Hi, my cf2.5+ version is 292.22.
Currently I have enabled the ios: wait for a touch, which doesnt work in ipone 11. The browser just displays the text to display feature. Any suggestions - does updating to 293.1 or 293.10 fix the problem? thanks
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Open a TicketHi, my cf2.5+ version is 292.22.
Currently I have enabled the ios: wait for a touch, which doesnt work in ipone 11. The browser just displays the text to display feature. Any suggestions - does updating to 293.1 or 293.10 fix the problem? thanks
Thanks Marv. So I changed all the open modal settings to open, then with a condition of a user click to close it. Works so much better
I found out that dragging a subapp via the title bar, can float over a dialogbox even if the dialogbox is open modal. Once the subapp is over the dialogbox nothing can be done to close the subapp or dialogbox except dragging the subapp back off the dialogbax, because its in modal mode.
How can I keep the dialogbox always on top?
I can forgo the dialoagbox and just create subapps, but I'd rather keep the dialogbox, if they can be always on top of subapps.
Hi, I have had the similar problems with the button object. As a work around I ended up making my own buttons using the active object with a user clicks, touch object condition. Hope this helped.
Hi, yes it will zoom the screen. Use the action Screen > Set Scale to 0.5, 1.0 (normal size), 1.5, 2.0 etc. You can find the Zoom help file by clicking the Help button in its Properties / About tab.
Also use the build and run to test it on your desktop. Hope this helped.
Hi, the exporters cost extra. The dev version gives you more extensions and banner/logo free distribution of your creations. There should be a list of those extra extensions available in the dev version. Hope this helped
[MENTION=15682]Volnaiskra[/MENTION], [MENTION=11026]conceptgame[/MENTION], I don't know. There must be an extension somewhere but I can't find it (links are down,) so I'm not sure what it would do. Right now I'm in Spriters Pro Edition stand-alone export options, and it exports as images, so the end result would still be the frames within fusions animation editor.
I watched the video and yes it does have onion skinning before and after frames, and the in-betweening via the bones, both on the timeline/fps. So when it exports, it adds the frames to a sprite sheet or image well, depending on the frames per second.
I like Spriter from what I see. I wonder if it has pre-animated skeletons (bone movements) that can be imported. I don't see anything yet in the app.
Yes, "shape tweening, and motion tweening" and "programmatically, during runtime." I suppose using active object parts (as bones) on the frame with conditions to move/rotate/scale the parts would give the same result (i.e. character running,) but may not work with anything other than platform/side view. I'll spend a few hours trying it.
I want to get back to 2d vector. Most my animation is via Carrara 8 using timelines /fps with a starting point and ending point (has bones which I have not used).
But, the whole idea would be to reduce the number of frames in the animation, by adding the inbetween frames during runtime which does not seem possible. Thanks, you all have given me insight with possibilities.
Thanks, I have release #5. I just downloaded r11 which means I need to stay more aware, and activate the Spriter pro version.
Edit: I updated Spriter to r11 and activated it and downloaded lasted pdf manual. I still can't find any info about tweening and onion skinning. I'll watch the vid later - thanks
[MENTION=11026]conceptgame[/MENTION], Where can I find that extension for CF2.5? I didn't find it.
Hi, I have Spriter Pro and I don't think it does either onion nor tweening. I searched the help file with no results. I do use an older version of Fireworks by Adobe which has both, but it has its complications. I haven't tried Dain-app but I'll look into it.
One of my thoughts would be for the game engines and html5 to tween within the app. A built in tweening where it'll add inbetween frames for a smother play during runtime. Perhaps an option within the animation editor to add a set number of frames morphing between each frame. Might be a wish.
Thanks for the info, suggestions and comments
wow, thanks fnkycold... i see that onion skinner slider bar now. Never paid any attention to it, ha. I'll start using it.
Im curious if the animation editor will support in app inbetweening / tweening / onion skinning at some point in time, i.e. tweening on the fly? The idea would be less frames, smaller files and smoother animations. Just a question.
Hi, one way is to select copy the conditions from one frame to the another, though all the other objects associated to the object will need to be copied and pasted into that frame as well.
The other way is to add behaviors to the objects. In the properties window click on the Events tab (looks like a grid icon, not to be confused with the Event Editors) >> Behaviors >> New. There you can import other objects and apply conditions to that object.
Search for behaviors in CF Help menu....
"The great advantages of the behaviors is that the events are integrated in the object's properties : it means that if you copy the object, the behaviors will be copied at the same time".
Hope this helped.
yeah that's different... I've never seen that before. I did a forum search and found html5launcer mentioned back in 2015. Maybe [MENTION=5114]Yves[/MENTION] can help you.
Hi, I guessing build 292.22 never produced that result for you? Are you on Steam? Im still on 292.22 and ctrl+f8 opens the save html5 project window, project name and project path.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)