Bug tracker is down so i will post here:
Cannot patch> this error happens.
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Open a TicketBug tracker is down so i will post here:
Cannot patch> this error happens.
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Hi, guys sorry for not answering to all of the messages when the post was bumped. I did not initially notice, anyways right now I am finished with the current project, and I am open for more work. So feel free to contact me if you need help!
Have never done collision with lacewing, but I do remember an extension for movement prediction: Dead reckoning
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I meant like a wacom drawing tablet on your desktop, not the phone thing.
If you use a tablet, windows including fusion will cascade to left. There should be an option somewhere i think to fix it, i forgot where.
Random pool extension, does exactly what you want.
Otherwise you can create your own pool very simple with list object:
populate list object with 10 songs
randomly select one item in the list, play song, remove it from list.
When list is empty > repopulate
You have to take into account backdrops are handled differently in dx9, they have the same performance drop as active objects, I found that around 1000 objects on screen will drop perfomance quite a lot, even if they are backdrops. In standard backdrops are great for perfomance, in dx9 they are mostly useless, with almost no difference to active objects.
Edit: Also in Dx9 backdrops count towards the object count, it is not displayed in the counter.
Hi, thanks for the interest, sent you a beta key in private msg, you can activate it on steam.
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Anyone know how to have black bars option changed during runtime? I want to give users the option to select.
Hey, I would like to join the discord page, can somebody tell me how the get the discord registration code, I dont see anything in my passport!
*EDIT Nevermind I found it
Titan shield, a great turn based strategy game!
You lead a party of brave guys into the depths of Titan's hold, hired to rid the world of a great evil, the Titan Bronbok!
Look at this amazing video:
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And now look at these amazing screenshots!
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We are looking for beta testers prior to release on steam:
Required: Steam account
Contact here in post or via private message to participate in the beta test. All beta testers will recieve a free copy of the game on release.
Originally I developed this game 10 years ago, there was a prequel flash game on the same engine, one of my first works in fusion, which just means its riddled with terrible code :), the expansion itself was sitting on my pc for whole 10 years. Not so long ago i dug into my dusty folders and decided to spiff it out with many improvements, and a new artist is on board to streamline some of the outdated graphics.
Twitter link:
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Okay and what about the firefly movement, is it possible to add a custom movement timer speed so its not locked to fps?
I am just wondering about firefly stuff, I would prefer to have unlocked framerate, but it seems the movement extension speed is determined by framerate, also does the normal framerate expression return the actual framerate of the 3d engine or is that gained differently?
You can actually set your engine to be some pixels smaller than the frame, then use the rest of the frame for the hud, using normal actives
I was just joking :), i figured out how to do it.
It all seems a bit fishy to me, but Ill figure it out thanks for the help.
Okay, do you have an idea how should i go about doing pathfinding, I need like an RTS pathfinding, the level is flat, so there is no height to take into account. Im not really sure how to translate the 3d coordinates to a 2d.
How do I do pathfinding in firefly, is there something built in already?
Oh, you are right :), guess it didnt work with only the material colour, thanks
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)