Posts by CBSection31

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Hi all,

    I bought a new computer and am reinstalling Fusion on the system. Everything installed fine, except that I cannot download the Plus DLC from my store account. When I log in, it shows my purchase of the DLC from back in 2020, but when I click the download link, I get a "This product has been deleted." popup message. Does anyone know why this is? Am I not looking in the right spot to download the DLC? It's frustrating, because I cannot open my current project without the DLC.

    Thanks in advance for your time and help!

    Hey all,

    I've submitted games to Itunes without issues in the past, but my latest is causing issues. When I upload the build to Apple, I get an "invalid binary" notice, followed by an email that states the following:

    "This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data."

    I have no clue what is causing this message, however. I don't access the user's photo library in any way, and I don't use ads. In fact, this game works pretty much the same as my previous ones, all of which were accepted without issue. The only difference is that this game uses in-app purchases. I'm not sure whether that is the cause.

    Does anyone know how to fix this problem? I'm pretty XCode illiterate.


    One of the users has determined the cause of this issue. It appears that they were, indeed, using a Windows accessibility option without knowing it. Per the user who solved the issue:


    I found the reason for that. Windows has a function that increases the size text and desktop items, under Windows 7 and 8 (Don't know about Windows 10) you find it when you right click on the Desktop, then left click on "Personalize" and then click on the button left of the opening window on "Display". Default value is "smaller - 100%" and I have it on "medium - 125%", switching it back to smaller solves that issue but you have to logout and back in to have the change applied.
    I use that 125% setting on my Windows7 DesktopPC as well as my Windows8.1 Netbook, and the problem is the same on both.

    So it seems like the issue isn't the game itself but their settings. I am going to implement a scrollbar to account for this.

    Del_Duio - Regarding the issue of you described with certain characters appearing on the next line--I encountered this as well and spoke with Clickteam about it. They found the error and provided me with a fixed dll file to account for it. They told me that they were not going to implement the change into their next Fusion update, however, because the fix slows down the runtime. It wasn't an issue for me, but it might be for more graphic-intensive games. If you want the dll, just let me know! :)

    Two Steam users have reported that the text in my released game overlaps the game window. The screenshot below, which one of the users provided, showcases this.
    Please login to see this attachment.

    I cannot, for the life of me, figure out the cause of this, however. This second screenshot shows how the text *should* appear. To everyone other than these two particular users, the exact same screen looks like below.
    Please login to see this attachment.

    Does anyone know what could cause the font to be larger on certain PCs? The text is displayed with String objects.

    I've already checked, and they are using a standard resolution (1920x1080) with a standard nVidia card, and none of the Windows accessibility options that increase text size are in use. The fonts in use are provided with the game, as well, so I don't think it's an issue of a replaced font.

    Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)

    Hi all,

    I've just released my latest game: Lifestream, which is a next-generation text adventure game. It is available on the PC, iOS, and Android.

    In Lifestream, players take on the roles of Catholic priest Randolph Holton and his son, John, in their search for an enigmatic realm known only as “the Lifestream.” The game combines classic room-based explorative text game mechanics with a stylish graphical interface and plenty of bells and whistles like pictures and sound. At its core, however, Lifestream remains true to the essence of classic interactive fiction.

    Lifestream plays like an interactive novel. You make a series of choices that determine what happens next in the story. However, unlike traditional choose your own adventure games, gamebooks, and visual novels, Lifestream includes advanced adventure-based mechanics, such as a compass for navigation, a full-fledged inventory system, character interaction with branching dialog, and a variety of complex puzzles to solve. It features 8+ hours of gameplay, over 65,000 words (the length of an entire novel), 150 pieces of artwork, 30 unlockable achievements, and an hour-long soundtrack.

    A playable demo is available at Please login to see this link..

    Lifestream was made with a custom engine that I developed in Fusion, called Storycentric Worlds. I plan to release this engine to other developers interested in making their own text adventures in the near future.

    If anyone is interested in checking it out, please visit my website at Please login to see this link. .

    Thanks for your time!

    Hi all,

    The game I am developing uses Ultimate Fullscreen to automatically resize the window to fit a monitor of any resolution. The game also has the option of playing in windowed mode, however. If a player runs the game in Windowed Mode, I would like for the window's size to be 1024x768. When fullscreen, however, I need the resolution to be 1366x768.

    I attempted to handle this by using the Window Control object to resize the window's width to 1024 if the frame is windowed. This works as desired, but the contents of the frame resize with it, causing visual distortion. To fix this, I need to turn off "resize display to fill window size." Unfortunately, if I turn this off, Ultimate Fullscreen does not work properly in fullscreen mode.

    Is there a way to toggle this option on and off in the event editor? Or is there some other way to handle this situation? Thanks! :)

    Hi everyone,

    I have a game that is almost complete, and I am having one major issue. The game uses hundreds of audio files, which are currently in an external sub-folder called "audio". I play these files via a fastloop called "play_sound", and I define the audio I want to play with a string called "current_sound", which is changed via a custom scripting language my game uses. So the actual Play Sample File command calls Apppath$ + "audio\" + current_music.

    The problem is, a lot of the audio that I use is royalty free, and the licensing agreement of the files states that the audio must be embedded within the application. Given this, I am trying to find the smartest way to embed, encrypt, or hide the audio.

    To my knowledge, I cannot use the "include external files" option, because I do not call specific filenames with Play Sample File. If I am understanding how Fusion works, "include external files" will not detect the files I need to include.

    I'm not sure whether adding the audio as binary data would be applicable here. If this is an option, could someone please walk me through the process? Specifically, I am confused about whether I need to call absolute file paths with binary data or if it will work as I currently have it set up.

    If there is another available option, please let me know. If you have any questions or need more detail, I am happy to provide.

    Thanks in advance for your time and help.

    Hi everyone,

    I could use some help. I am trying to design a way to dynamically replace a part of the text of a string object that is compatible with iOS, Android, and HTML5.

    Let me give you an example. Let's say I have an INI file as follows:

    Line=The culpret is *person*.

    What I want is to have a string object display the line, "The culpret is John."

    This would be easy if I am only using a single string, because I could use the String Parser object to replace the substring "*person*" with Str$(GroupItemValue("INI Object", "Text", "number")). However, I want to be able to dynamically use any string I define (as there will be hundreds), without having to specify each string as a separate condition in Fusion itself.

    I think that this will involve somehow using the String Parser object to search for any word within asterisks and replace its contents of that with the string defined in the INI file that has the same name. The problem is, I'm not sure how to set this up, or whether it is even possible.

    I'm hoping that someone with some more knowledge could assist me.

    Thank you for your time and help. If you have any questions or need clarification, please don't hesitate to ask. Thanks again!

    Yes, originally my game was going to be 1366x768--which is the current standard for hidden object and adventure games--but development will likely take me 2-3 years, and so I want to be prepared for technological updates, and I want the game to look good on those whose displays are higher. I'm using the Ultimate Fullscreen extension to downscale everything, and so far it seems to be working nicely. :)

    I'm developing a commercial HD third-person adventure game. I've made commercial games with Fusion before, but never a full HD one at 1920x1080, which is the current game's base resolution. The main reason the RAM usage is so high is because of the player avatar, which contains dozens of frames of animation. I'm currently looking into some alternatives, including loading the animation frames externally to lower the RAM, but I am not sure that would be feasible with the way the everything is structured.

    That was my initial thought, as well, and I don't believe anyone using less than 2 GB RAM will be running this, so that would make it seem like it's not an issue. However, I read elsewhere that you have to take VRAM into account, which is a much smaller amount. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this?

    Hi all,

    My latest project is really pushing it in terms of memory, and I'm wondering if anyone knows how high I can safely go when developing an application for the PC. Currently, one of the frames in my project uses over 400 MB of memory when I run it. Am I correct in thinking that this is too much, or is it safe to use? If it's safe, how high can I safely go? For reference, my target consumer would use mid-level gaming computers, say something sold within the last 5-10 years.

    Thanks everyone.