Posts by SEELE

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Wow, brilliant work on this one Tom.

    I had hoped someone like you might pickup and appreciate the example; but this is just incredible; you've created something entirely new and very advanced : D

    At 800-Lines all related to physics; this may be MMF's most advanced vanilla written custom movement engine.

    Thanks, Fanoftherpg

    A Transport Triggered - Minimal instruction Set Computing Architecture was selected for my Virtual Machine to simplify implementation.

    All you need to take away from that is that i made a 'virtual machine', which is simply a layer of abstraction above MMF2's event logic.

    Reasons you might use a virtual machine include; changing level and object behavior without modifying events inside MMF2,
    It's possible to handle game behavior in this way entirely inside a fast-loop which only terminates intermittently in-order to allow MMF2,
    to redraw the frame and re-sample the controls.

    This is how MMF works, in-order to perform collision detection without an N*N lookup a static collision map must be build at the end of each framedraw.

    There are of-coarse numerous work-arounds; the most graceful of which simply involves collision detection before positioning.

    As for forcing frame-redraws... i have done this once in the past once; as part of a MISC VM implemented in MMF which had an instruction 'Yield'.

    The logic and timing was handled virtually and within an unbounded fast-loop; Yield simply ended the index-insensitive loop; to be restarted on the next frame.

    MMF2 does-not use multi-threading.

    However a program written in MMF2 could still take advantage of multiple cores

    Please login to see this link. is the only example I've seen released to-do so however.

    A more meaningful use of multicore processing in MMF2 was in an automatic-redstone-circuit-synthesis program for the gaming craze minecraft which implements exhaustive-combinatorial search over configurations of a 3D digital CA.

    Your in luck; i wrote the wiki for Md2.

    Basically it's a binary format for storing 3D mesh's used by id Software.

    The format does not store vertex data-types in an arbitrary way; but instead higher precision is given to models which have all points a similar distance from the origin ( which is usually the case for characters; but often not the case for scenery )

    It's not.

    But that doesn't mean your out of options;

    you may-not be aware; MS3D( MilkShape 3D ) is the native file-type used by MilkShape a low-poly 3D-modeling program capable of importing a wide range of file formats

    A quick look at Please login to see this link. reveals a number of formats which are directly importable into milkshape.

    If you download milkshape; load the exported models and then save them as .MD3D's
    You can use your blender 3D data-sets in multimedia fusion 2 . Today.

    Good luck

    Looks georgeous; these graphics should merge seamlessly as alpha channeled actives...

    I especially like the detail layers added to the clothing.

    On criticism

    A few intersecting polys
    And texture seems

    However, No more then would be seen in successful games such as halo-1.

    Thanks alot p6r; can't wait to see more.

    Also; have you thought at all about importing these as 3D-data sets, into MMF2?

    If you are not sure how; i would definitely like to help

    On closer inspection;

    Editing this particular INI is not the answer :)
    This is for categorizing extensions.

    To disable an extension you might;

    Copy you extensions folder in the MMF2 directory.

    Delete extensions from the original and test untill your hearts content.

    If something goes wrong; you have the folder copied.

    Hehe Marv, another one nearly losing there ext.ini :P

    Try changing the 'Always' or every '00-00-01' event to something like ' when global value a = 0 '


    +Mouse pointer and Keyboard object : mouse clicked single-left button
    -Set global value a to 1
    -Show counter

    If its counting too slowly now; try doubling the decrement.

    If you are stuck, upload your mfa over in the file-archive.

    Hello again Tim, hope all's well.

    The string object automatically takes whatever vertical height is needed, as for horizontal..

    If you handle line-wrapping manually, then it isn't a problem.

    Initially set the width to something large (say the screen width) and insert a newline whenever the real text width exceeds the virtual/desired width.

    Good luck