Posts by Decal

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!



    I have noticed a new bug in the latest version that was not present in earlier builds.

    When you copy an event or the action itself for activating/deactivating groups in one frame and then over to another frame, it will not be the same groups in the actions for that event.

    Even if the same groups exist, it will just be other groups and all of the actions must then be changed to the correct groups again.

    See mfa.

    As soon as you create an event with the condition of that selected menu option, its original action will no longer work.

    So all you have to do is go to the event editor and then create a new event with the condition:

    "Special" -> "Application Menu" -> "Has an option been selected?"
    Then select press "Click Here"

    Select "File" -> "Quit"

    Then add any action you want to that event, from now on as long as that event exist, it will no longer quit the application

    EDIT: Ah you mean the red X up to the top right.

    All you have to do is to just create an event for that as well.

    "Special" -> "Application Menu" -> "Close window has been selected?"
    Once you create an action for this event, this button will no longer close the application


    An INI object would probably not be the best for this, an array would, but it would not be pure text, so it would be hard or impossible to just copy and paste level data.

    So I think using a List object, Edit Object and String Tokenizer might be the best way.

    You store all object data in one line, separating them with a delimiter (e.g "#") then adding it to a list, then copy that list to the clipboard, and then you can paste it again and read each line to create the objects again.

    I made a short little example for you.

    All the objects/extensions are available in the HTML 5 runtime.

    Since you are running a fast loop for looping through alterable values of an object and then deleting it from a list depending if the alterable value is in the list, you should instead use a for each loop for that object instead.

    I made some changes in your file and used a for each loop instead, and it seems to work fine.

    Can't it just be done a lot simpler?

    If you create an alterable string on the edit object and name it "old"

    then create the following event:

    Compare two general values "old ("Edit Box")" is different than "Edittext$( "Edit Box" )" then
    -> Set "old" on Edit Box to "Edittext$( "Edit Box" )
    -> Set current line on List Object to: FindString( "List", Edittext$( "Edit Box" ), -1 )

    See attached example


    I'm not sure if this is a new bug or not, but if you create an active object, it is only one instance of it in the frame editor.
    Now if you go to the event editor and create a "create object" action for that active object, there are now two instances of it, one visible and one invisible.

    You can right click and select "Select all instances of this object" and there will be two, the original visible one, and one invisible one. You can see the outline of it if you move the visible one while both are selected. But you can never select it or delete it. Even after you delete the event where you create the object, the invisible instance will always be there.

    Thank you very much.

    This will definitely speed up my work a lot.
    I couldn't figure out how to add keyboard shortcuts to "backward one" and "forward one" since I went to the Keyboard shortcut menu where you can't edit anything. So I just added those buttons in the toolbar and have been clicking my mouse a bunch of times, which gets annoying in the end.

    This keyboard shortcut will definitely speed this up since you can hold it down until you get close to where you want to be and just tap the last few.

    So thank you for this tip and video guide.

    Still, it would be nice to just set the order in the properties if this is something that can be added in the future.


    I would like to ask for a feature that hopefully can be implemented in upcoming patches to Fusion 2.5.
    I don't know if it will be easy to implement or be a lot of work.

    I would like to have the order within a layer to show up in the properties window, probably best fit under the Size/Position tab, where you will be able to set the order of a object to a set number.

    Lets say I have 100 objects under layer 1, I create a new object that will have the order 1:101, but I want it to be 52 for instance. I would have to press "Backwards one" a lot of times to get to 52.
    It would be nice to just write in that number and put it in that order right away.

    I made a screenshot example of what I was thinking.


    How on earth have I never noticed this property before.
    I have gone through all of the properties tabs a million times for pretty much all the objects for many many years, and I never knew about this.
    I rarely use fade in/out transitions at all, so I have probably just glanced over it, but this fixed everything.

    Thanks defisym!
    Not only did it fix the list, but I can also use string tokenizer as well because it also has this property.
    It was never really a bug to begin with, it was just me not knowing about this property.

    Thank you very much

    Seems like there are more problems with the fade in and start of frame actions.

    When using a list object, you can not set any variable etc, from a line in a list at the start of frame if there is a fade in transition.
    This also have to be done after the fade in (run only once) just like string tokenizer and string parser 2

    I hope Clickteam can fix this issue.

    Thank you very much for your help.

    I have tested your extension defisym, and it works perfectly. It does work at start of frame before the fade in starts and it does not crash the application. String tokenizer and string parser 2 must do something differently that causes the application to crash if it is used before a frame fade in.

    I really like your idea Volnaiskra to use find string as a way to parse text. Since I am only parsing simple text with 2 elements, I think I will go with your idea instead, then have a extensionless design for this.

    Thank you so much for your help.
    I'm not sure if the bug with string tokenizer and string parser 2 is on Clickteams side or the extension developer design, but using Find String or defisym extension StringSplitter it will work fine.

    I would definitely use the StringSplitter for more advanced parsing, but for simple 2 elements parsing, I'll go for Volnaiskra Find String idea.

    Thank you all :)


    I seem to encountered a bug with the latest build of Fusion 2.5+

    When you have a fade in on your frame and then have an event with the start of frame condition that will split a string and then set a string to those elements and then sets other strings to one or more of the elements, then the application crashes.

    You can replace the "start of frame" condition with "run only once" but then it will happen after the fade transition is complete.

    I have tried both the String Tokenizer and String Parser 2 and the same thing happens with both of them.

    I would really like to use the String tokenizer on start of frame before the fade in transition starts.

    Thank you conceptgame

    I tried your example, and it worked without any problems.
    I suspected maybe having the file inside my user folder (I had it inside a folder on my desktop) which may have caused the problem.
    So I moved it to C:\ and then it all worked fine without any problems

    I then tried your example and changed "C:\dummy.exe" to "C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\Test\dummy.exe" and suddenly I am having the same problem again. It seems like having the file to be embedded being located inside your user folder is the problem.

    I'm gonna have the file to be embedded in the root of my C drive instead.

    Thank you for your help


    I have some problems extracting embedded binary data.

    I select this exe file in the data elements dialog


    I then extract "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Folder\Test.exe" and then set the string to BinFileTempName$("C:\Users\User\Desktop\Folder\Test.exe")

    Then I build the application inside "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Folder\"
    Let call this app main.exe

    Now I launch main.exe inside the folder "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Folder\"

    The test.exe successfully extracts inside appdata/local/temp with a tmp filename.

    I then copy/move the main.exe file to anywhere else other than "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Folder\" and then it no longer works.
    The Test.exe won't get extracted and BinFileTempName$("C:\Users\User\Desktop\Folder\Test.exe") only outputs "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Folder\Test.exe"

    What I am doing wrong?
    The main.exe will only extract Test.exe if it is in the same folder where Test.exe was when I built main.exe
    Even if I delete Test.exe from the folder "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Folder\", it will still extract it when I launch main.exe as long as main.exe is in the same folder where Test.exe was.