Isn't it crazy that this was accomplished on a NES game?
Here's how you can do it:
Calculate the change in X and Y position between the last frame and last frame:
* Always
Change in X : Set Counter to XMouse - "Platform" )
Platform : Set X position to XMouse
Platform : Set Y position to YMouse
Apply said X and Y changes to the player object when player is on the platform
* Player is overlapping Platform
Player : Set X position to "Player" ) + value( "Change in X" )
You'll have to modify this code so that "Player is overlapping platform" is a detection of the player standing on the pendulum.
I didn't add the code for Y above, but just copy it for the Y axis
This will introduce a 1 frame input lag between the platform and your platform. You can leave it as-is if you're happy. If you're not happy the solution is to make all of your pendulums invisible and have a second pendulum that is placed on top of the invisible one then apply the change in speed to the pendulum just like you did with the player.
If this is confusing please let me know and I can make an example, I'm just on a really tight time crunch right now so sorry I couldn't post a MFA.