I'd like to report an issue affecting window scaling on nVIDIA cards.
If you have "resize display to fill window size" enabled and use the Window Control Object to scale the game's window by 2x, 3x etc., the resulting picture won't be pixel perfect. It seems that the inner window (rhHEditWin) is being filled or resized incorrectly. When it happens, it also affects stuff like Ultimate Fullscreen etc. To work around this, I've been adjusting the game's inner window manually using code in an extension like this (param1 is integer scale value).
HWND subwindow = rhPtr->rhHEditWin;
scaledX = MV->mvRunHdr->rhFrame->m_leEditWinWidth * param1 - (param1 - 1);
scaledY = MV->mvRunHdr->rhFrame->m_leEditWinHeight * param1 - (param1 - 1);
SetWindowPos(subwindow, HWND_TOP, finalPosX, finalPosY, scaledX, scaledY, SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_NOZORDER);
This chops off pixels on the bottom and on the right but the picture becomes pixel perfect.
The issue does not happen in DirectX 11 mode or on GPUs other than nVIDIA (as far as I can tell). Because of this, I had to add a toggle in my game and implement a test to tell whether the player needs the fix or not (if the fix is applied when it's not needed, it introduces the same issue it's meant to fix).
Additional info, including an example MFA and a workaround, is available here: Please login to see this link.