Bump. This time with the MIDI file included. If no one has an answer, I'm just going to assume it's a CC0 song and use it.
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Open a TicketBump. This time with the MIDI file included. If no one has an answer, I'm just going to assume it's a CC0 song and use it.
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Does anyone know who made the song in human.mid from Klik n Play? I know another version of it exists online, but the author is unknown there.
An old game I made in MMF2 gets to a point where it will crash and then no matter what the user does, restarting their PC or anything, the game will just keep crashing as soon as the EXE is ran. How is this fixed?
I want the game to cycle randomly through all the provinces on the map once per game month where each one takes a turn. A month passes after all provinces have taken a turn. I was able to pull it off with foreach but to my dissatisfaction it cycled through all the provinces in the order in which they were created (going backwards from 30 to 1) and I need them to be selected randomly instead.
I'm always told to use ForEach loops instead of fastloops for practically everything. Well I've come across a dilemma. I want the ForEach object to iterate through some objects randomly and never pick the same one twice until the pool is refilled. Is this possible?
I tried putting the scale in variables in the same event it was created in, but no such luck. I ended up just scaling the arrow objects the same way I scaled the archer objects (by their Y position) but this doesn't leave room for flexibility in the system and won't help other people who want to do this probably.
I think I figured out how to do it, I think, but the method is too complicated for me to explain.
I've got it all working except I can't figure out for the life of me how to connect these provinces so you can attack neighboring ones and such. I would just hard code it into the game but I'm wanting a scenario editor.
I think surface object can accomplish what I want, but I don't know for sure because I have little experience with it. OK so my game has province capitol icons. I want to be able to load an image of the whole detailed map from an external file and then have the surface object flood fill provinces from the province capitol icons and stop at the black lines that point out province borders. Then I want each of these flood filled regions to count as a separate province when clicked on. Can I pull this off?
Thanks a bunch.
If you're set on using an INI, you can just set the item name to whatever+<get the ID value of the object with the retrieve data from object button> and then set the value or string.
As a general rule of thumb, INI is good for saving specific things in groups, arrays are good for saving general groups of things. Like I would use INI to save options in a game, while I'm using an array in the same game to save the actual game data because my game has 30 provinces each with their own resources, among other things like province connections and such.
I've never heard of this being possible. If you still want to convert it but outside the program, get dBpoweramp.
OK so I have this thing where special units need rest for so many months in my game. I have their current HP recorded in a variable at the end of a battle and their max HP recorded in another variable. I'm wondering, how would I get it so 100% HP returns 0 months needed to rest while 0% returns 5 months of rest needed. I tried getting the percentage between the two variables and then dividing it by 20 but this does the results backwards.
Additional velocity moves the object attached to the PMO in a speed you set. I used it for climbing ladders and such so I'm sure it could be done with what you're wanting.
I used plenty of behaviors in my Mega Man game for the enemies and such and had no real problems. I did this because I made the enemies global objects and didn't want to clutter the global events page. Although that being said, the enemies weren't dependent on which order the behaviors were initiated in.
You could use the additional velocity variables in the PMO to pull this off along with some work in making active objects that tell the player which way to move when pressing left or right.
There isn't any silence in the songs, I made sure of it beforehand. I would rather avoid event looping because it's usually unreliable. I would use Onu Audio but I think that's become deprecated and I think it even crashes applications in some instances that use it.
MP3s are frowned upon for two very good reasons. MP3 is larger in file size and has less quality than an OGG compressed at the same rate. They also require you to get a license and pay royalties or something like that if you make over 100,000 dollars on something with an MP3 in it. I was using OGG until I found if I made the songs impulse tracker then they would be less than 1MB compared to the whole soundtrack in OGG being over 13MB.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)