Thank you very much for the update, Yves!
Posts by andy
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
Yves, I am SO SORRY that you have ben dealing with this! We all are. Whatever you do, PLEASE take care of yourself FIRST! If anything about your health is even a bit amiss, please see your doctor! Thank you for letting us know. We all hope that your health is fully stable, so. CHEERS!
Dear Yves, again, we all wish you the best. We all wish you and your family the best. Anything and everything else can just simply wait.
Yves, we all wish you well. We all wish you the best. If it where not for you, the only games that I would be making would be ones in Qbasic! You have been a pioneer in developing video game making software. I now have about 20 games made. Merry Christmas, everyone! Cheers!
Yves, thank you so much for giving us the good news! I was losing hope. I am really sorry about your health issue. I have had some of those the year, as well. I had a few health scares this year. However, I was able to recover. We all wish you well. We all wish hope you are feeling better. Again, thank you for the good news.
ALL OVER AGAIN!? How and why!? There are now SO MANY video game creation engines! There are some that even enable screen zoom and rotation in Windows! If you go to steam, you will find some great game engines that were made by ONE person! So HOW on EARTH, could Clickteam be having SUCH trouble getting F3 out!? They got Fusion 2 out. They got Fusion 2.5 out. They are even using F3 technology for somethings. What the dog gone darn heck is GOING ON HERE!? Even with build 2.6, we were told that it is "just around the corner", so where is it!
NONE of this makes ANY sense!
Is there anyone who can tell us? What is with all of the cloak and dagger situation with all of us being kept in the dark!?
Anyone, ANYONE!?
I could not agree more!
I agree! I will be in my middle 90s if I live that long!
Sadly, that sounds about right. Also, I think we will not see F3 until the middle of 2026, if ever. Will we ever see that, before 2030? Or 2040? Who the heck knows.....
This is good, but I could not use this without clear documentation in English. I hope that will be available soon.
I second this, any news anyone?
Thank you! This is all good to know. This does help clear up things. I just hope we can have more news about build 2.6 and Fusion 3 by the end of this year.
I hope NOT!! I hope that Five Laps at Freddy's will help them.
You are so right, Peeblo! And when are we going to see build 296?
Yes! I am getting a game in.
Could you please include an example that does not require any other extension? Thank you.
I was thinking that same thing! Could be that hard? I wonder.
I believe it means you can download what you already brought but you can not get new products.
Thank you, Yves! Thank you very much!
I do not blame you at all! I just hope that they can get that dog gone store up and running this month, July or August. I really do not see the reason WHY it should take THIS LONG!!