I use a lot variables with qualifiers. Considering this, variables need to be sync with all objects with the same qualifier because with qualifiers, variable ID are vitals. To be able to sort variable is nice aditions when you don't matter of variable's ID. But when your are using qualifier you alway need to use a variable with a specific ID on each objects. For qualifier use, variable management still stay a painfull task to be sure all objects with qualifier have same variables and also to be sure 2 qualifiers applieds to a same object won't have variable ID conflicts and could work together.
Here is a list of some features that could be really really helpfull for variable management when you're using qualifier. All improvements I suggest will need some studies to work and I know they are not all easy to do. But I'm almost sure that users could really enjoy them working more efficiently with qualifiers and variables. So I hope that some of theses points could be reality in next big Fusion update.
PS : When I talk about variable, it's include alterable values, alterable string and flags.
==Give tools to use variable by names==
- Add a checkbox in expression window (when you have variable dropdown) allowing to use variable name instead of ID.
- Add expression to get variable content by name.
==Help variables managements==
- When you double click on variable name in properties editor, add ID field in adition of the name.
- Add a windows with a list of all qualifier and a list of variables that allow to overide some variables names and ID for each qualifiers
- Add a button in properties manager to edit variables of object "as json", that will allow to fix ID issues quickly and will help with bulk modification or copy/paste operations.
==Operation helper==
- Quick way to replace variable ID by another in whole event for a specific object or qualifier, could also include some feature likes add +1 to all variables ID greater than X. I'm perfectly aware about the fact that will not change "evaluated" variable ID (when you use expression) but it will spare me to pass hours to change ID variables in my events when I'm working with qualifier and I need to make important change to my values.
==Misc fixe==
- Allow more than 32 flags (removing strange modulo design on flags ID, you could add compatibility checkbox in app settings)
I anybody think these ideas could be nice, let know it !