Posts by GamesterX23
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
On a second note, do you happen to know how the validation works? I can't seem to get it to work. I receive the validation email and a link is generated, but upon clicking the link I get a blank page, which is kind of expect since I don't have anything added to the website, but the validation number doesn't change from 0 to 1
I will save this. I was able to get it working by modifying the script also, but yours is likely cleaner. Thank you!!!
The issue seems to be with the PHP code and not the program itself.
I've moved to a better host and i'm getting errors related to PHP code being deprecated due to the php script in the tutorial being bad
Tips and hints appreciated as always. Will update when I have a resolution -
To preface . . .I'm not a PHP or MySql guy so please forgive any ignorance .
I downloaded this tutorial from the advanced section of clickteam's website and I can't seem to get it to work:
Please login to see this attachment.
It comes with a guide that, at points, just says "Fill stuff out its self explanatory."
It also comes with a php fle that seems to contain the code for logging in, registering, etc.
I've changed the information in the php file to match what I have on my end and uploaded it to my webhost
Please login to see this attachment.
I grabbed the service line from the hostname variable in my php control panel
The username is displayed in my hosts main control panel for that specific database
I've verified the password is correct for that username
The table in the database is named "Users"
As you can see here my database name matches.
Please login to see this attachment.
I've also created a table named "Users" that matches what is in the example file
I've also made sure to include "Please login to see this link.." at the beginning of the Get URL because I found posts where people had issues by startign with the domain name instead of www.
Please login to see this attachment.
The odd thing is that the GET object refuses to throw errors. When attempting to register the "register" button re-enables itself so I know this line of code is executing, but the string that should show the error is completely blank.
// Again, if the lowecase version of the first seven characters is not "success":
// Then it failed so show the error and re-enable the button so the user can retry. Errors can be "Username taken" or "Email taken"* Get object: On get complete
+ Lower$(Left$(Received$( "Get object" ), 7)) <> "success"
Error Message : Set alterable string to Received$( "Get object" )
createAccount : EnableWith no error checking I can't even attempt to troubleshoot. There is another login/register server example in the click store for $9.99 which looks a lot more fleshed out, but I can't purchase it because the click store is permanently down.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Also can someone explain the get object to me?
Get object : Add POST data "task" = "register"
Get object : Add POST data "user" = Edittext$( "username" )
Get object : Add POST data "pass" = Edittext$( "password" )
Get object : Add POST data "email" = Edittext$( "email" )
Get object : Get URL "Please login to see this link."
createAccount : DisablePOST data is data we are sending to the server correct? So this is just sending information to the php script and then the php script takes that data, places it into variables, and executes on it correct?
Apologies in advance as I'm not really versed in PMO. I did take a quick peek and fixed a few things:
Changed thickness(height) of pendulum platform to 1 pixel
Changed width of detector to width of player - this prevents the "popping up" that was happening as the pendulum would swingI only spent a moment on this, but it seems to be working! If there are further issues with it I can try to help, but someone more versed in PMO may need to chime in. I'd recommend discord at that point if I can't figure it out for you.
Please login to see this attachment.
Here you go. I modified Nivrams pendulum example. Ignore the thing I said about 1 frame of input lag. I forgot if you position the player LAST there will be no input lag.
Please login to see this attachment.
Isn't it crazy that this was accomplished on a NES game?
Here's how you can do it:
Calculate the change in X and Y position between the last frame and last frame:
* Always
Change in X : Set Counter to XMouse - "Platform" )
Platform : Set X position to XMouse
Platform : Set Y position to YMouseApply said X and Y changes to the player object when player is on the platform
* Player is overlapping Platform
Player : Set X position to "Player" ) + value( "Change in X" )You'll have to modify this code so that "Player is overlapping platform" is a detection of the player standing on the pendulum.
I didn't add the code for Y above, but just copy it for the Y axis
This will introduce a 1 frame input lag between the platform and your platform. You can leave it as-is if you're happy. If you're not happy the solution is to make all of your pendulums invisible and have a second pendulum that is placed on top of the invisible one then apply the change in speed to the pendulum just like you did with the player.
If this is confusing please let me know and I can make an example, I'm just on a really tight time crunch right now so sorry I couldn't post a MFA.
Copy and paste your create code.
Your post sounds like create object by name combined with referencing a qualifier breaks scope. I just tested it in a standalone MFA and it does not break scope.
Makes sure that your variables are set immediately after creation of your objects. If you do anything else inbetween scope will be broken and all instances of objects within your qualifier will be affected.
If I am understanding properly I think I was able to accomplish something like this quite a while ago, but not using PMO.
I can't post gifs so go here to see it in action. Please login to see this link.
Read the difference and X and Y between the current frame and previous frame and apply that to the player. This may introduce a 1 frame delay causing desync between the player and the platform - if it does then you will need have one invisible platform and one visible platform for each platform in your game. Have the invisible be the one that you directly apply the movement to and have the visible one be the one you can collide with. Apply the difference to both the player AND the visible platform and that should resolve the desync. There may be other workarounds
Lacewing Blue is what is current. Phi keeps it updated and has a thread in Released Extensions.
Please login to see this link.
Don't worry about setting IDs for positioning objects?
Fusion automatically "pairs" objects when they are created together.
WeaponID = 1
Create scorcher light
Create scorcherAlways
Position scorcher light at scorcherNow instead of worrying about destroying them do this:
Scorcher collides with object
- position scorcher at -50 -50Now you can either position a dummy object at -50,-50 and destroy scorcher and scorcher light when there is overlap or you can just do like this:
Scorcher x < -40
+ Scorcher y < -40
DestroyDo the same for scorcher light
Easy solution and no need to track IDs.
You can make your own skin. The old-style icons and skins have been renamed to "Default (Old)" and "Dark (Old)". Just use them, or create your own skins from Default / Dark and copy the icon files (EE_Create, EE_Storyboard, EE_System, etc).
This issue has been reported, trying to fix it.
As Volnaiskra said.
Ouch, not sure what happened here, will fix it in the next beta.
Thanks! I tried changing the themes and the icons remained the same.
Thanks! Here is a pic that hopefully shows what's happening. When I select "Movement speed" in the expression editor it gets changed to "TrueX"
Using this same example
XPos -> XPos
TrueX -> YPos
TrueY -> Movement Speed
Movement Speed -> TrueX
Alterable Value F -> TrueY
YPos -> Alterable Value FAlterable Value G and beyond work p
Please login to see this attachment.
Can we go back to the old-style icons instead of using the new style icons for everything?
Why does "N" not negate code now when I right click events to open the menu? Seems all shortcuts like this have been disabled.
Reordering Alterable Values causes the values to reorder properly, but they retain their indexes - meaning this is only a visual change and not true reordering of the values. Is this going to change or is there a setting I'm overlooking?
Reordering Alterable Values completely breaks the alterable value list in the event editor - rendering this feature completely useless. Is this a known problem? Right now I have multiple Alterable Values that when I click on them in the expression editor it puts a completely different alt value in its place.
This is just 2 minutes of use and I already need to go back to the latest non-beta version. Just wondering if there is some sort of release window for the full version? Is there a compilation of known issues that I am missing somewhere?
Can someone give a real world use for the "include another frame" option?
The base frame option combined with global events is quite useful. This seems to be in a similar vein, but you can only pick one frame to include correct?
I understand what it does (includes items and events?) but can't think of a significant practical application in which there isn't an alternative method?
There is a video out there of a guy using the Serial Object to communicate with an Arduino via USB, but there are no guides on how to do so.
Is there any way to communicate to an outside piece of hardware (I/O board or arduino) to open/close a circuit using fusion code? Obviously an arduino can take an input and trigger an output and they're cheap + widespread enough to accomplish this.
Effectively I'd just like to be able to open and close a low-voltage DC electrical circuit on a counter. EG - Set counter to 100 - close circuit for x amount of milliseconds 100 times with y amount of milliseconds between each action.
if the bullets are small and the ship is big enough u can use a cheat i use where u hav a flag toggling on/off.
wen flag is on run collision checks on all bullets above the middle centre point of the screen,
& wen flag is off check all bullets below the middle center point of the screenthe bullets will always be on the player for at least 2 frames before they pass, so u will catch it on one of the flag states
this should straight up half the amount of collision u hav to do
Why? You're effectively creating an un-necessary collision delay. Seems like bad practice . . .and if the combined speed of the player and bullets are great enough you have the potential to miss collisions all-together.
I don't believe there is an extension for spline. You will have to export all of the frames from spline and make sure that they have proper alpha included - all of the frames will probably have to be exported as a PNG.
With that said, there I believe there is an extension that supports Spriter/Spriter pro. You'll have to search the forums for it. I don't know if it was ever completed, however, but I think there is an example floating around as well.
TBH you are probably best just using the built in stuff on fusion or paying someone to make the extension for you.