Set up windows 10 again on my computer and reinstalled Clickteam Fusion 2.5. Now The Extension mananger works! Thanks for the help.
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Set up windows 10 again on my computer and reinstalled Clickteam Fusion 2.5. Now The Extension mananger works! Thanks for the help.
I decided to reset my PC and now I want to reinstall. I know this is silly but what file do I look for. I took backup.
I changed the Firewall settings and allowed private also. Nothing changed. I am going to London for a week so I will not do anything for a while. After twelve days I com back. Then I will uninstall all then do full reinstall. I will then take another mmf2u.exe /D "C:\Bio\skra.txt" and send to you if thats is ok.
Thanks for your help
I have updated it quite often. The last time I updated by downloading the Beta. Usually I only update when I am told by Fusion that an update is on offer
Hi I do not know. I will change that and try it out.
After I installed Fusion 2.5 I tried to install the free version could that have changed anything.
Now after nearly two years I am no nearer to a solution. I am running Clickteam Fusion Developer - Version 2.5 (Build R 292.2 Unicode) - its running on a Lenovo Laptop running Windows 10 Home and plenty of diskspace.
I can select the Extension mananger but its empty. If I press refresh nothing happens its still empty. Im connecting to the net ok because if I choose Help then upgrade or Clickteam Web Site I connect ok. If I press the button on the Extension Mananger "Find more ....." I am sent to the "Please login to see this link." . Its annoying because I want to install new extensions. I have looked at my Firewall and also disabled AVG but to no avail its still its empty.
In my Firewall settins Clickteam is ther Allow apps to comunicate through Firewall settingsPlease login to see this attachment.
I have reinstalled Clickteam three times and nothing changes. Is there a way to add Extensions like in the old days. I really need the Platform Movement object and all Android extensions. Next step for me is to ask my son a Software Engineer to try to help me. I even took my computer to work and connected it ther but to no avail. I saw on YouTube a way like in the old days to copy the files direct int o the Clickteam folders. But I need the Platform Movement
Fusion saves backups into the same folder as the MFA, using the .001 extension. If you find a .001 file, rename it to MFA and try and open it.
As for objects not showing up, that could be because your game hit the RAM ceiling. If you manage to get the MFA back, check the debugger to see whether you're over about 1.5GB.
Thanks for your help
Yesterday clickteam or my app started to behave strangely. could not insert new objects or I could but they did not show up. Then my panel (high score and lives) went at runtime.
I have saved regularly but now when I cosed Clickteam and started it again - all is gone. I tried to search *.mfa to no avail on m harddrive. I have not changed the saving options in the old days Multimedia Fusion made backups is that still the same. If so under which file ending should I search.
Thanks is it on the do list?
Ahhh! I see now! I was searching for this substract effect! Well from what i know, substract doesn't work on Android. It's Why i use this PNG method.
I am going to use your idea. It seems to solve my problem. Thanks for that.
I have two layers. The layer two has Effect set as subtract. Active object Light player gives the light.
Have you tried it as a apk file. Could you post a small example and I could try to export it as an apk
Hope Fernando can look at this - this is a simple no/yes
Here is a sample file. The graphics are from The Game Makers Apprentice they are not mine. Nice to get this going on Android. If not can anything similar been done.
I am trying to add som light events to a game I am making. I found this on the forum - I am not claiming it to be mine. I am sorry but I do not know about the author. This should give me light around the player but hide other things. It works perfectly on my PC but not on Android. Is this not something I can do.
The easy way is to disable the firewall and Virus Scanner, and see if it works. if it does, then you need to make changes to them
I have twice reinstalled Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Developer version. My system is:
Lenovo idepad 100 4GB Ram Windows 10 Home - My Clickteam Fusion Dveloper is Version 2.5 Build R291.6
Its annoying to bee unable to use the Extension manager.
Thanks for your help. I did not know about the red color thanks for that. I know its not commented thats my fault. I´m having this post deleted.
Thanks anyway.
Here is my mfa file see my post
Some explaination:
Global value A = 0 then the first box is empty - I then change the value to 1. Global value B is 0 then and Global value A is 1 then I put a letter in the second box and so on. My mfa was too big I did not upload so the last sentence in my riginal post is invalid. Somehow I can not edit that.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)