Posts by BrandonC

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    *face palm* Don't any of you guys know that there are quite a few issues - router based, which disallow you from connecting to yourself? You do need to set up port forwarding and a static IP address and if all else fails, use "localhost" (remove quotes) to connect to yourself but keep using the server IP for others to connect.
    Its quite common and I'm surprised no one even mentioned it.

    Additive does exactly as its name suggests. It adds color and luminance information of the object below it, to its own. This makes it ideal for things such as fire and lighting effects.

    Just be careful how much you boast the effects, because some people will claim you stole the "concept' from Heart For Alicia... cough.

    Sorry if my post seemed hostile, I'm just getting kind of irritated at the general distaste the community seems to have toward perhaps the best update to ever come to MMF2 for who knows what excuse they come up with.

    Yves did a magnificent job on Direct3D and I think that the only possible flaw is that interface/system based objects have some problems such as not having transparent boarders and not showing in full screen mode, but that is ENTIRELY understandable and acceptable.

    Wait, what? Turn Direct3D 9 off? That's horrible advice. Create your own anti-alias by using alpha channels. Anti-alias is obsolete in MMF2. Take your image into something that supports alpha channels and export into PNG, then soften the edges up, and bring the image back into MMF2 using import.

    Alpha channels are far superior than anti-alias because anti-alias is intended to soften edges on 3D polygon's, not blur the edges of 2D sprites or in this case, textures on 3D polygons.

    Alpha channels are a separate gray-scale channel which dictates the transparency of individual pixels on a scale from white (fully visible) to black (entirely transparent) and everything in-between. All you need to do is soften the boldness between the black and white on the edges around the sprite and ta-da! You've got anti-alias.
    Now obviously, good professional anti-alias takes a little more than 'blurring' the alpha channel out, but it will get the job done and doesn't need you to turn off perhaps the best thing that's ever happened to MMF2!

    Yeah but look at it this way. It's one of the very few programs out there anymore that still uses the old marquee. You never know if Microsoft is going to be releasing, even in a service pack, a patch that gets rid of it all together, simply because it's ugly on the operating system menus itself. Plan ahead and get of it now. Please? Seriously, this is annoying. :/

    I found out the issue. It's related to the patch I put on Windows that turns off the marquee selection box on icons on the desktop. It's horridly ugly and with this said, do you think it's possible that you could include an alternate box into MMF2 for this very reason? I'm sure it can't be too difficult.

    The click and drag marquee doesn't show up either, however all of this stuff works fine in programs like Paint and Photoshop. Please Yves? Love you long time? <3

    PS: The blue box around selected objects does still show up! Could be useful to know.

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    Wasn't sure if this was a known issue with Windows 7 or not, but I don't recall getting it when I was in the Release Candidate. I'm a tad late on installing a lot of stuff after I got Windows 7. I'm just installing it as I need it, and I didn't have a reason to install MMF2 up till now.

    Quote from MechaBowser

    N64Mario, the problem is that it does that to the image in the image database. That means all actives that share the same image will have the same colours replaced.

    Not if you do it at runtime in the action menu under the object itself. Not only will that not effect other actives, but it wont effect other copies either.