DistantJ, I am not scaling quick backdrops, I am just repeating them. I like to know that my 32 x 32 tiles are repeated by an exact multiple of 32. I have a 32 x 32 grid. To make sure they are an exact multiple I have to start multiplying 32's in my head. I just think that resizing should snap to, that's all.
I think everyone has missed the point of my complaint here. I am not looking to solve these problems for myself, because I am competent enough to do that. I am just saying that you can't expect me to recommend this product to an important target audience when it works like this and there are competitors which are far easier to use. That's the crux of the complaint here. The user interface is 100% what MMF is about. You might get caught up with ideas about runtimes or whatever, but there are hundreds of game engines out there which will give you cross platform support.
MMF is not simply a graphical coding interface to a runtime, though it is one important element. I could develop a competing solution to graphical coding in a month or so. I don't expect a vibrant community of young game developers to take any interest in it though.
Jacob, basically I think you're right in saying that the frame editor is adequate for most people. It was adequate, I just think the goalposts are moving with the introduction of runtimes as they demand a new approach due to performance constraints. The mobile runtimes needs the user to take a particular approach if they don't want to be disappointed with the results and the editor should not be at odds with this task. You can't have all of your active objects flying around with collision masks. You can't keep recomputing collision masks on rotation for all of those rotating actives. Collisions should therefore be off by default. You need to use as few objects as possible.
The frame editor is not adequate for developing a 2.5D solution for MMF2. I could write an external editor, but external editors disrupt the flow of the development, they don't allow you to mix other objects easily.
The frame editor just needs to be better, it needs to be extensible it needs to make sense. You absolutely must have per instance values. Who wants to setup a complex object model for each varying property and then try to remember which one is which? You wouldn't defend a frame editor that made you create a new object type for each new position would you? (Which is effectively the case when your third dimension is a property). Why then is it acceptable to fix all the other properties, except for at runtime?
To solve this problem for 3D games I was actually using the layer to infer the third dimension, as you can also put objects in their own layer.
I guess the worst thing about all this is that trying to make an observation from the viewpoint of the potential customer is like stepping into a steaming pile of dog turd.