I`ve done a research about icalc. And it sounds pretty complicated. Means this is the point where i give up at this issue. And try to learn Inno Setup instead.
Thanks for all the help and feedback Nifflas. I have really learned a lot in this thread
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Open a TicketI`ve done a research about icalc. And it sounds pretty complicated. Means this is the point where i give up at this issue. And try to learn Inno Setup instead.
Thanks for all the help and feedback Nifflas. I have really learned a lot in this thread
Quotethough you can do it by running a batch file
Hm, isn`t MMF also able to run a batch file? How would such a batch file look like? And doesn´t a batch file also need the right permissions first?
Thanks Nifflas. That`s of course another option. But this separates the settings by users again though. So also no option for every case.
Yves has stated that the Pro version of Install Creator can install software global. And i guess this also includes ACL modifications. But i think i will give Inno Setup a go now first
Just that i have asked, there is no way to modify ACL from within an MMF app, is it?
Interesting indeed. And it continues to stay interesting. I did some experiments with my mobile version. And then the guest account version stopped writing to the ini. I have to run the app as admin in the guest account now so that the values are stored in the ini. Seems that i had a short hiccup that allowed me to pass ACL. Means i was wrong, and you were right. Thanks for staying persistent
At this point i really wish i could have a wall to wall conversation with one of the microsoft programmers. This whole security hassle is absolute worthless nonsense. Nothing than nagging the users and programmers to death. Microsoft really wants me to go around this security bull**** it seems. Okay then, no problem. Let`s try C:\ directly.
EDIT, nope, also here big problems. I can`t even create a folder by hand at C without permission. ACL is the biggest preventing feature ever. Okay then, hands up. I did what was possible. At least the software nevertheless works as a guest. It just cannot write to the ini.
As a sidenote, MMF should have a way to install global. At least the Pro version. That`s an essential feature.
Thanks Yves
QuoteAre you sure? You shouldn't get write access to it, only read. I've tested this in Windows 7 and it confirms what I knew. Create a text file in ProgramData, and log in as another user, load it, make some modifications and attempt to save it. I sure get a dialog saying that I don't have permission to do this.
Yeah, i get this permission warning too when i want to modify such a text file. But my software nevertheless writes to the ini. No warning. And the values are present when i am back at my other account. Writing was successfull. Modifying a textfile by hand seems to be something different than modifying a ini by a software
I wait for an answer of my user at the moment. We will see.
Shared documents is the worst choice. I hate games and software that puts their settings into this location.
Quotebut modifying the ACL permissions will be necessary
I can just repeat: it works like charm here, without the need to change or modify the ACL permissions. The only thing is that i don`t have the software in the start menu with a guest account. But i can access it by explorer.
Now it would be interesting to kow what is different to your setup when you really need to change the permissions.
Have i mentioned that i have tested it?
As told, this works here, without changing the ACL permissions. The Program Data folder is not connected with the user accounts. Stuff that is connected with user accounts has a username in the path. Means i can also as a guest or another user change the values of the ini that is in the Program Data folder. Which works just fine.
But it seems that i have my answer. Clickteam installer is not able to do such a simple operation like installing a file into the Program Data folder. Sad one. Seems that i really have to migrate
Thanks for help Nifflas
Tested now. I can access the settings from a guest account without a problem. The software itself doesn`t show in the start menu though. Which doubles my questions.
Old question: How can i install my settings into the AllUsersAppData using the MMF Installer? New question: How can i install the software to be global accessible?
Any help is appreciated
The Program Data is under UAC, but accessible from all users from what i know. And it is very common. There are lots of folders in the Program Data folder. From Avast across Mozilla and Microsoft up to Unity
I haven`t had the time to test things by creating another account yet. That`s something i wil do tomorrow.
QuoteWhat settings are these, and why must they be the same for all users?
It`s not so important in this case that they all have the same settings. It`s simple settings like window position, values to use for computation and stuff. But i have somebody with a horde of other userrs here. And he told me that for him the software works, and for others not. Which is most likely a rights problem because the values were stored in the appdata folder. And so they are only accessible by the user who installed it. Other users can start the software, but misses the settings. And then the stuff doesn`t work.
But think about a game where different users wants to use same highscore. And in this case it`s of interest so that all other users starts with the same setup.
Thanks Nifflas. That`s what i have done now. When file doesn`t exist, then create it.
I nevertheless still need a place to store my settings where all users have access too. I have a case here where it is important that ALL users have the same settings to prevent confusion. And that`s the Program Data folder. App data folder leaded to just the one who has installed the software was able to run it. Because without the settings the software didn`t work. That`s why i started to invest into the problem at all.
In my opinion an installer should be able to install in a way so that all users can access the settings of a software. Simply switching to Inno Setup may solve my problem, but not the problem of the MMF installer. And that`s part of MMF.
The funny part is, the file object knows the AllUsersAppData path. The installer not
I stumbled across this a few times now. After installing one of my apps i get the message that a Windows restart is required. How comes? And how to avoid? I don`t install anything fancy. Just the exe and usually my settings in the appdata directory.
I am using the MMF internal install maker. I want to install my settings files, a ini and a txt file, into the AllUsersAppData folder so that every user at the pc is able to use the software. And not just the current user. That`s the Program Data folder from what i know then. Unfortunately the installshield just provides the Application Data Folder. Which is the AppData folder for a single user.
So i tried to use a manual path for my settings, have chosen a custom path, and have tried it with a #All Users\Application Data# , 'Program Data# and #ProgramData# into the corresponding edit box so far. No luck. The files are not created in Program Data. Windows search finds nothing. I have of course also tried #AllUsersAppData#. And also Program FilesNo luck.
What path do i need to choose to install my ini in the AllUsersAppData so that the files gets created in the ProgramData path?
Thanks folks
I´ve reinstalled MMF now on top of the old installations at both machines. The extensions were kept that way. Only my custom layout is gone now, which will give me a pretty tough time now to set it up in the way it was. I remember heavy battles with custom icons here ... . But MMF starts again. Which solves the main problem.
I didn`t upgrade Windows (besides the automatic updates) or installed new hardware. It was and is a german Win 7 64 Bit with SP 1 on both systems. I did a defrag at my main pc before a few days. That`s the only thing that i could think of. But not at the laptop. So that`s this one out too. And besides that i simply cannot think of anything that could explain why my installation gots messed up at both pc`s. When it`s something common, like a conflict with the normal windows updates, then lots of other users would experience the same problems. And you would surely long know about it and it would be fixed. That it happened at both pc`s shows that there is something wrong though somewhere. Hm. it stays odd.
Thanks lh37,
It`s more MMF being corrupt. My registry is fine.
I haven`t touched MMF for months. I switched to Unity since a pretty while. So i cannot say what exactly is killing MMF the second time now. As told, i had this before, but the information seems to be buried in the old forum somewhere. Where i don´t have access to anymore. It says it`s a archive, but it displays nothing.
Seems that i really need to reinstall MMF. Which is a special mess because of all the extensions and my custom layout. Not a happy bunny at the moment
EDIT, nice one, even the version at my laptop is shot down that way. This is most probably a MMF bug since i haven`t changed any extensions since months there ...
Windows 7, 64 Bit, MMF2 Developer
I know i had this before. But i cannot remember the solution. MMF simply refuses to start. I can see the starting screen, it is checking for updates, and then it shuts down immediately.
What`s interesting is that my registering informations seems to be messed up. See shot.
How can i convince MMF2 to start again?
Thanks folks
I think i know where my maximum number reached comes from. I`ve also bought a new pc last year. And so i have in fact already installed the exporter at two pc`s. Even when i don`t use the old system anymore. Haven`t thought about this. So no wonder i hit the limit now
I will contact Jeff now
I wanted to install my copy of the flash exporter at my new notebook before a few moments. But it refused to install. I got a warning. Maximum numbers of copies reached. Is it really true that i am not allowed to use my bought flash exporter at my notebook and my pc? That`s not very nice
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