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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
I've been away from the community for so long that I no longer have access to the extension SDKs to download (lol). I'm currently on my way back to extension development because of a recent job for contracted extensions.
It's been a while since I made that extension and it was unfortunately tested against a rather limited version set in the past. To be honest, I didn't have enough machines to test it against, SQL Server versions or volunteers to help me debug. So it was roughly an initial release. I didn't think it'd be ever used in a professional project so I left it at that.
I intend to revisit all of my database extensions as they all use native drivers but it may take some time. It's great to be back.
Been using Clickteam tools since Klik'n Play was released. The staff is very friendly and open for conversation. The community is excellent and helpful. And that's what tells CT apart from the competition IMO.
Thank you everyone for your contribution in this topic
For sure as much time and effort you give your project that will pay back in an excellent finished product.
But my question was: is it easy and straight forward in Fusion to make these particle effects? Or it needs advanced knowledge and talent and multiple third party software?
Because as you know, Clickteam Fusion indeed has so many features that makes tedious / difficult tasks to be a walk in the park, but is this the case when comes to particles?
Define "easy". They surely can be done in MMF2 or CF25 but there's a lot of dedication involved and knowing the limitations of the software plays a big part (like posted before in this thread). But to answer your question: no, it's not straightforward and those professional features we see in those games are not built-in. Most of them are just visually beautiful enough to overcome other engine flaws or game difficulty issues (and overall flow). IMO, if you have a great graphics and level designer, know your way around HWA and what you can do with it in terms of particles and eye-candiness, you'll be able to accomplish amazing things.
This guy made a load of advanced effects in fusion, you can download the mfas to see how he did them,but you have to pay.
They are indeed amazing. There are some effects like that flamethrower that show a lot of talent. To be on topic, my opinion is that these people make games with very attention to detail (particles, angles, collision, sound effects) that even when the engine isn't too complex, you can see a lot of things happening, a lot of dedication. Some of us start projects with passion but then lose interest after some time. These people are really passionate and don't rest until they finish their projects so we must all learn from this. That's what separates them from the rest, IMO.
No, no! Sorry for the confusion. If the files don't work with CF 2.5 I'll need to send Nico a new zip file. But your zip file should work perfectly. And I appreciate you providing the links. Thanks for the dedication.
The conversion won't take much time but right now I can't say for sure when it's going to be available. If your project demands it, I'll send you a PM with the beta in the future so you can try it first.
I can't load the project without the missing files. Put the required files in a ZIP file and upload them here. A description of the problem in the post would help people see if they can help you before downloading the files.
SQLite 3 (for Standard) and SQLite3 PRO (for Developer) are now available in Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Extension Manager. There isn't a Unicode version yet but I'll start working on it as soon as I can.
If the demand for the Unicode version is high I'll try to give it a higher priority.
Both extensions were tested from manager on different computers. Please let me know if you find any issues or have some suggestions.
Sorry for the broken links, guys. I expect the extensions to be on the Extension Manager soon but I'll need some slight modifications for it to work with CF2.5 as well.
If you have any questions or want to have just for a random chat, drop me a message.
Please copy "sqlite.dll" from "Data\Runtime" to "Data\Runtime\Unicode" and it should work. The folder structure changed a bit in CF 2.5 and I still had not the time to create a new installer. Anyway, the new extension manager will have the extensions installed in the right places.
Let me know.
[EDIT]: Sorry! I have missed Yves post with the same suggestion!
My current projects utilizes many third-party extensions the the extension which is giving me headache is SQLite 3 Pro by "byo" it seen there are many releases so I really dont know which one is latest.
Hi, Nyc.
Could you please send me an example file for me to test? I haven't had any crashes testing the extension with CF 2.5 (so far).