Posts by goldeng

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    F3 only.

    I tried to make a 64-bit package of the Mac editor recently, using the latest version of the Wine framework we used until now, so that the Mac editor can work on recent versions of macOS, but this didn't work, there are issues that prevent a couple of important things (like some exporters) from working, I couldn't find a solution. So we keep supporting the current Mac editor that works on older versions of macOS but for the moment we removed it from the store (as new customers are all using recent versions of macOS) until we can find a solution later.

    Thanks for the reply. I actually tried creating a Wine environment on my Mac on own, but failed to doing so. Then I found that there's a more user friendly package named "CrossOver", which is based on Wine and saves you the trouble setting Wine up from scratch. You probably already familiar with it, though I'm not sure if you even considered re-checking everything on it, as it requires a separate license. I'm just curious whether the issues you mentioned don't work in Wine environment in general, or only in the environment that you tried to set up. I gave CrossOver a try and for most parts found that it works, so I purchase a license for it and now run some Windows applications on it without any problem. I actually planned testing all of your products on it, as I purchased them all a while back (apart from the Mac exporter). I'll do so shortly and update how it went.

    Doesn't work well. Only installed the base of 2.5 and already found visual issues in the entire program windows. Unusable and not worth the effort.

    the engine now supports ARM64

    Hi Yves, does this mean that we could expect a native F2.5/2.5+ editor on Apple Silicon anytime soon, or is it just planned for F3? I just found that both Standard and Developer Mac editors that were previously available for purchase are no longer showing on the web shop.

    In addition to my feature suggestions above, it would be very handy if we could hold SHIFT while dragging with the selection tool in the picture editor, so the selection box would keep a square proportion - a common behavior in many image editing programs and very handy when you start to drag to select a squared tile from a multiple tileset image and want to keep track if you reached the tile size.

    If we could also have a width and height values when selecting an area that would be a great addition, as it is also essential to keep track of the size of the selection - currently there are only values for the X and Y position of the mouse cursor in relation to the image when hovering on it, the RGB color values of the very pixel that the mouse cursor is on, and another pair of values that from some reason stays on 0x0 and I'm not sure what it serves. I trust that it won't be too much of a hassle to add values for the selection box size next to it.

    Hi everyone,

    Could we have a feature to enable objects animation to play while working on the Frame Editor? I remember that back in Klik & Play, objects played their Stopped animation in the Frame Editor, and if Stopped was empty from any artwork then the next animation sequence in the list of the animations played instead, such as Walking, Running, etc.

    I also remember that setting the initial direction to objects used to actually update the facing direction of the objects within the Frame Editor too; currently objects present on screen at their right direction, no matter what initial direction is selected for them, and it only updates on screen when the frame is played.


    Not coming to critisize or to judge anyone, as we all have our opinion on things. But I read the discussion above and if I may, would like to participate with some positive feedback for Clickteam:

    I also look forward for F3, and hopefully for a native Apple silicon editor. But as far as I'm aware, Clickteam is a small team. And still, they do their best to keep this product alive, and for that I appreciate them; even if sometimes we don't get an immediate response from them to our questions or don't see things eye to eye. I guess that they're just overwhelmed with all the tasks they have to handle that things move slow, but at least they're moving.

    Even though I now work on another engine on my Apple silicon Macbook (which works on it natively), Clickteam Fusion is my #1 engine to making mockups for new ideas, and I keep using it on my PC; most of the time through a remote session from my Macbook, which bypasses the current lack of a native editor for Mac OS.

    Yes, Clickteam Fusion has its drawbacks and lack of features that other alternative game engines have, but it's a nice engine nevertheless. And once you learn your way with its limitations and how to be creative with it to "bypass" them, you can make great things with it. Or as this common proverbial phrase goes: "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!" :)

    By the way, the new community forum is getting into shape and I begin to like it. Keep up the good work.


    Dear Clickteam,

    Congratulations on the new forum!

    I found a few issues but I guess you're already working on them. First is when I post my post I see next to the New word on its title that there's a Disabled mentioning in green. Not sure what it means. And at the bottom of the post it says: This post will remain inaccessible for others until approved by a moderator. Don't remember that it was like this in the old forum.

    Besides that, many of my product badges are not showing under my profile picture to the left. I guess it's something that you're working on, but just wanted to mention it as I see that some of the missing product badges are showing for other members.

    As for the issues with the product that I would like to bring up:

    I less work on Clickteam nowadays, but sometimes use it for building mockups and for loading old project for fine tuning them, and found this issue that you may want to fix, as many would probably appreciate it:

    In the Frame Editor, if you set the zoom level to 100% and copy and paste objects (which is commonly used when building the levels layout), the pasted object appears near the mouse pointer correctly. However, if you're working on small resolution projects and zoom to a bigger zoom level, such as 200%, the pasted object appears in a diagonal offset from the pointer to the bottom right. And it's getting even worse if you zoom to bigger zoom levels - the more you zoom-in the bigger the offset the object get pasted. And in a very big zoom level the object is even pasted off from the visual screen and you have scroll around to see it.

    I also have a suggestion to make the Paint Mode better: it would be very nice if the selected object that we pick from the objects library could be snapped to the grid in preview when just hovering with it on the grid, before actually placing the object on-to the grid with the left mouse button - it's something that was exists back in Klik & Play and The Games Factory 1, which from some reason was removed in Fusion. And due to the offset issue I described above, drawing tiles with the Paint Mode (especially when you zoom in to work on small resolution games) feels like a joke, as whatever you paste appears in a ridiculous offset, and you always have to exit from the Paint Mode to manually select and drag the offset tiles where you want them to be. So if a snap to grid preview could be re-added to Fusion that'll make things much easier. I guess that others would appreciate having it back.


    Hi everyone, hope you're all doing well.

    Wish to ask if there's any progress with an Apple silicon editor? Really wish I could use the editor natively on my Mac without needing to run Parallels Desktop + Win11 in the background; programs running in Parallels has many problems such as unsmooth performance, lags and sound issues. Not to mention the terrible battery consumption when Parallels is running in the background which really "eats" the battery...


    Just got a reply from Jeff to a ticket I raised in question about this, and I was told that Clickteam don't expect to see Fusion 2.5 running native on 64 bit MAC operating systems. So personally (and unwillingly), if I want to develop games on my M1 Mac I will have to go look for an alternate program that runs natively on Apple silicon Macs. Or less convenient but still possible, to connect to my PC from my Mac and to run Fusion remotely.

    Hi guys,

    I think I found another bug - would appreciate your feedback:

    I'm trying to make an adventure game engine and found the Inventory object extension very neat. However, although everything works fine, when I press F2 or the icon shortcut in the debugger to restart the current launched game, the Inventory object seems to rememeber the object(s) it previously had in it; if I want to reset my game to re-test it I have to terminte the current launched game and to re-launch it from the editor.

    Is this a bug or something that I'm doing wrong?

    Kindly let me know.

    Attached a short video describing the problem.

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    Not exactly what you're looking for but this may be of use to you.

    There's this thread (Please login to see this link.) where users asked for the nostalgic look of Klik & Play and The Games Factory 1 for build 294. I did my best and made 2 skins; on the 1st page you will find some screenshots and on the 2nd page a ZIP file with the skins. You may want to try them out and see if they make your experience with the new interface a bit to your liking. This is as far as I managed to get as the current skin editor can't edit toolbar icons.

    Hope this helps.

    I have found a bug when exporting toolbar settings to network share:

    If you try to export your toolbar settings and to save the file on a network share drive, Clickteam Fusion gets stuck on eternal loading mouse icon, and there's no way to do anything or even to close the engine. The only way is to kill its task from the Task Manager.

    Exporting and saving the toolbar settings file to a local disk however works and saves instantly.

    In this screenshot I have added a custom toolbar with shortcuts, right-clicked on it and selected Export Settings. Then I tried to save to a network share.

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    Not exactly what you created, but this .MFA I made is only 3 lines of code using a counter, a Object and a String.

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    LINK: Please login to see this link.

    It would be nice though, if the String had a size option. I.E. Width / Height!

    Thanks! Nice and simple. My goal however was to have the size of the bounding box (frame) of the text just about around the text letters and that its size will change depending on the amount of text the string has. In addition to that, I wanted to have the frame customization more flexible, so one could have different artwork graphic for each of the frame corners and for each of the straight edges. :)

    If you have your text formatted somewhere you could check the lenght of one line and therefore know the width of the box. If you use the text blitter object you know how many pixels each character has and then resize the frame. The height of the box could be determined by the number of lines that your text has. This way you will know the exact size of the text block.

    Another idea: create an invisible 1px object where the text starts then blit the text. After that create another 1px object when text is done. Coordinates of those two objects define the rectangle. This only works if the last line is the longest otherwise define your own new line and remember the x position.

    Thanks for the reply! I ended up with another solution though - if anyone is instersted or have feedback on this method to perhaps make it better I'd love to hear:

    1. I used an Active System Box object for the text string, as it gives much more control on how it looks and what you can do with it, and I set it to be at the size of the frame so it will show in the middle of the screen no matter the amount of text I set it to show.

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    In this example I gave the text a yellow background to show that the object is set at the size of the entire screen. It is positioned at 0 on both X and Y axis.

    2. I added the Calculate Text Rect object which lets you calculate the actual width and height of the Active System Box object (I suppose it works on other string objects too) while disregarding all the empty space around the text which fills the entire screen.

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    This screenshot shows how the Calculate Text Rect object affects the Active System Box object, which behaves like cropping the empty bounding box area around the text of the Active System Box object.

    3. I made 4 corner piece objects for the custom frame that I wish to surround the text with, and set an always event to position them around the Active System Box object, which with the help of the Calculate Text Rect object aligns them to be around the actual text and not around the entire bounding box of the Active System Box object which would have been off-screen in this case.

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    The custom frame object pieces I used in this example are quite simple - just 8x8 object pieces with a black line and white background to give some space for the text from the edges of the frame.

    4. Then I needed 4 additional frame piece objects to fill the gap between the corner pieces and close the frame. The scale size of these objects should be dynamic, which will scale up or down depending on the amount of text that makes the overall size of the entire block of text. So I then made 4 additional frame piece objects which are Left, Right, Top and Bottom. I positioned the Top and Bottom pieces to the right edge of the Top Left Corner piece, and the Left and Right pieces to the bottom of the Top Left Corner Piece; I set their hot spots to their opposite side as I wish the scale operation to occur from their opposite direction.

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    In this screenshot the 4 additional frame piece objects are paint in red so you could see and distinguish them.

    5. And lastly, I used @almightyzentaco's "360 Laser Tutorial for Clickteam Fusion 2.5" fast loop method (Please login to see this link.) to make the Top, Bottom, Left and Right frame piece objects increase their size until they collide with the opposite frame corner object piece which breaks the fast loop; the Top and Bottom pieces has their own fast loop and the Left and Right pieces has their own as well.

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    This is how the scale operation looks.

    The end result looks like this (forgot to remove the yellow background):
    Please login to see this attachment.

    And you can of course change the decoration of the frame pieces to whatever you like and change the amount of text freely and the frame objects will be relative to the overall size of the block of text:
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    We should start a off topic video game and hardware collection thread ;) I mostly buy games I loved as a kid and lost the big box or couldn't afford the game at that time.

    You can download both versions directly from

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    Just like for the newer products you need a pro licence to sell games or remove the splash screen.

    Same here - we compensate ourselves now with things we liked but couldn't afford back then.

    And thanks for the links. I'm aware of them and made an offline copy years ago. ;) Though I'm not sure if the physical copies codes will work in these digital downloads - never tried.

    Thanks for your reply! I like collecting video games, too but I will not buy sealed or even graded games, I want at least theoretical play them. The auction on ebay is $180 for an used product WITHOUT a licence - this is insane! The whole retro video games market became very sick the last years, driven by WATA and VGA spreading the stupid idea, video games would be a good investment for speculations.

    I don't know if the CD version of TGF doesn't need a key and works with the physical disk as a proof of licence. I really like my big boxes of Quake, Day of Tentacle, Klik&Play and even MS-DOS and Norton Commander but this copy of TGF doesn't look very collectable for me. So what I'm searching for is a licence for about 30 Euro or Dollar with or without a CD.

    Yeah, my opinion is the same as yours regarding of how this retro game market turned crazy and unreasonable in the past couple of years. The copies of the Clickteam products that I found were in more decent prices if I remember correctly, and while I did spend a lot of money on retro big box games, software (Norton Commander too XD) and old PC hardware that I really wanted to have, I knew when to put a stop to this madness and to be happy with what I already got; the urge I had to have all Clickteam products (even after they were discontinued) was because I appreciate Clickteam as a company and the hard work that its crew is doing very much, and also because Klik & Play to start with was the product that pushed me in both making 2D games and getting better and better in pixel-art. So buying all their line of products (even the digital ones) is the least I could do to show them my gratitude, although some of this money was not paid directly to them but to sellers on eBay). Anyway, making games for me even after all my years of experience drawing pixel-art and working on the engine remained as a hobby and never anything commercial, but frankly it made me who I am today. :)

    To the point - the XPLOSIV edition of TGF1 is a budget release. Keep in mind that the seller may have not taken a picture of the license code so occasional eBay viewers won't use it. You can always ask the seller (any seller) if they're the original owners and if the code is included.

    True, this XPLOSIV edition is not very collectable, but it was the first TGF1 that I found back on 2019 and bought it because I thought that this was the only physical edition of the software in this DVD package style. Only that six months after on an occasional eBay search I happened to find an ENOURMOUS big box edition of TGF1 and bought it too. This is more of a collectable item than this XPLOSIV one, but if you only need a license for creating this 16-bit retro game then it doesn't really matter which box it comes in. In fact, there was an edition that came in a Gamemaker magazine which I also found, but its setup is only 32-bit. All the other editions I found have both 16-bit and 32-bit setup files, so you could even install them on Windows 3.1. Not sure though if 32-bit applications you create in the 32-bit TGF1 could run on 16-bit Windows 3.1 systems if that's your goal.

    Best of luck! :)

    Found another bug(?)

    When working with string objects, if you select them from the Frame Editor you are able to edit their values in the Properties panel without problem. However, if you're selecting them from the Workspace Toolbar the Values section in the Properties panel doesn't show up. It's frustrating as you can't edit their values from the Event Editor and need to go back to the Frame Editor in order to edit them. This doesn't happen with Active Objects.

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    for nostalgic reasons, I'm looking for a license for TGF 1. Does anyone here want to sell their license or can I still somehow buy it directly from Clickteam?


    Being a retro computer games and software collector I highly recommend you to check eBay; in the last couple of years I managed to complete from there the entire Clickteam line of physical product (apart from MMF1 which I actually saw but unfortunately the seller didn't ship to my location). Some of the items were even sealed(!) like MMF2 Standard, MMF2 Developer and even Click & Create big box which I didn't thought about ever finding.

    A tip I can give you to increase your changes to finding what you're looking for:
    Login to your eBay account and search for the keywords of the products you're after, making sure to use quotes to get exact results and not something that answers only to a portion of the keywords. For example, for TGF1 search for: "The Games Factory" (note the quotes). Then make sure to hit the "Save this search" link to save your search, so you'll get notifications at the moment someone lists an item that answers to the specific search you made. just make sure that email notifications are enabled in your account settings. If you want to make sure that you don't miss anything as emails may arrive in delay, the eBay mobile App from my experience sends notifications regardless the account settings, so it's another layer to make you cover to get notifications on time.

    By the way, it seems that there's an active listing now for TGF1 & TGF2 together. Here's a link: Please login to see this link.

    I'm not related to the seller in any way and only provide this info to you out of good will to help. :)

    I am glad someone else brought this up I thought I was the only person having the issue. I reported this 3 years ago here: Please login to see this link..

    In the video I was holding down a single letter and it would change after the first letter to English. I had to use the same solution restarting the PC but it will return after a while.

    Glad (and sorry at the same time) that I'm not the only one then. I've bounced up my original post above with hope for an official response that this will be addressed in the next update(s). Let's cross our fingers.

    Yves / Simon,
    Sorry to bounce this up, but I just didn't see an official response to my input yet apart from tk22 who mentioned that he reported this 3 years ago (I guess because most users here don't use 2nd right-to-left language in their system), but this bug is very annoying, happens to me on more than 1 system, and I find myself removing the 2nd language (Hebrew) from my system in order to work my way around this when filling in English letters in the Expression Editor; this doesn't happen in other places in the engine, such as the Frame Editor when renaming objects or adding values in the Properties panel, but only in the Expression Editor.

    I would very appreciate an official response from you guys please when you have time, so at least I'd know that you've seen my input and you're aware of this, and that hopefully this would be solved in the next update. Much appreciated. Thanks!