Yves - has this issue been resolved at all? Or has anyone else discovered a work around? Need to be able to send text to clipboard in an HTML5 export.
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Open a TicketYves - has this issue been resolved at all? Or has anyone else discovered a work around? Need to be able to send text to clipboard in an HTML5 export.
Excellent camera system man! Very nice work indeed.
Not to necro an old post but I received a PM asking for an example file with my findings for this so I whipped one up quick and wanted to post it here as well.
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Lets try this one...
Ahh crap. Sorry! I'll reupload when i get home. My bad for not checking.
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Here is an example made by Nifflas some time ago. It's quite a bit more complex, but offers pretty much exactly what you are trying to do. Hopefully this helps.
I'd also be very upfront about your game doing this. Some people are REALLLLLY anal about that sort of thing, and programs adding files where they shouldn't be. Just my 2 cents.
This is awesome news! Too bad FNAF creeps me the F out too much to actually play it. I have a thing against terrifying animatronics. But awesome news nonetheless!
I was going to make a fancy post but Ryan pretty much summed up exactly what I was going to say. If you are trying to sell something, it doesn't matter how much YOU like it unless you are your only customer. I spent like 14 years making my game knowing quite well that it was aimed at a niche market, and the results I got back reflect that perfectly. To be honest it probably would have done much better had I left the 'niche bits' out, but that's not the game I set out to make 14 years ago.
So you really need to decide: Are you making software for YOU, or are you starting a business that is aiming to make money?
::sulks in a corner::
I've been a longtime user of CT's products, currently using F2.5 - I can say after trying out some other softwares like construct, game maker and stencyl -MMF2/F2.5 still excels at 2d games.
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Both of those games were made with Fusion - so there is definitely some proven power in the engine. I know there has been some argument as to which software is the easiest to learn, but easy doesn't always mean better. There is a huge helpful community here should you run into anything you get stuck on, not to mention a huge repository of help and tutorial files.
I know there are some pretty bad tensions between the Clickteam/Scirra groups of people, but try not to let the trolls get in the way of your decision.
There are many ways to go about it, what type of movement are you looking for?
Google Drive works awesomely as well. I prefer it to dropbox.
Congrats man!
Its not even making the graphics for the enemies, its just programming AI which most of it could probably be tweaked and reused once you made a solid base. Hell I'd say 6k was too much. I was gonna offer to do it for like 2-3k but he found someone already.
Looki got it all sorted out! His shader will work perfectly!
After I get more comfortable with it, I'll try to upload an example file to show how the color replacer shader works.
Hey everyone,
After scouring the forums for a solution to mass color replacing, I've hit a wall as none of the solutions are viable for me. I have a completely randomly generated equipment system in my new game, and it requires to be able to assign at minimum 5 different colors, max 15 colors per object. Now, each object consists of hundreds of frames of animation so manually coloring these is not an option.
The replace RGB function works just fine, once. Even if the object is destroyed, a new one will contain the same color scheme as the previous. Saving these values to pull from later to manually reset the colors back to 'stock' is technically a solution, but its a messy one and I don't trust it very much - as I would need to house 15 different color values, for six slots of equipment, times who knows how many equipment styles.
I cannot get Looki's color replacement shader to work. This seems like its a step in the right direction, but maybe I'm just using it wrong. But even so, it looks like his only supports nine different 'shades' of color, I'd prefer to have at least sixteen.
The closest result of what I'm looking for I can think of would be Megaman, but with an insanely increased complexity of color combinations.
If I can't get this to work I'm afraid I may have to scrap a very large 'selling point' of my project.
Thanks in advance!
When I ran my Kickstarter, it was mostly to cover external media needs for the game (sound effects), some video conversion software, server/website costs, and backer reward costs. After we got everything we needed, we used the extra for some other hardware/software purchases related to making the game and then the rest we ended up putting back into other kickstarter projects or donated to people in the community. The MMF2 game Freedom Planet, thatguyoverthere123 on youtube for his amazing MMF tuts, and a few others
Since I enjoy making games as a hobby, I didn't really feel it fit to make a goal that included the time put into it (which is also why I didn't feel bad that it still took me like 2 years after the Kickstarter to get the game out). I just did a good job of keeping my backers in the loop as I progressed so they knew it wasn't a dead project.
Looks great!!
What Zentaco said, use the Platform Movement Object - there is a command to force a jump, and another to force holding the jump button down.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)