Posts by joewski

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    May I suggest basics for beginners' needs

    1. Commenting and including advanced comment object

    2. How to use program flow control to ensure events and actions happen in order

    3. Debugging some advanced tips

    4. Using subfolders to navigate code

    5. Creating functions that can be reused

    6. Making code more readable, i.e. labelling an object say static text as "ST my object name", similar to other programming langages

    Hi I've attached a clock object file where I was testing various functionality clock related objects.

    This is a list object app that refreshes every cycle, I use this method to learn about various object by watching variables.

    I came across a bug in the TimeString Object where when you "create timestring" with just a % it will crash the app.

    So I've made a edit box on the bottom left and if you input text its ok, e.g. timestamp object.

    then if you type say Y is all ok, then if you put % in front of the Y like this %Y its ok but if you try putting % first it crashes the who app.

    What is the best way to construct (template) a mobile app so that is compatible with the most mobile phones?

    For example should I use fit to screen? Or should I detect the screen in the first screen and then jump to a frame with that size?

    What screen sizes are the most popular? I mean worth writing for?

    Quote from Jax

    This works for me:

    ReplaceSRF$( "Regular Expressions object", Edittext$( "Edit Box" ), "\n", " ")

    i.e. \n

    Thanks heaps for the heads up, that gave me the boost to figure the rest of it out.

    I found \n still didn't clean things up like I wanted, I needed to add a \r and a double blank.
    I ended up doing the following.

    ReplaceSRF$( "Regular Expressions object", Edittext$( "Edit Box" ), "\r\n", " ")
    ReplaceSRF$( "Regular Expressions object", Edittext$( "Edit Box" ), "\r\n", " ")
    ReplaceSRF$( "Regular Expressions object", Edittext$( "Edit Box" ), "\r\n", " ")
    ReplaceSRF$( "Regular Expressions object", Edittext$( "Edit Box" ), " ", " ")
    ReplaceSRF$( "Regular Expressions object", Edittext$( "Edit Box" ), " ", " ")
    ReplaceSRF$( "Regular Expressions object", Edittext$( "Edit Box" ), " ", " ")

    This basically cleaned up up to four line of text into one line.

    Once again thanks for your help Jax.

    I'm using the Regular Expressions object in conjunction with the edit object.

    I am trying to write an expression to remove the newline (carriage return) from edit object.

    My object is to put all the text in one line so I can paste it to a file name. Anyway when I paste the multiline edit box into the single line edit box I get "blank box blank box" and no matter what I try to put in the search criteria to replace I can't figure it out.

    I have tried copying and pasting a newline and \r.

    Anyone got anything I could try?

    I been working in Ubuntu Feisty Fawn Wine over the past few weeks and I happy to say that the hardware acceleration runs under Wine latest stable release (I am using the latest install from WineHQ) without any noticeable bugs. This is quite a surprise considering when you click directX support in MMF2 IDE it causes the desktop to go black needing a refresh.

    Well done. Looks great.

    Hi Clickteam,

    I'm in the process of migrating over to Ubuntu, after total dissatisfaction with Microsoft Vista. Let me just say it not easy to migrate over to Ubuntu if you've been hooked on Windows for most of your life, but as I've gotten more familiar with the new OS I'm finding its Oh so much more powerful in so many ways.

    One thing I had a play with was WINE a windows emulator. Many of the apps work well. I even installed Jamagic. Sure some of the graphical stuff doesn't work but oh some does work.

    My Questions are:-

    1. Has Clickteam toyed with the idea of Multimedia Fusion being ported to Linux base?

    I know that there are a lot of incompatibilities between linux and windows but, I was kind thinking of fresh start. Just the User Interface and maybe a extension kit. I'm not suggesting for compatibility between the windows and linux platform but rather a new environment based on MMF IDE. A fork of Multimedia Fusion in the Linux direction.

    2. Any position on the suggestion?

    Nice update, very cool features.

    Quote from Yves

    Ah, correct, I've moved the UserImages.bmp file to the user's application data directory (as it can't be overwritten by MMF2 in the MMF2 directory on Vista). And I forgot to tell the patch to install it in this directory...

    To fix it, move your UserImages.bmp file to the following directory :

    Standard version : C:\Documents and Settings\INSERT_YOUR_USER_NAME_HERE\Application Data\Clickteam\MMF2

    Developer version : C:\Documents and Settings\INSERT_YOUR_USER_NAME_HERE\Application Data\Clickteam\MMF2 Developer

    That should work, sorry for this problem, I'll fix it in the next version of this build.

    Just a suggestion could we have the current version in the default mmf2 directory as before and a selection button in the dialog box to select the user application directory directory which could contain a file with empty slots or alternatively user selectable directory.

    I am thinking of the situation where a administrator (me) may want to share a computer among several users (ie my kids) and have a consistent interface between them. In other words I would like to use the "All Users/application data/" directory or alternatively leave the user data file in the mmf directory and not make it editable.

    ==Very important IMHO==
    I think the demo record is a really great idea.

    However I would like to make a suggestion make it even better and more fun to use. Put the record button on the Play bar and menu bar, like the Run Frame button. I think this is a feature, that needs to be more easily accessible. I also would like to see a playback button on the toolbar for instant playbacks. Each recording should be recorded in a separated numbered file in the playback directory. ie rec1 rec2 etc. These little features would make a designs job with playback a pleasure. Now if the designer presses playback then they get the last recording, if they right click they get a drop down list. Alternatively a drop button could be used.

    Oh and
    2. a condition, to determine when a demo file has finished playing.
    3. actions to start recording a demo and stop recording in the game.

    I know this is extra work for you clickteam, but it would be really, really cool.

    Thanks :blush:

    Hi Sphax, Nice Software, fills a need.

    Some suggestions for additional categories.

    * Clickteam only
    * Vitalized
    * Free
    * Betas
    * Private

    Also the ability to create additional categories would be nice

    Overall, its a great piece of software.

    This is an issue that has been raised before.

    If you load a picture into the picture object, then change that picture and then try to reload the same picture to update the picture object it doesn't update the screen. You need to dereference it first. You must change the filename and then load the picture and then go back to the original name. Before the screen is updated.

    This is annoyance in that it make programming convoluted. It would be easier if this operation refreshed the picture every time it was actioned within the picture object, saving programmers lots of programming lines.
    Clickteam, could we please add this feature to the picture object either making it inbuilt into the load picture actions or a simple new action that acts as a refresh. [/color]

    This feature would be handy for working with the screen capture object. It could also be used to display RTF text in a transparency for example.

    Quote from joewski

    Also it may be beneficial to detect an up key stroke as well.

    The condition is negate-able if that what you mean.

    No the up stoke is a different event to the down stoke event. Negating will not help.

    The up stoke event is needed in MMF2 to better work with drag and drop type user actions, when the user releases the mouse buttons or keys they may be holding down.