Posts by ChrisB

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Okay, that's weird - I tried it myself and it does exactly what I expected.

    This is not because my suggestion works; I had left the 'Run while resizing' box unticked in the runtime options. This stops the application whenever you resize the window, or have a menu open.

    I have no suggestions for you using the stock objects, but if you don't need the application to do anything while the menu's open or you're resizing it, you might like to investigate that option.

    Perhaps I'm taking a different meaning that you intend when you say "sub-behaviours" but if I'm on the same wavelength... MMF2 already has behaviours for objects which work on a per-object-instance basis...

    All instances of the object have the same behaviour in MMF. However, Game Maker lets you attach a unique piece of code to each instance. It's definitely a nice feature to have.

    Two things:

    1) You normally detect this because Windows sends a message when the mouse enters the button. If something else covers the button (e.g. a menu) then Windows doesn't send that message. So in a C program this kind of thing is easy.

    2) If you are using something that is drawn, as opposed to a real Windows control (i.e. you are using an Active System Box instead of a Button) then you don't get the messages, because you're not a control. So to do the tooltip effect, you have to constantly check the position of the mouse, and if it's in the same area as your button then you show the tooltip... even if there's something in front of the button.

    Your problem is number 2.

    The easiest fix is to insert a Window Control object and use the 'Window has focus?' condition. When the menu is selected, the window in which the playfield is drawn does *not* have focus, so you shouldn't display a tooltip.

    Quote from Shawn

    Ok that's cool. I'll wait for an answer as I don't want to waste anybody's time and fill up a beta slot that could otherwise be used by someone else who can afford a creator's club license. Assuming I can't just test with my PC of course.

    You couldn't test on PC without a creator's club licence before, but it should have been fixed now.

    The main focus of XNA is on Xbox360 and later Windows Phone since we can already create PC applications with the (better tested) standard/HWA modes, and I don't know a reason to choose XNA over those unless e.g. it has better performance later, or you want Games for Windows Live integration. But nevertheless it's still an option, and while it's an option someone may as well test it.

    You can create an Xbox 360 project by right-clicking Sample and selecting 'Create Copy of Project for Xbox 360', but you cannot build it because the BinaryRead reference is unavailable, there's no XNA version of it.

    So I followed the Please login to see this link. and can deploy games to the Xbox, however building a project from MMF3, selecting the Xbox 360 build type and debugging (F5) runs the game on the computer rather then deploying to the Xbox.

    I'm looking for a way to change the deploy target, but no luck just yet. (Go to Project properties and the Build tab)

    I mistyped, I meant key schedule. It increases in accordance with the size of the key, so it can be used effectively with the fixed 128-bit block size.

    The security does increase with the key size, I forget the reasoning now, been a while since I looked at it. Although the effective security has decreased a few times in a short space of time, 256 will continue to be significantly more secure than 128, even if an attack could make the strength linear to the key size rather than exponential. But the security is still *very* high, again this is something for the cryptographers to care about while they design whatever supersedes AES, and certainly not for law-abiding non-paranoid civilians to care about.

    Adding extra steps to a cipher can be used effectively however, Triple DES is just DES applied three times, and is very widely used in banking. (Though DES is pitiful by today's standards) If there's a problem you will certainly hear about it.

    A few points.

    Rijndael was the codename for the cipher before it was selected for AES.

    AES 128 has not been broken. Reduced-round versions, sure, but that's only something the cryptography guys care about. Attacks on modern ciphers (such as the recent PS3 hack) are caused by implementation errors or side-channel attacks. And social engineering is far more effective than any other technique.

    The key size determines the number of rounds/round schedule. The algorithm doesn't really change, only a few constants (constants can be a big deal in cryptography e.g. S-boxes, but this is not that kind of constant).

    Hashing the key won't increase the entropy, this is not the point of a hash. You are getting the right idea, however, since a hashed passphrase is better than inserting the passphrase directly into the key and padding/truncating it. A salted and hashed passphrase is even better, preventing the use of rainbow tables.

    Your goal is to render brute-force attacks infeasible, by making key generation computationally expensive. Using SHA-1 alone, once is a poor choice; you should use PBKDF2. (Someone needs to develop an extension for that!)

    "SHA1 is only letters and numbers" is a misunderstanding, it outputs a 160-bit digest which is often expressed as 40 hexadecimal characters. If you're using it for AES 128 you need to truncate it; for the others, you need to pad it (and if the attacker knows you are only using 128 bits of a 256-bit key, her job is billions of times easier). Not that you should use its output directly, see above.


    The drawpixel function only draws a 32pixel-long line

    This is because its inner for loop increments both X and Y at the end of each loop. Additionally, you can enter an infinite loop if the height is greater than the width, but this does not happen as they're hardcoded to 32.


    and the right-click drawing case doesn't work at all

    Because you may only draw to the window during WM_PAINT.

    If you require a drawing surface you should create an offscreen DC and bitmap, and bitblt the bitmap onto the window during WM_PAINT. Here's a Please login to see this link.. You should really invest in a Win32 programming book though.

    Error occurs when Games for Windows Live signs me in (automatically under my online profile). Most people using XNA will have the membership, but this should be handled at least!