The Select Object Extension doesn't select objects based on Alterable Values exceeding 26 (Alterable Value AA, AB, AC, and so on). Is there any way to fix this?
Thanks you.
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Open a TicketThe Select Object Extension doesn't select objects based on Alterable Values exceeding 26 (Alterable Value AA, AB, AC, and so on). Is there any way to fix this?
Thanks you.
Tried clicking some of these examples to see how the code looks (with assigning a FastLoop with a fixed ID capture inside of a ForEach loop), but it won't let me download it. Just says "attachment.php" and doesn't go anywhere from there.
Is there a fast way to import images to all 32 directions at once on a specific animation in an Active Object? (Stopped, Walking, etc.)
Even to date, I've had to copy and paste a ton, and now it's bothering my wrist.
A bit late, as I've been busy lately, but I finally got around to watching that tutorial and implementing it. It works great, thank you! Now at the moment, it's not working for multiple enemies simultaneously, but I'll figure that out later. Or I'll make them not able to pass across sloped surfaces, maybe.
Now I'm looking for moving platforms and elevators and the like. If you know where I could find examples of those, I'd greatly appreciate it. :3
EDIT: To clarify, I got it working fine for a player, but I think it's because there's only one instance of the player for the fast loops to worry about.
So I went with your advice. We'll see how things perform later on when there's lots more objects to deal with. I managed to make a player and enemy movement nearly identically (and pretty quickly too considering my experience these days!), and it's pretty much loops within loops to have it work. Thank you.
I'll need to look around a bit more though, for a way to add in platform code that you can pass through from below, and things like moving elevators/platforms and slopes to act right.
Was going to attempt to make a custom platform movement for another game concept I was thinking of, but without using extensions since in my experience, they tend to crash.
I came up with something that moved the player one pixel at a time, though via Fastloops, so that if it collided with a wall, it'd be pressed up against it instead of being several pixels off. (As in, if it's moving at a speed of 5 pixels per frame, and it collides with a wall, the Fastloop will have it stop against the wall instead of 4 pixels away).
Now I'm also wanting to do that for enemies eventually, but I got to thinking. Would that kill performance if I put a bunch of enemies' movements in a bunch of Fastloops while also within For Each loops as well? Or is there an easier, extension-less example out there that'd have that kind of pixel precision?
Is it possible to have Direct X9 font while running Direct X11? I've noticed pretty much every font selected appears different in runtime than it does in the editor (while DX9 and below looks exactly as it appears), however the memory management in DX11 is superior to DX9. So I can't really switch back. :o
Where do you upload your zips to?
Okay. So I looked at my Data Elements, Mr. Yves. This is what I'm using in the application:
Advanced Direction Object (AdvDir.mfx)
Button (KcButton.mfx)
Edit Box (kcedit.mfx)
Layer object (Layer.mfx)
Select Object Extension (Select.mfx)
And these Effect files:
Looki Background Lens.fx
Also, the .mfa is 794 mb. Not sure how to send something like that. o.o
Are you using the INI++1.5 object? We are fixing it, it will be available shortly in the extension manager.
Otherwise you can find the previous builds in the Product Owner's Lounge section of this forum.
I'm not, no. Is there a way to list what all extensions you're using in an .mfa file? I'm thinking maybe some of them need to be updated. Either too many sound channels are playing simultaneously, or it has something to do with the effect filter I have on some active objects which cause a blur effect. I can reproduce the crash, but the cause seems inconsistent. Like something is overloading.
What was the previous version again? I need to go back to that one since I have crashes now that I can't isolate at the moment since one of my game projects is too big.
Purchase confirmed.
When I see an Isometric or Orthographic camera example, you will then immediately have my money. :p
Please tell me it's in the works! It'd motivate me to finish up a game of mine I've put on pause because of level design and layering glitches that would otherwise have me rebuild everything from scratch (if I could ever figure it out). Very demotivating.
Just for an example, in a top-down view, say you had a martial artist or a boxer as an object, and then an enemy object, or a thug or something, draws near. Say if the thug was closer to the left side of the boxer than the right side, and you want to make a boxer throw out a punch with the hand that's closer to the boxer (the left side), how would you code that?
Sleepy at the moment so I hope this post makes sense.
I think that was probably much easier shown than explained. Haha. Apparently there's a ton of expressions and events I have no idea even exist, but that's exactly what I was looking for. Literally just one conditioned line (in addition to A.S. >= "orange").
Thanks again!
Examples are always nice. :p
And I actually would only need something that says "altstring1 contains 'orange'" in it, if of course there's an event for that.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)