Posts by colej_uk

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Hi there, I'm the dev!

    Schrodinger is right- I made a custom zooming engine for the game. It was the only reliable solution I could find at the time. Basically there's a custom positioning system with it's x and y recorded in the objects alterable values. Then when an object or the camera is moved, the engine converts those values to Fusion's positioning, along with scale. It's pretty much exactly what Shrodinger outlined.

    I was going to release the source code for it but I simply haven't had the time to seperate it from the rest of the code and clean it up yet. Since I've had a few messages about this I'll try and find the time to do so.

    I had this problem last week with my game too :(
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    I submitted a couple of reports- I found that it was actually flagging anything I compiled with fusion too, so I sent them a couple of examples.

    My game's exe was also too big to send so I uploaded it to dropbox and sent them a file link via email.

    During that time it was a panic as I had a decent chunk of users being told it was a virus. Potentially it's very damaging to reputations, and I'm still pretty worried it's going to happen again at some point.

    The good news is that it seemed to stop flagging my game after about 24-36 hours- somebody at avast must of took notice. If this is still happening to people though, maybe they just added my game to a whitelist somewhere and haven't actually fixed the detection (or maybe my game will start getting flagged again soon, yay :( )

    Seems like Avast are quite aggressive with their detections (I read they have more false positives than any other AV). Still, it's one of the biggest AVs, especially as it's free. Aside from sending them false positives there's not much we can do. Clickteam- I'd suggest reaching out to them too perhaps, if you haven't already? I know we shouldn't have to, but if fusion gets a reputation for triggering false positives, it's going to be a red flag against it for developers :(

    Btw, I'm not compressing the runtime. I tried just now and it's flagging anything I compile to exe- even just a blank project.

    Edit: Just compiled a blank project exe, sent it through (which uses a load of different virus scanners): Please login to see this link.

    2/55 triggers, and the 2 are different, so clearly a false positive. I also reported it to rising, which was the other false positive.

    This issue popped up for me today :( it sucks as I've just released Concrete Jungle and looks like users are getting their exe files deleted automatically by Avast. I've done all I can (send false positive reports), and the exe information is filled in- at least filled in with what Fusion allows me to fill in.

    Wow, I've been really bad at updating this thread!

    Just a bump to let everybody know, Concrete Jungle is launching on PC TOMORROW! :D

    The game's come a long, long way since the kickstarter last year and I'm so excited to launch. I may post a few codes here tomorrow (or in the near future at least).

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    Steam store: Please login to see this link. Please login to see this link.

    The game features a clickteam-themed building- The Clickteam HQ:
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    and playable character- who goes by the name of Yves ;)
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    (Btw- the character is more of a tribute to CT in name, it's not actually meant to be the real Yves!)

    But you'll find both in-game, the characters are all voiced thanks to the funding from the kickstarter, which is fun.

    The winery space overhead is a bit lower (around ~275mb). It is possible to strip that down a lot, simply because the wrapper is including a lot of things most applications running it won't need (for example it's including something called 'Gecko' which is a replacement for Internet Explorer that's around 50mb). I haven't really tried seeing what's best to delete so I've kept my wrapper as default for now, but I've seen other wrappers that were much smaller- under 150mb.

    Oo yes I did have a similar problem with the resizing window thing actually. But then I maximized and it starting running properly again. I'm wondering if ticking 'run when minimized/maximized' in the Fusion build options may help? Something to experiment with...

    It is much bigger by default but tbh I'm not that concerned by the space issue- it is expected that most games be a few hundred megabytes in this day and age. Plus I've noticed that Winery packs a lot of uneeded windows emulation files in with your wineskin by default- so it is possible to cut it down a bit.

    I released a backer-only beta version of Concrete Jungle with it and I've had no complaints so far. The only issue I have is font-related to do with sizing.

    I would agree with the Sims 3 using wine a bit of an outrage as that's a AAA title from EA who are perhaps the wealthiest company in gaming. They could absolutely afford to do a proper mac port. I would hope an indie game community to be a little more lenient at least. Just be upfront about it being a wineskin game I guess...

    I would still use a native mac exporter though, especially if you can get a decent amount of features working. :)

    I''ve been experimenting with Wineskin Winery.

    There's a wrapper version which has Direct3D support: 1.7.24D3DBoost

    Go into screen options in the wrapper UI and check all 4 boxes on the right.

    This wrapper is working really well on my low end 2014 mac mini. I'm curious how well it works on older hardware, but for me it's performing @ 60fps easily (on a complex game). Although having lots of shaders will impact performance a lot I've found- not surprising really. But if you only use basic shaders then you're good to go :D

    It's a great solution until the mac exporter comes along as it basically can support all the windows extensions and shaders as all it's doing is emulating windows.