Posts by Hyoct

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Hello there,

    I started developing software for the Apple platforms nearly 2 months ago coming from years on Android, so I'm just getting used to everything and preparing to launch my first iOS app.

    I'm trying to get fonts to display properly in one of my apps, but nothing seems to work. I am aware that fonts must be added manually, by adding the font file on the "Resources" folder and then including it on the plist file under the font category. The font file name must exactly match the one used in the application.

    What am I missing? Please let me know, thanks in advance!

    "Play sample file" action stopped working entirely in Android runtime. You can no longer retrieve an audio filepath and play it on the application. If you attempt to play a sample file, it returns -1 in channel duration. It worked flawlessly on 295.7, now it suddenly stopped working.

    A project of mine heavily depends on this feature, please look into it.

    I was missing the AppTrackingTransparency library, that fixed my issue. Thank you :)

    Although there was literally no mention of it anywhere, neither on the older community threads dealing with similar issues or the admob help object. The latter should be updated with these libraries list so people don't go crazy like us

    Please login to see this attachment.
    This is the error log of the whole thing. Apparently the issue is on ATTrackingManager, but I am declaring NSUserTrackingUsageDescription string key on the plist file, as stated in the Please login to see this link. guide.

    I have also read that arm64 simulators can cause the linker command failed issue, so I am excluding arm64 in build settings > Excluded Architectures > Debug

    I am working on a 2020 Macbook Air M1. A lot of developers working on M1/2 chip devices had similar errors when building on Xcode, so perhaps that's worth looking into.

    Any ideas on how to fix this?

    I've been trying to setup the GoogleMobileAds SDK on Xcode for days now, with no luck.

    I did follow the Please login to see this link., Please login to see this link. and admob object guides.

    I did set up the other linker flags properly (-ObjC), and updated the plist file accordingly for the SDK, as shown in the quickstart Google guide.

    I also included all these libraries, as explained in the admob object help guide and several other related posts in clickteam community:


    And no, I didn't extract the GoogleMobileAds SDK on Windows.

    I also tried doing the entire thing with Cocoapods, but ran with the same luck.

    No matter what I do, I am always met with "Linker command failed with exit code 1" error.

    I am trying to setup GoogleMobileAds SDK version 10.11. I read somewhere that Fusion works best with 10.2, because it's the one that has promisesObjC.framework instead of FBLPromises. Should I find and use the 10.2 version?

    How do I fix this issue? What am I missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I am facing a similar issue. Whenever I import the GoogleMobileAds libraries into the project, I get 2 errors:
    - "Undefined symbols:"
    - "Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)"

    Currently following these guides (Please login to see this link. and Please login to see this link.), which are the ones Fernando provided earlier.

    I feel like it could have something to do with the "Other Linker Flags" part, so I'm attaching a screenshot showing my implementation of this.

    What could I be missing or doing wrong? Thanks in advance :)

    Please login to see this attachment.

    As you might know, Google Play is forcing developers to update their apps to target Android 13. However, when you build an app targeting Android 13 with the latest available beta (r295.5), the file selector stops working. When you target anything lower, say, Android 12, it works normally.

    I suspect this has something to do with the fact storage management systems faced substantial changes in Android 13. This is quite urgent since Google set the deadline to August 30th 2023, with the possibility to extend the deadline to October 31st, 2023.

    If this could be fixed before these dates, it would be great :)

    P.S: RGBAt and RGBCoeff functions are also showing inconsistent behavior, working in some objects and not working in others. (when they worked perfectly fine in the stable version)

    This is a great update! I've been looking forward to it for a while :)

    There's an issue related to the Android billing library, though. From August 2nd 2023 onwards, Google requires all newly released apps to use atleast the billing library version 5. It should definitely be updated since it may affect thousands of Fusion Android developers publishing in the Google Play platform.

    Alright I implemented your method and it seems to work fine now!

    There's a crucial detail though: "16.66666" as the deltatime ratio was too inaccurate (as dumb as it sounds), so there was always a speed difference between the deltatime'd object and a regular object running at the same speed. This might not be a big deal for most things, but since this is a framework for rhythm games, it meant that the charts would quickly lose sync.

    Setting the deltatime ratio to the maximum amount of decimals supported by the Fusion editor and ending with a 7 did the job for me. "16.66666666666667" works perfectly.

    Thank you for taking the time to answer my forum thread, It's really appreciated :)

    DeltaTime seems to be working fine.

    I recorded a video of it. It showcases two different runs: at 60 fps, and 20 fps.
    Please login to see this media element.
    They both run at the same speed.

    This is the code behind it:

    [ deltatime ]
    	* Always
    		Special : Set deltatime to ( ( deltaspeed / 1.0 ) / ( FrameRate / 1.0 ) ) * 60
    	* Repeat while "Right Arrow" is pressed
    		Active : Set X position to X( "Active" ) + ( 3 * Round(deltatime) )

    Again, the frameRate is always 60 fps regardless of the device's screen refresh rate. When the screen refresh rate is higher than 60 Hz, however, the chart becomes sightly faster than it is at 60 Hz. (Hz, NOT FPS. FPS IS ALWAYS 60.) Also speed is fixed, so it's always scrolling at the same speed.

    Yeah, I was actually just checking out your guide! It's really well put together. Thank you for replying.

    The FrameWork I've built for the project to run the rhythm games creations is using DeltaTime. However my problem doesn't seem to be FrameRate-related. As I mentioned, the app is running at a solid 60 fps in both 60 hz refresh rate and higher refresh rates (when Power saving is disabled). The problem is that, when the screen refresh rate is higher than 60 Hz, the charts sightly speed up hence ruining the sync.

    I'm currently working on an online platform and rhythm game creation tool for mobile.

    A while ago a colleague and I noticed that the charts scrolling speeds were sightly faster when "Power saving" was disabled in the Android devices, which when enabled, makes the device screen run at 60 Hz (hence aligning properly with the app's 60 fps). When it's disabled, the screens run at higher Hz, somehow making the app run faster. The FPS remain unchanged (the app runs at 60 fps both in 60 hz and higher), but the charts somehow get faster (becoming out of sync) despite being the same FPS.

    I did look into DeltaTime, but from what I've seen it deals with the FrameRate, which is not the issue since FrameRate stays the same. Machine-Independent speed and vSync are enabled in the runtime, but they don't seem to fix this issue.

    I was thinking of correlating every chart element speed to that of the audio position with my time formula, but I'm not sure if that's going to work, since this seems to be a runtime-hardware issue.

    Any ideas of how we can get around this? Thanks

    Hey Fusion community!

    I'm currently working on a mobile app that handles & creates complex, sequentially ordered data structures. This complexity makes it nearly impossible to fully complete the deletion process, which in the literal sense of the word is extremely easy to pull off since you can delete groups of data within the ini object. However, the challenge comes when the gap left by that group of data must be filled.

    What I normally do is to wipe out the data associated with the structure ID, and then run a foreach loop to those of higher value that systematically assigns them to the one before them in order to fill the gap. This runs marvellously in less complex data structures, I even put together Please login to see this link. showcasing those systems.

    This cannot be applied to certain data structures once they escalate on complexity (it is theorically possible, but the live process would take way too long). This issue could be easily fixed if the ini object allowed re-naming groups of data, therefore the gap could be filled right away instead of having to manually parse and go through each one's data.

    I am aware the ini++ object has extra functionalities, but it isn't available for mobile platforms. It'd be really cool if the actual ini object got a nice update.

    Thank you for the tips! Despite current Fusion not being architecturally able to support .svg, I don't see why it couldn't support .webp, since they do have a fixed height and width. .Webp has lots of advantages over jpg and png, being both significantly smaller in average, and supporting the alpha channel. This would really help reduce final build sizes in the current Fusion, so I really hope it gets added in future updates.

    Hey! It'd be really cool if Fusion started supporting the .webp image format, since it both supports image transparency and saves up way more space than PNGs, making the final build significantly smaller.

    A few weeks ago, I started a new project with an app size of 1440x2800. I was stunned when I realized the whole build scalated to nearly 50 mb, just because of graphics. And this was just an early alpha. So I believe webp compatiblity would be an outstanding extra optimization feature to add in the next updates. I hope you consider this!