Posts by Xhadoe

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Big, massive thanks to all the Clickteam Communities around the Universe! :)

    The game is set to Pay what you want: Please login to see this link.

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    ----Theme and design goals of making the game:
    I aimed to have it be a 1990s looking PC game, restricting the color palette, RAM used, and drive space used. Japanese matcha tea is one of my favorite drinks to make and drink, and I thought it would make for some really chill vibes with a strict time limited match 3 game. The sound effects fit this as well. The music is more modern but overall still providing creative vibes. You can listen or download the album from your favorite provider listed here: Please login to see this link.

    If you select the credits button on the title screen, you can see some of my hand drawn designs while I was working through the design treatment for it. If you make the high scores (local only), the lucky golden egg provides you a random piece of advice, wisdom, or sarcasm (in English).
    I worked hard on this game from prototype form over several years in what little spare time I could muster with a full time job, 7 children (all mostly grown now) and 4 grandkids. I started on the soundtrack near or after I released my other game on, LOOTRONS 1982.

    It is pretty amazing playing 3min Matcha on a Steamdeck too! That initially has its own challenges, but Valve and the communities working on everything has smoothed it out this year for PC executables.

    I look forward seeing how Clickers play the game! It would be cool to see screenshots of your highscores!

    ---- Some about the creator:
    My career has consisted of being in the game industry doing QA Testing, Tech Support, or Game Design while at Electronic Arts, Perfect World/Cryptic/Runic and then 5th Planet Games. I have also been in the Entertainment, Amusements/Arcade, Preventative Maintenance and Reliability Industries. I enjoy designing, drawing, composing, inventing and more!

    You might want to do some more research before trying to dive right in to dealing with online game dev. Things we don't think about are networking issues and customer support. Those will eat into your time tremendously. Highly suggest getting your game to have a solid gameplay loop in local co-op or split screen play before packing up for the online networking quest. ;)

    Some resources that might help:

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    Windows 11 is terrible from a tech support, game reliability, and privacy/resource/networking usage standpoint. My day job career has me dealing with a lot of OS and hardware combos for Mobile and Desktop and 11 still drives the most problems (thank goodness no one has to mess with 8.1 or Vista much anymore).

    Highly suggest getting a solid ASUS (bought for my kids multiple times over the years and myself) or Dell refurbished (laptop or desktop) from a good online or local store you trust and get Windows 10 on it. For dealing with all the tools 2d and 2.5d development has nowadays, 16GB or RAM or more if you can. If you have a larger budget, some mini PCs and full desktops made by ASRock can work too: Please login to see this link.

    For those technically inclined, I suggest tinkering with Steam Deck/Arch Linux or Manjaro. Please login to see this link.

    I would be super happy if Fusion 2.5 fully worked on Linux/Steam OS that way maybe we could get a solid "develop on Steam Deck natively and easily".

    I use two different versions of Fusion 2.5 because sometimes my older PC game builds (Dx9+) get broken or glitchy with the newer versions. I will use the newer version if I am working on something Dx10, Dx11 targeted.

    You can try Proton Experimental and Proton 7, using Lutris from the Desktop Mode's "app shop". It is easier to install windows only games from Steam first and let the Steamdeck download and install Proton and such first.

    I got 3 of my older .exe games running. Hatcher Dice, Termanull, & LOOTRONS 1982. You will probably have to re-key some things for inputs if you do not like the Steamdeck default's for trackpads an L & R triggers. The touchscreen works great for LOOTRONS, and it was a great feeling getting one of my projects playable on Steamdeck without much technical struggles.

    2 of my 3 apps are mouse and clicking based, so it was easier to play them. Because my older windows games have their own unique resolutions, tuning settings for display & trying to get your games to run in portrait mode, etc, will take some display setting changes in Desktop Mode.

    Here is what my LOOTRONS 1982 game looks like on Steamdeck:
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    In my apps, they were only using DirectX 8 and 9 features, so nothing too technical.I outlined what I did here: Please login to see this link.

    Greetings Wonderful Creatives!I was able to get my Fusion games playing on Steam Deck with minimal technical issues with Lutris/Wine from the Discover online repository in Desktop Mode.

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    I put my game on sale here to celebrate: Please login to see this link. for how I got my 3 Fusion games that I have tried so far working properly on Steam Deck, hope it helps some of you all too! It took some experimenting and testing over and over but was successful! Please note that any font strings you have in your games (at least mine) may change font types or display weird.

    - Steam Deck/Steam OS Usage
    1) Using client app or downloading via your website account, have the .exe file on your Internal or MicroSD card storage. Save a LOOTRONS graphic off the page as your cover art for Lutris and/or Steam.

    2) Make sure you have switched to Desktop Mode, go to Discover and seek out Lutris and install it.

    3) Go to Add Game (top left +) and select "Add Locally Installed Game". You should be on the Game Info tab. Type in the name and release year. Leave the Runner field as "Wine (Runs Window Games)"

    4) Go to the Game Options tab. Browse and navigate to the location of your "myawesomegamename.exe" executable file and leave rest of the fields alone in this tab.

    5) Go to the Runner options tab. Most things in this tab you will leave alone. You will want to toggle OFF the following: Enable Esync, Enable Fsync, Enable Battleye Anti-cheat, Enable Easy anti-Cheat.

    6) Go to the System Options tab. You will leave most of the settings here alone as well at their defaults. Prefer System Libraries should be toggled ON, Disable Screen saver ON, Enable Feral GameMode ON, Xephyr Fullscreen ON (it is all the way at the bottom of this tab).

    7) Select Save.

    8) If nothing went wrong, your game should show up and you can right click on it to Configure (where you can go to add some cover art too), if you need to change something to get the game to work the way you want. (This can apply for any Win 32bit/x64bit game.) You can also Add a Shortcut to Steam or this Desktop if you want.

    9) Running the game as is, it will be small on the handheld screen in landscape/widescreen mode. If you want to play LOOTRONS 1982 in full screen portrait/rotated/TATE mode where using the touchscreen is smooth, you will want to change the Display orientation. Steam Deck Desktop Mode > Settings > Display and Monitor > choose one of the Orientation options shown and Apply.

    10) Start/Play the game and make it fullscreen, enjoy!

    Later, I may try to port to a native linux build, or use Wine Bottler to wrap an .exe and see how that goes.

    I would look up an old game called Pit Fighter, and see how that works, and how it was made. There are multiple examples of some fighting games you can start with by the community that can help to :)

    Modern day Mortal Kombat has many layers of technology that runs the Injustice and MK games that is not easy to duplicate.

    Because it is not as easy to just export to the Switch format and be done with it. You have to sign up for a Developer account and get your project APPROVED by Nintendo.

    You have to meet all of Nintendo's TRCs (technical requirements checklist, joycons, 720p mobile & tabletop, 1080p dock switching, wifi and wired ethernet, etc), you have to make sure the content of your game matches for the ESRB/PEGI rating you are going for, Nintendo has their own rules and documentation that you have to carefully read and follow if you want to publish and stay on the eShop.

    I have heard the Nintendo dev kits are around $600 depending on fluctuations and other variables like support for the 4k kits. Nintendo does NOT require you to be a LLC or Inc though. Playstation/Sony does, their dev kits are way higher (if you have a great demo and contact them they have given them to indie devs for free before).

    As a thanks to a ton of you on here for the inspiration, examples, and courtesy to your fellow Klickers, I wanted to give you all some FREE keys to my PC game and soundtrack, hope you leave a review! 8) Would love to know how you play the game and what you think about the soundtrack!

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    Please let us know which one you grabbed so others do not get frustrated trying multiple keys!

    As an extended license, each of you who have downloaded the game and soundtrack with these keys, you are granted a license to use any of the LOOTRONS 1982 game soundtrack music in your video streams, videos/trailers/channels, reviews, movies, & games!

    I agree on Asperite and Paint Shop Pro. I have used Paint Shop Pro 8 for MANY years. Recently bought the Corel 2021 version of Paint Shop Pro from a Humble Bundle, and learned that most features and even the menus had not changed much in decades. They added a bunch of plugins and add-ons with piecemeal innovation and shove ads in your face constantly, so uninstalled and was disappointed. Fired back up version 8.

    You might also check out these free or low cost options:

    Please login to see this link.
    Please login to see this link. (the guy founded Tsugi Audio Tools for making sound FX, awesome tools too!) - pretty neat to make music from your images!

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    The good old standby MS Paint

    Please login to see this link.(if you need to vectorize some of your stuff for printing or super large sizes)

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    Do you have View action point and View hot spot in each Object Editor's centered vertically and horizontally? Try that and see if it helps.
    For objects that are only going to be touched by another object on one side, you can try experimenting which Action spot or View hot spot works best.

    Have you tried toggling precision detection off and on? Anti-aliasing on or off per object?

    Have you tried changing the randomness number and allowed directions of the object to bounce? Tried lowering the speed, gravity and such to get results you are happier with?

    The pinball choice can be like a cat and decide how it wants to handle bounces and such weirdly. You could try the physics options as a separate build and see if that helps.

    If you would like, I can try and check out the files for you. I still have Fusion 2.0 with the HTML5 and Flash exporters installed and some extensions installed. PM or email me the details and mfa files, and I can see if they open for me. If they do, I can try saving them as a Windows executable build version in 2.0, which you should then be able to open in either 2.0 or 2.5 and go from there with the modern extensions.

    Please keep back up copies, because once you save in 2.5, you can not open in 2.0.

    Arrrgh, late night internet woes....

    I had typed a bunch of stuff but it did not post it.

    I will be adding more content files to the game for buyers to enjoy soon.

    I have the previs, script, and voice overs recorded for the game trailer. Aiming for Jan 2022 to add that. Still have to shoot the videos and screen captures of gameplay.

    Do you have the game supporting a certain version of DirectX? Try different ones, build and test. Display Options > Display Mode > Direct3d 9 might give you the widest consistent input response and framerate.

    Do you have Reduce CPU Usage toggled off or on? Build and test.

    Compressing the runtime?

    Do you have the overall game running at a certain frame rate? Or is each level set differently? Highly suggest they all match the same frame rate.

    Do you have Machine-independent speed toggled off or on?

    V-sync toggled on? Try seeing if the Window options being changed help or hurt your build.

    Graphic mode set to 16 Million colors? (even if doing retro looking games, Windows can misinterpret things with the runtime with lower color palette limits and switching to it and how you might have full screen and windowed options setup will just add unneeded complications) Highly suggest staying with 16MM.

    Try limiting the amount of objects per Frame/level to be lower (Specific Frame > Runtime Options > Number of objects). Example, one of my current projects LOOTRONS 1982, can sometimes have a few thousands objects per frame with their own animations and events going on. I limited them per frame that has gameplay, set to 2,600 and instantly got a better framerate. Splash logo screen, tutorial, credits, and title screens 300 objects or less. Your results may vary.

    Also, any objects that reach a set pixel distance from the edge of our screen/level/window you should have to be destroyed if not needed, and any objects that leave the frame area/window get destroyed too. Sometimes weird collision bugs can happen and objects can be flying off and still be active without you seeing them off screen.

    Be careful with any timers with any combos mentioned above. There can be lots of trial and error, depending on your game. Sometimes it is often an easy setting we "doom clicked" or chose by accident and forgot.

    Neat little project, I added it on :)

    Greetings Wonderful Users & Programs,

    I wanted to share some screens from my finally, nearly completed game. It has been a spare time project across relationships, deaths, jobs, GDCs, family events and more over the last 6 years or so. First 2 are comparisons from 2015/2017 with today. Big, HUGE thanks to Please login to see this link., whose star generator example was the chickenwire framing for the eccentric sculpture of a game LOOTRONs is so far.

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    I completed the game's soundtrack months ago and you can listen to it on your streaming and digital album platform of choice. Please login to see this link. and Please login to see this link. had some listens on Newgrounds which I was surprised by, that I released individually as I kept development going.

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    Some of the features I am proud of, and taught me a bunch of lessons whether I wanted them to or not:

    1. Layers and collisions can be painful and some of the glitches became actual gameplay.
    2. There are over 700,000 possible procedurally generated levels in each of the 3 modes.
    3. Each time a new level begins in a mode, it picks 1 of 4 different songs to play. Those 4 songs are unique to each mode.
    4. Sound effects and music volumes. Still not perfect but much better than they have been.
    5. So much music composition, sequencing, designing, drawing, animating, writing, editing. Was fun to change arts when I got frustrated working on other stuff.
    6. Each pixel is hand made my me and animated, with the exceptions of visual effects skewing and stretching by some of the background extensions.
    7. I worked within the self inflicted design constraints of it being an unreleased arcade game that used to be a two sided standup "touch screen" arcade game that used two Zilog Z-80 processors in 1982. I tried to keep the color palette, animation, SFX and music within that era as much as I could AND kept it under 150MB so far. This is a render one of my kids made for me from one of my sketches years ago.

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    I immensely appreciate this Community, everyone currently and previously at Clickteam for helping provide some of the tools that have enabled to get this far on one of my many projects. I am trying to release it this month, we shall see!

    Thank You!

    I have had issues with super short sounds with Fusion in the past. Try making the audio file a little bit longer time wise, or try wav versus mp3 and see what might work best for your situation. It is easier for me to have a longer SFX play that I can stop, versus trying to troubleshoot why my SFX won't playback or even be recognized.

    Like for example if you want to have a typing on a typewriter or computer keyboard sound, consider looping it or having variations that last .50 to 1 full second and see if that works. You can then have an event or timer stop that sound (sample) from playing after X, Y, or Z.

    Try mono versus stereo, and 44khz or 22khz formatted .wav files. Also, don't have your sound effects immediately have sound. If using Audacity, I highly suggest a very slight silence sliver before the wave of the actual sounds starts playing (or have it fade in really fast).

    It can also depend on what you are exporting to. Sometimes if you have all your audio assets as mp3s before bringing into Fusion, then you do not have to worry about Fusion compressing them and potentially messing up during your build being made and the end user run time file, in how they playback your sounds.

    Each sound or music file you have to look at as its own little "game design" to get them to work best for the intended platform. Fades, timing, frequencies, channels, equalization, normalizing, effects, volumes, 2d/3d space if applicable in game events and more. When you have hundreds of sounds and Windows will play everything great but Flash, HTML, or Android doesn't play back the sounds the exact same way, it gets frustrating trying to narrow it down.

    Highly suggest good file and versioning management for all of your game assets and frequent backups of your game builds. ;)

    Hope that helps some :)