Posts by Kimera

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Hey [MENTION=6268]Fernando[/MENTION],

    Here is the post you requested.

    I have 2 issues, 1 of them I know you fixed already, I found the file we worked on to fix it, so I don't know what I am doing wrong at this point.

    The one you fixed was the download attribute in an anchor tag. I want to be able to download a PDF file, as we did in the last fix, but now that app is no longer working either.

    The second is with the form field file element. Using the attributed accept="application/pdf" it should filter out everything but PDF files. In a web browser this works, even if you run the apk in windows using F8, the file element only gives you access to select a PDF file. If you view the page in chrome, on a mobile device, it lets you select any type of file, including PDF files. If you view the page in the mobile app, you can only select images. :(

    The included mfa file leads to a page that provides several links, as well as, a file element you can try out.

    I thought we had the file download thing worked out but now that I go to use it, something went wrong. Unfortunately I have a deadline of the 25th to make this work and the issue I though we had addressed months ago is still an issue for me, I am so sorry. :|

    Thanks again! :)

    [MENTION=6268]Fernando[/MENTION] you had pointed me to this link for the webview object which obviously has the same challenges as the get object when it comes to Android 9 or 10.

    I went to Fusion Dir/data/runtime/android
    Found the
    opened it up and drilled down in to /app/src/main/res/xml/network_security_config.xml
    I pulled the network_security_config.xml file out and added this line to it. (then put it back in the zip file of course)
    <domain includeSubdomains="true">Please login to see this link.</domain>
    I then loaded the app in to a VM using Bliss OS, Android 10 (thank you [MENTION=5109]Simon[/MENTION])
    I still get the error... net::CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED
    I tried it again only I took the dev. out of the url in the network_security_config.xml
    <domain includeSubdomains="true">Please login to see this link.</domain>
    I still got the error... net::CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED

    The obvious first question is what am I doing wrong. I was hoping to avoid using this but I could not get my self-signed cert to work on my phone or in the VM so I have to use this workaround for testing but I can't get it to work.
    The second question I have...
    Is there an issue adding multiple lines such as...
    <domain includeSubdomains="true">Please login to see this link.</domain>
    <domain includeSubdomains="true">Please login to see this link.</domain>
    <domain includeSubdomains="true">Please login to see this link.</domain>
    The third question I have is...
    Does this line...
    <domain includeSubdomains="true">Please login to see this link.</domain>
    work if I am going to use links to Please login to see this link. as well as Please login to see this link. and Please login to see this link.
    or do I have to add a line for each even though they are all going to

    While I don't like this solution it will help me get through dev and testing until I am ready to buy my SSL for the server. Then I can use it the correct way.

    Thanks for your time!

    [MENTION=6268]Fernando[/MENTION] I am sorry it was not yesterday that I posted this, it was very late when I finished up. It does appear the object is working to download. I had no issues saving with an HTML5 link using download attr and a standard link.

    Thanks so much for your time and hard work!

    As always you guys are on top of things!

    Hey [MENTION=6268]Fernando[/MENTION], I just got off the phone a few minutes ago and clicked your link. I had read that already but thought it was only for the Get object only for some reason. Thinking about it after you pointed it out makes me realize it's android based, not Get object based. I will fix the https issue by using https and not editing the files, I just feel that is a better way to go. The issue still takes place though in terms of the pdf file downloads not working. In fact any link (< a href...) that uses the HTML5 "download" attribute does not work at all in webview, not just PDF. You can see this in the example this sample app shows you as link number 4, under HTML, does not work in the mobile app. The APK was to large so I had to post the mfa file. This does go to an https address so that part should not be an issue.

    Thanks again!

    Thanks Fernando! I spoke a bit with Simon as well and your info as well as his should help. You guys rock! I only want it to download but I want the user to know what file they are downloading and when and since the link is from a web page and not the native app showing the web page I can't just download it in the background. Well I can, and have, but I need it to be transparent to the user what is going on. I do nothing in the background they are not aware of.

    I am using webview 2 in an app right now and just came across this.

    I have to do a bit of web dev then test it in the mobile app, In my first run of testing on a mobile device I had to test basic functionality and interface functionality. I have to say I expected issues, things such as interface format, sizing issues, some code not working, etc. I HAD NONE OF THAT! So thank you for doing such a wonderful job on this object.

    I did realize that some of my links were not working in the mobile app which lead to a test. I have 6 of them in this test...

    1. Download a pdf file using the download attribute in the link
    2. Load a PDF file in the browser window.
    3. Load a PDF file in a new window, using target="_blank".
    4. Download a HTML file using the download attribute in the link.
    5. Load a HTML file in the browser window.
    6. Load a HTML file in a new window, using target="_blank".

    They all work in a web browser just as they are described (chrome/edge).

    In Webview, running the frame in windows.
    [INDENT]All the pdf links download the file.[/INDENT]
    [INDENT][INDENT]Link 4 loads the page rather than downloads it.[/INDENT][/INDENT]
    [INDENT][INDENT]Link 5 & 6 load the page as expected.[/INDENT][/INDENT]

    In Webview, running as a mobile app
    [INDENT]All the pdf links do nothing[/INDENT]
    [INDENT][INDENT]Link 4 does nothing[/INDENT][/INDENT]
    [INDENT][INDENT]Link 5 loads the page as it should[/INDENT][/INDENT]
    [INDENT][INDENT]Link 6 loads the page in the same window[/INDENT][/INDENT]

    I am sure this is my ignorance but...
    I expected a web browser window to open when target="_blank" was used regardless of the file type.
    I did not know what to expect trying to load a pdf file but did at least expect the chance to download on mobile.
    I did not expect using the download attribute would prevent the download from working as it's an HTML 5 standard.

    I have added the MFA file for a mobile app that loads a web page with all 6 links.
    Please login to see this link.

    Please help me understand what is happening here and how I can get a PDF file to download through clicking a link.

    Thank you!

    Just started a new mobile app where I am working with another developer. They wanted to use web forms inside the app but I am noticing that when you do the Android system does not detect the keyboard came out or is visible. I knew I had done this in the past so I made a test file. If you touch on the Google form to get the keyboard out the app keeps running but if you touch on the edit box the app now detects the keyboard and closes the app as designed. Is this a bug or is there a reason the app can not detect a browser opened the keyboard?

    [MENTION=11451]Dobermann[/MENTION] There is the big difference, I am not making games. lol My apps do utilize profiles so while your method works for you, and I am sure well, I don't ever have the disconnect the way my apps work. I would most likely do what your doing, or something similar if I were making games or apps without registration. Registration in a game is a bit off but for apps, not so much! Registration is only one more field then logging in, confirm password, and if you give them the option to auto login during registration then they never have to log in again so not much of a pain there. Since players do change their email, having a profile they can update it in helps keep track of who is who and what devices they have used.

    Either way the best way to make those connections in a social environment is via emails, hence the need to be able to read that data. What you doing has no need to make those connections and therefore this would not apply to what your doing. I can understand that!

    [MENTION=11451]Dobermann[/MENTION] I understand your point and your need! I never use the email as THE ID but AN ID. I create the record in the database using the email they provide during registration which, in turn, creates an ID in the database. If the user changes their email they would then need to change the email address in their profile which is tied to the ID given by the DB. Using the phone ID I can do checks to help determine if the user has changed their email address. This does not work if the user gets a new device and changes their email address at that time but for registered users, who log in, I now know they have done both (new device and new email) as a new email address does not mean the old one is no longer good for making connections. Having multiple email addresses stored for one user allows me to ask if the user know's "these" people based on a list of email address in another users friends lists and that I use for no other reason then to allow them to make these connections. While you may want a non Google account tied to the app, a friend of yours may only have your Google Account Email and I would not be able to make that connection.

    You can drive people to register with any email address by giving them the ability to switch devices, without loosing data, or some other benefit Then they can manage the email tied to your app via a profile while you maintain a user ID created by your database. At that point all they are missing is an auto login feature which you can set up in the app so they only have to log in one time on any device. Now they can do something in your app on one device, close it, use another device and see what they just did on the first device. If they provide you with an email that is not a Google Account Email during registration you now have one more email address you can use to help make connection and now that they have registered, with the proper opt-out options, you can provide update information or news to the user through their registered email address.