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I have a project that needs an object similar to the "Get Object/Live Receiver" to connect to a database on a server via PHP/sql. I want to know if this is possible on iOS (or Android) exporter and if so, how? I tried to search for a get object for iOS but I didn't find anything posted about it on the forum.
I agree. You have done as much as possible to fix the issue. It would be better to move on and spend time on something else, and probably attempt to fix it later whenever there's spare time.
The work-around i mentioned above to get the transparency working isn't actually working if we place any object behind the edit box. Actually, what's happening is the edit-box is taking the background frame color. So for checking purposes, my frame color was black, and the editbox was also taking black as its background color (using the workaround technique mentioned earlier). I discovered this when I placed an active system box object behind the edit box. The edit-box was supposed to be transparent, but it was all black (the background color of the frame). I confirmed this by changing the background color of the frame, and the edit box was taking the same color in the transparent mode.
Edit: I don't think the issue is related to using Vista Aero. I had selected 'Disable Desktop composition' on the executable and ran the program, and I still see the same fault even under the Vista Basic.
The background color doesn't show up only if Multi-line or transparent box is checked. If both these options are unchecked, then the background color shows up perfectly and the above mentioned text display problem (after deleting the contents of the edit box) also doesn't occur. So its probably all related to the multi-line and the transparent options.
I have checked again. (BTW I am using Windows Vista w/ Aero). You can reproduce the fault this way: 1. Create the edit box 2. Check the multi-line option 3. Check the transparent option Now you will notice that the transparency doesn't work. Background color bug: Un-check the transparent option (but let multi-line be enabled). You may notice that the selected background color (other than the default white color) doesn't show up.
I have discovered a way to make the transparency work: Check the multi-line option, and then check the transparent option. Now uncheck the multi-line option. Now the transparency works. However, there is another major glitch in using the transparent or multi-line options:
Bug: When you type something in the editbox and then delete it by pressing delete, or backspace, or by selecting the text by mouse and then deleting it, the editbox doesn't get refreshed. It still shows the previously typed text. This happens only when Multi-line option or transparent option is selected. It works fine when both these options are unchecked.
Hi, The editbox transparent setting (for multi-line) doesn't work in HWA version's Direct3d mode(currently using the latest build for both HWA and non-HWA). I can only see a non-transparent editbox in HWA mode. In contrast, the editbox transparency feature works fine both in the non-HWA version and in HWA's Standard,DirectX modes. Is this a bug, or is it feature that won't work in Direct3D version?
Even the editbox's background color doesn't have any effect at all. No matter what color I choose, it still shows as white color in the Direct3D mode. In contrast, the combo-box and listbox's background color feature works in Direct3D mode. It correctly shows the color I select for its background.
Is there anything that can be done so that the editbox can have the transparency feature even in Direct3D mode?
Quality difference: The two engines do not render the same way, and there is a frame rate drop in using C# (specifically, the Irrlicht NETCP wrapper) especially when using shader examples. For example, just compare the output of a program compiled in C# and to the one in C++ for tutorial 8, 10 and 11. In the tutorial 10, I found the fire to be less intensive than the one in C++, and the frame rate was 50% less compared to the C++ program. In shader example, the original C++ example shows a blue cube, but when I use the C# NetCP wrapper engine, I get a yellow cube. Similar performance and quality differences in Tutorial#11 as well. This is quite strange though because I would expect both to function exactly the same way but it is not functioning as expected.
The other reason I prefer using C++ is I find C++ easier to integrate with other codes I have which is in C++.
Yes I may not be able to use c++ in dotnet extension, but what i meant was if there was a way to directly render to some object, like what they had shown in their tutorial example, but to display in MMF.
I found a tutorial for Irrlicht C++ engine that can render on a Win32 window : Please login to see this link. . It says, "MFC and .NET Windows.Forms windows are possible too."
So is it possible to use the main Irrlicht C++ engine instead of using the IrrlichtDotNet Wrapper? Can someone post a modified version of this tutorial so that it would be possible to use the Irrlicht(C++) engine in MMF, by rendering irrlicht into the .net picture box similar to what was done in this tutorial.
I find the IrrlichtDotNet Wrapper quite slower in performance and there are some quality differences, plus there are a lot of C++ examples and a bigger community for C++ than they have for the .net wrappers. So I personally feel its quite logical to use the C++ engine rather than the dotNet wrappers.
Edit: The same tutorial has also been written for the DotNetCP Wrapper, in C#, Please login to see this link. . giving the link here just in case it helps doing the above.
i have been playing around with this example. it seems that no other mmf object can be on top of this irrlicht embedded window in mmf. is there a workaround so that mmf objects like active or active picture objects can go on top of this rendered irrlicht window?
good to see this example. will it be possible to do the same with OGRE3D engine? (using the OGRE3DDotNet wrapper: Please login to see this link.). If somebody can come up with an example it will be great.
I have some pictures compressed into a cab file. Rather than extracting it to hard disk and again loading it to memory by a picture object, I was wondering if it was possible to load the picture directly to the memory of a picture object. For example, there is an extension template in the SDK called Simple Picture that allows one to load a picture, - some kind of a simpler form of the Active picture object. Will it be possible to modify its code so that I can load my picture directly from a .cab file to the memory for its display, rather than loading it from disk? If so, which functions should be modified?
Hi I am facing difficulties using rSDK. 1. I have an order issue with the functions.Let's say I have 5 Expressions and 5 Functions with their IDs ranging from 1 to 5. If I write the actions and the expressions in order, i.e., Action ID 1 followed by ID2, ...,ID5, and then Expression ID1,ID2,...,ID5- This works perfectly okay. But, suppose I list the Expression ID5 before Expression ID4, in the MMF, I see that in place of ID4, the ID5 function appears but the menu name being shown is of ID4 (and in place of ID5, ID4 function appears, but the menu name being shown if of the original ID5). Is it necessary to list the expressions and actions in numerical order of their IDs? Or am I doing something wrong?
2. I have several actions and expressions and I would like to maintain different .cpp files grouping the actions and expressions appropriately. Although the extension compiles successfully, in MMF2 i cannot open as it displays a failed to load the extension error. However, when all the actions and expressions are listed in the Main.cpp file alone, the extension opens up. Is there a way to maintain separate cpp files and still able to successfully use the extension in MMF (if so, what am I doing wrong..?), or is it only possible to compile the extension with all actions and expressions in Main.cpp file only?
I don't see anything happening after doing Restore Animation frame. The animation is still stopped. Is restore animation action alone is sufficient or is there anything else to do?
the Active object now loads the frames correctly, but there are two problems I am currently facing: 1. After an animation ends, when I do a 'change animation' action, and force animation frame to go to X (no matter what the frame number is), the animation doesn't start. I have explored everything, but I can't seem to make the animation to start again, after it ends, unless I have a 'loop' checkbox checked (or repeat X times) in the setup window. Am I doing something wrong here? 2. After the active object is loaded with frames, when I try to destroy the object, the object gets destroyed but the memory doesn't get freed. The only way I could make it to work is to load a small bitmap file iteratively into all frames, and then destroy the object, so as to free the memory. As the active object itself takes over 100 MB of memory, it is absolutely essential for me to destroy object and free up the memory in runtime.
Thanks, I didn't knew about 'Load Frame' until you mentioned. But I am having difficulties using this as I can't see anything happening. Probably because I am not correctly using the following: What is 'Load Frame'? It says the value must be between 1 and 16, but I can't figure out what this means. 'Enter Frame to display(First frame is number 0' : is this the frame number to which I wish to load the frame, or does it do something else?
BTW, as Benicle has mentioned, does it really take long time to load frames? If so, how much time?
I have an image sequence of 80 frames - each frame is a JPG file of about 90 to 120 KB. As I want to keep them external, Active object cannot be used. I can't use an AVI file, so an animation object is also ruled out. The only other idea I could think of is using the Active Picture object: 1. At start of Frame: Set Alterable Value A to 1
2. Alterable Value A <80 Every 00"15 (15/100th of the second), new picture (Appdrive$+appdir$+"sampleanim\anim100"+str$(Alterable Value A of Active Picture)+".jpg"
The above works, but I can't get a good frame rate. I can achieve a frame rate of only about 13-20, where as when I use an Active object with speed 100, i can get a frame rate of 50 fps (my application is set at a max fps of 50).
Is there any other way of doing this, while retaining a good frame rate?
EXP_LAST is fine. I always make sure that the numbering is proper I don't think there is any problem with the functions/expressions because only when I add the 8th expression the problem occurs. I also tried switching two expressions (the 8th one with a 6th one or so), still the same problem occurs- event editor gets stuck as soon as I try to access an expression.
I don't know if I had deleted the files in release or debug folder, but when the extension is built in vs2005, i believe it automatically clears the previous contents and/or re-writes them. Will it make any difference if I delete the files in release/debug folder?
I am trying to develop an extension by using the default template included with the SDK.
My extension works fine for upto 7 Expressions defined. However, any Expression added beyond the first seven makes the MMF2 program to hang when I try to 'retrieve' the expression from the event editor.
However,I have over 14 Actions, but all of them work fine.
Is there any problem with my extension development or am I missing something?
I have tried two to three times starting from scratch, but all the time I am getting into this problem.