine and recoverable/fixable if given time and vigilance in replacing what actions and/or conditions might have been removed?