Posts by mirrorman

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Please login to see this link. (the new Windows API by Microsoft, not the CTF extension of the same name which does not use the WebView2 engine) would almost certainly be able to render any modern interface (it is the same engine that powers Edge), but it is not available in CTF at the moment as far as I know. I happen to be working on WebView2 integration for another toolkit, and I'll look into doing an extension for CTF as well. Can't promise anything of course, but in principle it should be possible.

    Would you mind giving me a hollar if you have it working, or heck maybe I can be a BETA tester for you?

    I'm super interested as i'm sure a ton of other fusion users are here.


    I used to embed browsers in Fusion all the time, used either the extensions or activex, but browser development has come a long way and today it just won't hold up with tons of javascript errors and what not.

    I am looking to just embed a good browser again and I looked everywhere. ActiveX objects seem to be a bit of a thing of the past it seems, and I looked to in example embed Chrome (or Chromium?) but it just won't budge.

    Are there any good ideas to just get a modern browser with all the bells and whistles in it inside one of my applications again?

    Thank you in advance and my God what have you guys done to the forum layout.

    Unfortunately I'm afraid it doesn't work with Fusion, not with the Get object and not with other objects that I found.

    This would help, if anybody wants to code a new Fusion object:
    Please login to see this link.

    Before you need to prepare everything with InternetOpen, InternetConnect, HttpOpenRequest and HttpAddRequestHeaders and read the response with InternetReadFile

    Thats unfortunate, still though thank you very much for trying to help me out. Sincerely. I appreciate it a lot.

    Since we're on the subject I think Fusion also desperately needs a browser update. It would help a lot of we could somehow just use Chromium in there. The problem is always that java script doesn't seem to execute. Ironically I found the same problem even in github Visual Basic custom browsers. They just can't handle javascript and html5. It would be completely awesome if we could include a fully functional browser in our Fusion projects.

    If there will also be an extension capable of sending and receiving requests like the one you mentioned, i'd very much like that.

    Again, thank you.

    I just posted an answer to a similar question here:
    Please login to see this link.

    Fusion only handles key/values with the Get-object. So it puts an extra "=" behind your JSON if you add it in the key. I tried a lot with the headers but it doesn't work. In the end every POST is just a piece of readable text with some line breaks and syntax in it but when it's not possible to remove predefined "mistakes" in this generated string, then you're stuck.

    You can use my debug script for testing: Please login to see this link.
    It shows all header vars and the raw post data. I also added my testing mfa-file.

    Please login to see this attachment.

    Thank you very much, although it still doesn't work. It is a local server that it tries to send the JSON too. I also had to remove the window control stuff you put in there because that made it close right away. (I'm not sure if it needed that?) I do feel you're on to something, and I feel its very very close. I attached what it said about the API when you click the API thingie at the bottom. Again I have no idea how it works, all I know is that I want to send it, and then get the bots reply. I have fiddled around with chats and such in Fusion before and it would always work.

    If you could help me figure this thing out you have no idea how much that would mean to me, it would help a lot.

    Please login to see this attachment.


    I installed this in conda:

    Please login to see this link.

    and its working fine. Now I just want to make a cool interface for in in Fusion. only problem is it is expecting some sort of JSON post method. its running a server locally just fine, but whenever I send a request to it with the text from a simple edit box with the Get object, it comes back that that method is not allowed / is wrong / different errors.
    i understand that I need to use the JSON object with this apparently, but I dont know anything about JSON, or how it works. does someone maybe have a good idea of how i can just send the edit box text to the local Gradio server the right way?

    any help would be so greatly appreciated. thank you in advance.

    There is this one website where you can report false positives i forgot which it was, many years ago there was an extension that for years always gave a positive but then i reported it and now it doesn't do that anymore.
    I just wanted to make sure, so I posted this thread. this particular positive was pretty nasty and i'm not really used to that from Zone Alarm.

    absolutely, i don't like complaining about anything haha. it rarely ever happens but in this case i'm glad i did because you guys gave me a really awesome solution. i'm messing around with it right now and its awesome. you guys made me really happy about firefly. i really hope the project will continue because it has such potential.

    nvm it turns out it does, i just updated it, tried and object and sure enough theres my FBX beautifully and gracefully walking in the scene. this is a game changer, thank you guys so much.

    its too bad those guys stopped developing it, I did buy it back in the day, is there any way some developers could continue working on it?

    to me the perfect scenario would be that you could just make your levels like it was in FPS creator right, with lights, trigger zones, start zone, end of level area to load the next one, and then be able to just call on these objects and trigger zones in the event editor. that would be very ideal. fusion is so beautiful i can pretty much do anything i like in it, to have that with realtime 3d would be awesome. but this firefly thing now is a great start, im sure i can make it work. again thank you guys so much, it started kinda negative i had to air my grievances as im sure you understand, but you guys really helped me out. this is awesome.

    have a great day!

    These are the ones i'm on?:

    05/31/2019 06:12 PM 59,875,216 fireflysetup.288.2.170310.exe
    05/31/2019 06:12 PM 59,383,280 fireflysetup.290.4.171222.beta.exe
    05/31/2019 06:12 PM 59,566,248 fireflysetup2880161219.exe
    05/31/2019 06:13 PM 57,935,680 fireflysetup_161130.exe

    I'm sorry i'm a bit of a dinosaur (I'll be 48 soon) if you could point me to wherever I can download any updates i'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance!