Posts by Sam_Dillard

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Hi y'all, long time Click dev here, just wanted to post about my new album on Kickstarter, Eternity Rising:
    Please login to see this link.

    Been a long time coming after doing music for other people's games for the past 10+ years, and hopefully this will get the ball rolling as I get back into developing games myself again.

    If you can, please check it out, I'm not too terribly experienced with self-promotion so if you guys could help spread the word that would be awesome and you have my undying thanks!


    Okie doke, I didn't know if it was related to the display or not, I also tried using stars and even simple 4-sided polygons and it still slows down, so I guess the number of vertices drawn doesn't seem to matter. Thanks for taking a look though :)

    Sure thing, I mean overall it is fast in other tests, but in this case it really grinds to a halt. On my machine, which is fairly decent- Core 2 Quad/Win7/Good GFX Card, I get to only about 12 objects before the framerate starts to fall apart dramatically

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    Great extension, even better than Overlay, which is saying something. I noticed something though...

    Just in a test, I was drawing ellipses at active objects (to simulate a simple vision radius) and at only 12-15 objects it began to slow down tremendously. The size of the circle also seems to make a difference too, the bigger the circle, the worse the slowdown.

    I recall being able to do this with Overlay and it didn't slow down nearly as quickly. Am I doing something wrong, or is the Surface extension just not as optimized for drawing maybe?

    Maximizing the window is the same as windowed mode for D3D9- fps fluctuates between 50-60fps (with vsync). D3D8 remains consistent 60fps the whole time. I am using Windows 7 64bit, if that makes any difference. It seems that when using my old Vista computer, this problem never happened. So I don't know if it is due to the OS, or perhaps the latest version of hwa...?

    Okay so... In windowed mode, Direct3D 8 + vsync = 60fps (the correct framerate in this case). Direct3D 9 + vsync drops to 50fps... however in fullscreen mode goes up to 60fps...

    Am I missing something here? Yes all drivers are current and etc. I don't understand why D3D8 has constant framerate but D3D9 has problems in windowed mode but none in fullscreen... Strange.

    Hmm... I think there is a bug. When you have an "object A not overlapping object B" condition, and object B does not exist, then the condition is false.

    I assume this has something to do with the 'negate' property, since I guess it checks for the object to exist, then applies the negate.

    Simple test:

    <Conditon> Active Object A (NOT/NEGATED) overlapping Active Object B

    <Action> set Active Object A to x/ymouse

    if active object B is destroyed/not present, then the condition fails... even though it should be true. Not sure if this is a hwa-exclusive bug or not