test: Please login to see this link.
Not an issue for me but then again I am an moderator..
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Not an issue for me but then again I am an moderator..
Hydra: This seems more like a general runtime bug than a lacewing bug
EdibleWare: I don't know, I don't have mmf2 and no one has reported disconnects with it before?
LB, you can use the Donation link on the MFA Repo (Please login to see this link.). I will update the main post as I completely forgot
New build which fixes a lot of stuff I will see if I can get all this code posted to Jamies git repo sometime!
Download: Please login to see this link.
Includes CF2.5 and MMF2 version. To install unzip in your CF2.5/MMF2 folder.
Build #5:
#Bug fixes:
- I found a version which Mathias had updated which fixes binary messages.
Build #4:
#Bug fixes:
- Expression ChannelListing_Name$ now works
- ChannelListing_PeerCount now works
#Know issues
- No UDP support, will never be resolved.
- Get Host IP is not implanted, I might take a look at that.
- Hydra has a bug, waiting on a bug report / away to replicate.
Donations are welcomed and too donate you can go to the MFA Repo (Please login to see this link.). Donation link at the bottom of the page.
You are not allowing connections to port 6002 only 6001 and 583, add a line for 6002
EdibleWare: posted an answer in the topic you posted. This version might/might not be compatible with MMF2.
New version guys: Please login to see this link. Grab it while it is hot!
Try this version: Please login to see this link. incase you are using an old version.
My server is up and running, I will leave it running for a few days while working on the flash version of lacewing, villy.net:6121
I made a simple test server using the lacewing server extension: Please login to see this link.
It runs on port 6001.
I got a hold of Dizzydoo, so I will check and make sure this is the version I updated has his fixes, one of the issues that his version fixes sounds like your issue, Hydra..
I will take a look at it tomorrow
Softwarewolf also got it to work, we just had to solve some setup issues, mainly that the public servers that was running was not running the flash policy server.
He has not reported any new bugs, hopefully it will stay that way
I made a simple test server using the lacewing server extension: Please login to see this link.
It runs on port 6001, and works fine with your example for me.
Also started the old good aquadasoft/ledev/villy server up and I can connect fine to it, villy.net:6121 if anyone wants to test, I will leave it running for a few days.
This might not be the Dizzydoe version with bug fixes, does someone have it handy and I can compare?
I went a head and tested it a bit, works fine, connect and set name
p.s. if you guys like this, feel free to throw money at me, even thought it wasn't a big job
Sarcasm aside, I am using the version that the F2.5 updater gives me, 284.10.
What do you mean with that it does not recognize the "connect" action? Do you have an example mfa I can use for testing?
(I have not tested the actions/conditions/expressions, I only fixed the first issue, of it not showing up)
Please login to see this link.
Fixed version, remove Lacewing.dat from the flash folder and put this in there instead.
The issue was that F2.5 flash defaults to unicode when reading strings.
I would suggest checking this object out: Please login to see this link. there is also a guide on how to use it here: Please login to see this link.
Hope this helps Perhaps you can save the money or use them to get an example of something else?
It is a float in Fusion and a int in MMF2.
I suppose it could also be that it is changed to radians, but that is a wild guess.
I have added a simple search to the page now, it only searches the filenames.
Check it out: Please login to see this link.
Try searching for: sin or tower or shooting, there are some cool stuff in there!
By popular demand a whole lot of mfa files: Please login to see this link. (301,4 MB compressed, about 700 MB uncompressed)
The start of the filename is a unix timestamp, you can use Please login to see this link. to convert it to a human readable form.
Fun fact the first file was uploaded 5/30/2009, 10:26:28 PM GMT+2:00 DST.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)