It's a general problem with MMF, not specific to this extension. It can happen with any extension that uses image or sound filters.
Posts by Werbad
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
Good to hear. Remember to report any other issues you have, and do please try out as much as you can. When I test the stuff I implement I usually do things the right way, but the users might misunderstand something do things incorrectly. These cases must be checked so that they at the very least don't crash the application.
Note that an Assertion failure does not count as a crash but is rather a hint from the Box2D library that you're doing something wrong. Assertion failures do not show up in compiled applications.
I think it's time to update MMF. Still running 250 I think.
Updated to 251 and it still runs fine, not sure what might be causing the crash.
I will investigate.Edit 2:
Found something that might have been the cause, uploaded a quick fix: Please login to see this link. -
As some of you are probably aware of I'm currently working on a new version of my Box2D extension. I've finished up the basic features and is now ready to have my first public Beta. Note that this version is not backwards compatible with the old one, but most features will be present so a manual update should be possible in most cases.
Some things have changed though as the main reason I made a new version rather than updating the old version, was that the old version used a heavily customized version of the Box2D library which made it practically impossible to upgrade. This time the library is mostly untouched so updating should not be a problem in the future.
So what's new? Well, first off Controllers and the String Interface is not yet implemented. Controllers are not part of the Box2D library by default so they have to be added manually, which I will attempt later when everything else is working. The string interface simply require a lot of work and is a non-vital part of the extension, so it's been put on hold.
Here's a list of things that've changed:
- Shapes now have their own unique ID's making it easier to track a single shape. The old method of refering via the body is still available though.
- Objects can now be directly attached to single shapes for use with the object interface.
- The menu have gotten an overhaul, I'm experimenting with a dialog box to chose the reference type (by Body ID/Object) amongst other things.
- Most Limits have been removed, there are no longer any limits in the Box2D library so it felt stupid to include them.
- Definitions have been changed to use a system similar to bodies/shapes/joints. Makes them a bit easier to use.
- Collision handling has been improved and thanks to the ObjectSelection API posted somewhere on these forums, it's now comparable to MMF's collision system in terms of functionality.
- Lots of minor changes and other stuff I can't remember at the time of writing this list.
Please login to see this link.A manual is currently being worked on and there are plans to create tutorials for it as well. These will be released once they're done.
Remember to report any bugs or feedback. I haven't tested this as much as I'd like to so there's probably quite a lot of bugs in it.
Depends if you want the collision on the inside or outside.
A comma separated list of coordinates, in clockwise order as edges are onesided.
So: "x1,y1,x2,y2,..." -
You could create a static body that's always positioned at the player and that doesn't collide with anything else than the object. The object should then treat the "player" as a static object and be unable to push him.
Not for the currently released version, I'm working on a new better version of the extension that will include a manual and some tutorials. It's mostly done and will soon have a public beta, the manual might take a while longer though.
The newest version of the library has fixed most of the problems I had that required me to customize the library. At the moment I haven't changed anything in the Box2D source, and there does not seem to be a need to do so in order to finish the extension. This will make porting and updating it a lot easier.
The only cause I can think of is that you might be removing the world body if the destruction zone touches one of the boundary line segments. The easiest way for me to find the cause would be if you could upload an application showing the problem for me to look at.
Hard to tell without seeing your code. Are you perhaps removing the ground body? Do you have any event controlling what bodies are destroyed or are you removing any body that happens to be within the zone? It could also be an object picking issue if you are using the object interface.
The collision would be from the outside of that chain, make it the other way if you want the collision to be on the inside.
Did you make the chain in the right order? Chains have to be made clockwise since they are one-sided, if you do it the wrong way things will get sucked into them.
Quote from Shin
So, other than splitting a 90 degree curve in 10 ( or any number of parts that be divided into 90), there's no other way to have a complete custom collision?
For a dynamic object this is the only way to make an inverse curve in Box2D, for static objects you can use an edge chain.Quote from EthanAlso, what's the point of the polygon shape creation, if you can only use basic shapes put together to make polygons...
The point of polygon shape creation is to create polygon shapes, I'm not sure what you mean with this statement really. -
You guys are clearly misunderstanding what a convex shape is. The shape Ethan tried to create in the first post and the first shape on Please login to see this link. image are examples of concave shapes.
Box2D can only work with convex shapes, so if you need to create a body with a non-convex shape you need to split it into multiple convex shapes. Or, if it's a static body, you can use edge chains to make it. Edge chains should not be used for dynamic bodies as they don't have collision with other edge chains.
"0,-25,22,-3,13,-3,13,24,-14,24,-14,-3,-23,-3,-1,-25" can be split into 2 polygons:
"0,-25,22,-3,-23,-3" and "13,-3,13,24,-14,24,-14,-3" -
If 'Automatic' is checked under filter settings the filter might not get included even if it is checked.
The extension has been updated. I have fixed some rare crashes and some bugs with some less commonly used actions. I guess my testing must've been light for some of them.
Please login to see this link.
Looki has decided to give it a shot, I'd do it myself but unfortunately the Box2D version used in the extension is heavily customized and since I've never worked with Flash, I'm not sure how much work would be needed to make the Flash version of the engine compatible with it.
If you do the Gravity Controller approach, remember to add all bodies you want to be affected to it.
You can make a sensor that covers the radius, and for every body touching the sensor, apply a force based on the angle between the bodies. Or I guess you could use a gravity controller with a relatively heavy body attached to the world with a revolute joint.