Quote from Jax
This works for me:
ReplaceSRF$( "Regular Expressions object", Edittext$( "Edit Box" ), "\n", " ")
i.e. \n
Thanks heaps for the heads up, that gave me the boost to figure the rest of it out.
I found \n still didn't clean things up like I wanted, I needed to add a \r and a double blank.
I ended up doing the following.
ReplaceSRF$( "Regular Expressions object", Edittext$( "Edit Box" ), "\r\n", " ")
ReplaceSRF$( "Regular Expressions object", Edittext$( "Edit Box" ), "\r\n", " ")
ReplaceSRF$( "Regular Expressions object", Edittext$( "Edit Box" ), "\r\n", " ")
ReplaceSRF$( "Regular Expressions object", Edittext$( "Edit Box" ), " ", " ")
ReplaceSRF$( "Regular Expressions object", Edittext$( "Edit Box" ), " ", " ")
ReplaceSRF$( "Regular Expressions object", Edittext$( "Edit Box" ), " ", " ")
This basically cleaned up up to four line of text into one line.
Once again thanks for your help Jax.