I've received a link that directs to some sort of source code of an extension for Steamworks.
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Open a TicketI've received a link that directs to some sort of source code of an extension for Steamworks.
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Hi guys!
I've recently got Greenlit and I was wondering if there are any extensions out there that support the features of Steam. Primarily the achievement system.
I've read the other post about this in the forum, but it basically said to contact Clickteam and I already did that. It seems there is no official support by Clickteam for it (at least not for MMF2) and there might be an extension floating around made by a user.
Does anyone have it or knows where I can find it or knows who created it?
Thanks a lot!
Thank you very much
I'm sorry to use this method, but I can't seem to reach Clickteam in any other way.
I've tried to contact Yves and Francois over the past weeks to provide as much information for a crash issue in my game and they told me to look into it, but I didn't get any response from them so far. I've noticed there is a problem with the email service, so maybe they didn't get the notice? So Email doesn't work and they don't respond to forum PMs... what other way is there for me to contact them? Sorry, to bother, but this is very urgent for me, because the release date for my game is right around the corner and I would be very sad to have a crash in the final product!
Thank you!
- PC runtime (Direct3D): incorrect image or crash when you use shaders that use images, go to another frame and come back.
I assume, this is supposed to be the fix for the issue I posted a couple of days/weeks ago. I am currently in beta testing of my game and one of the testers just got the exact same crash with the updated version, so I have to tell you that this problem is not fixed
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The crash randomly happens after an enemy is destroyed and lots of the same objects get spawned.
If you need the current version of my mfa to further investigate this crash issue, please let me know.
Hey guys!
I've asked so many questions here and you were always very helpful, so I thought I could "give something back" in return
All I ever wanted was sub-applications that correctly resize themselves when you go to fullscreen. But it was impossible! Either the sub-application didn't resize at all, or it shows a tiny sub-app and the rest of the screen is white! This is a problem that troubled me for a long time and I've asked time and time again and all the MMF veterans always told me this is impossible to get working. Guess I've done the impossible and I want to share with you how, so you can from now on create fullscreen options in your games and use sub-apps that scale pixel-perfectly!
What you need: Window Control object, Ultimate Fullscreen object
The properties of your sub-app should be set to "display as sprite"
Now you go to your events and add this (I've done it in Global Events):
EVENT (for example global string X = "fullscreen")
-WindowControl: set horizintal size to ScreenXsize(WindowControl)
-WindowControl: set vertical size to ScreenYsize(WindowControl)
-WindowControl: set horizontal position to 0
-WindowControl: set vertical position to 0
-UltimateFullscreen: go to fullscreen
And this should do it! Let me know if this works for you and we can call this fullscreen+subapps problem "solved" once and for all! I'm not the tutorial kind of guy, so if you're running a website with MMF2 tutorials, you can probably add this one for other people who are having problems with this one (no credit needed)
I know this isn't the solution... but is there any reason why you have so many near identical foreach loops? Is it just because each condition is setting to a different animation? Couldn't you just sequence your animations so you can call them with an expression? You'd reduce loop checks down to a single condition/set of actions instead of one for each different type of particle.
I'm not only setting the animation sequence in each event differently, but other properties as well (like random positioning, directions, if it rotates or not, if size increases or not etc.), so I can't see how I could handle this within one event. Maybe I'm just not good enough to be that efficient
To Nifflas and in general:
As I've said before, I'd love to be more helpful and provide examples, but in this case the issue is so random (it happens about once every 10-15 min of regular gameplay), that I'm literally fishing in the dark here. I could just copy&paste random stuff from my events into a new MFA, but it would take many many many hours, days or even weeks to find out what constellation of things is necessary to exactly recreate this problem. I'm in no way professional or experienced enough to narrow this issue down so easily like some of you guys probably could. I'm also on a very tight schedule for my game currently, which makes it absolutely impossible for me to spend another day or even weeks on this issue like I've done before. Trust me, I've spent A LONG TIME on this problem before, and in the end not even Clickteam could find a solution to this issue. BTW they were the guys who actually found out that the problem is animation related! So I was not even able to figure that one out by myself (my best guess was it has to do with movement types of different objects).
Oh, I just noticed an error with the red arrows that I drew on there, which suggest all animations get set to health as shown in the box. Actually the stuff in the right box is different for each event to give everything different looks and properties. Each number has a different animation, just as the comment above them all shows (1=health, 2=mana etc.). But good to know you don't see any red flags
Sorry, cant find it. Can you send it to me again?
No problem, you have a new PM
I've noticed that MMF2's set animation number, frame or direction logic can easily go out of array bounds and take images from subsequent memory, particularly in directly setting it from xLua where there is no sanity check afaik. Now normally, MMF2's bounding should prohibit this and preclude the possibility, and I use the set anim value functions all the time with no problem. But you mention that your problem is tied to generating tons of objects of different kinds
Without seeing your code it is difficult to test, but I'd hypothesize one thing to test for is if this is related to the "create object scoping" glitch. Is this only occurring when the number of objects in your frame reaches the maximum #, particularly if you didn't raise the frame from the default 500 up to the maximum 20000? In MMF2, if you have a line of code that creates an object and then sets its values, that line will malfunction if the create event fails, scoping all objects of that class and applying the actions to them without creating anything new. Its a particularly common cause of screwing up peoples maths and references in code, and if you had any particularly complicated math going on in terms of setting the animation values, maybe that math is getting screwed up from what *seems* sound and stable, and setting it to something out of bounds, which in turn yanks animations from other objects in memory, as after all they are all stored next to each other
If anything, can you post a screenshot of the event editor / event list editor snippets of code where you set the animation values for objects directly?
The object maximum value has been risen to 5000 for each frame and currently in the most busy frames I'm at 1500-2000, but not higher, even with all kinds of objects spawning.
Here's a screenshot of the events:
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Yes, you should already have the MFA. We talked about this over PM in june last year. The MFA should be called something like Pandagame_frametest. If you don't have it anymore, I can upload it again for you.
I'm not sure if the problem still exists if I just try to isolate the single object, since it uses animations from all other objects as well. It would take a lot of time to find the exact mix of objects that causes this issue again, because it appears at random and is not recreated that easily. Maybe it's better for this "investigation" to use the whole MFA that I've sent you back then.
Many thanks!
Yeah... an example that can recreate the issue would be super helpful... I'm not sure Clickteam has much to go on with "please fix animation glitch!"
I'd love to do that, but my time is very limited. The issue is extremely hard to recreate and appears at random, so it might take days or weeks to create a "example MFA" with the same conditions to have this issue appear. As I mentioned in my first post, I've sent an early version of my game as MFA file to Clickteam before, but I will not make this public.
Well "change animation sequence to..." doesnt make any crashes or use animations from different objects in any of my games whatsoever, and i tend to use it a lot. So it's rather obvius your game is using it in a certain manner that causes these issues to occur...
thats why an example of the mfa that does crash would be helpfull to see why and to see what fixes there might be to it...
I can guarantee you that I'm not doing anything "out of the ordinary" with my events. Basically I have an alterable value that gets set to a random(#) and then there are events for each #, that change the animation of the object to one that I have selected by hand from the animation selection menu of that object (no expressions are used with the animation sequences!). So with this method, it should be impossible to screw the animations up that bad that they get taken from entirely different objects. Maybe I'm using way more different animations within the same object as others, or maybe it's caused by the use of Global Events - but these two things are ordinary features of MMF2, so I suppose I'm allowed to use them as much as I want, right? I've already sent an MFA to Clickteam and they have acknowledged that it's a problem on their part, they know this issue exists and it was causing the game to crash for them too. They said they make a work-around for it in the current version, but like the screenshot shows, it is not working.
I actually have this happen all the time with CoI and found that using 'Load on Call' was the culprit in most cases. I haven't been able to forcefully re-create it, but again I've fixed pretty much all occurrences I've had of this by un-checking that pesky Load on Call box. I haven't been able to get a solid answer to what causes this from my talks with CT staff or other developers, but try what I mentioned above and let me know if it works for you.
Thanks for your help - I've checked my MFA again and all the "load on call" have always been unchecked. I'm pretty sure I've never even touched that checkbox before, so in this case, I'm afraid it's not the problem/solution.
What other event except "change animation sequence to..." is there to do a workaround?
Hi everyone!
I'm having quite a struggle with random crashes of my game. I have been talking with Clickteam about this for a time and they already mentioned to fix an issue that might cause this in a patch. But even with the current version, it is not fixed!
What happens is this (I hope I understand Clickteam correctly with that, if not, you're welcome to correct me)
When you spawn lots of objects in rapid speed and give randomized animation sequences (to change appearence), sometimes the animation numbers of these sequences screw up somehow and become impossible values (for example animation sequence -14, which is not possible to do with regular events). Because Multimedia Fusion 2 cannot handle these animation sequences, it appears to use animations from entirely different objects (look at screenshot) or simply crashes the game. Clickteam already tried to do a work-around by catching "impossible values" and simply replacing it with 0, but this seems not to work in this case.
This screenshot shows a random "sparkle" object appear at the enemy. But instead of showing the "sparkly object" animation, it takes the animation from a different object and appears as a solid block!
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I only have basic programming knowledge, but this glitch might possibly lead to memory leaks and other issues like crashing, so it's not a "visual glitch" that I'm addressing here. I'm posting this, because maybe this might be the reason for other people's issues with their games as well and they might report this glitch under different circumstances.
Please Clickteam have another look at this issue, it might fix the random crashes of my game for good!
Very much appreciated
I don't want to be a necromancer here, but this issue of randomly crashing the game still exists. After talking with Yves and other Clickteam Devs, it seems to be a problem with animations. I've noticed quite heavily that when I rapidly spawn objects and give them different animations, sometimes it glitches and it takes animations from entirely different objects. Clickteam could you please look into this issue once again?
I used Subapps to pause, had no problems (Feyruna 1&2, Frutti Freak 2). But I only let the user choose between window and fullscreen, using MMF's own functions. That seems to make the difference.
Thanks for your answer. Could you please be more specific? Because I tried a lot of things, but couldn't get it to work. What are your events/project properties to make it work?
Almost every MMF game I saw has fullscreen support and many of them also feature different window sizes - really nobody here who can share a working technique? Or should I avoid using sub-apps as my pause-screen? What working alternatives are there that save the state of the frame the player is on (including all actives and variables) while he is navigating through a pause-screen? I only know how to do this with a sub-app.
If there are any other methods that let me do a working pause-screen, re-scaling of the window and full screen, I'm open for suggestions =)
Hi there!
I'm currently using the Window Control object to let the player choose between different window sizes. Additionally, I want to give the option to have fullscreen enabled. Now I've seen the Ultimate Fullscreen object and it does a pretty good job, but it doesn't work with my sub application. When I use the pause button, a screen-filling sub application opens to show a statistics-screen, but with Ultimate Fullscreen enabled, the sub-application is not in fullscreen and I can still see half of my normal game screen.
Does anyone know a solution to this? Would be greatly appreciated =)
Hi there!
Maybe I can help
I've extracted the zombie from my original GG2 MFA and put it into a small example. Here you go:
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Hope I could help.
Thx Nifflas for your response.
I can't understand how this is not a new problem, because I never touched the "create at start" box and always used the destroy object at start of frame and it has never failed me up until now. It also does not seem logical or practical in any way to just "mark" an object to be destroyed since I tell the program to DESTROY and not DESTROY LATER. The deeper I go into the "how MMF2 works", the more I get the impression it's a complete mess.
To reproduce my animation glitch, the devs just have to open my MFA (which I sent to several devs by now) and run FRAPS or some other program that records every frame (since this glitch sometimes only shows up for one frame). Now run around in the game, record a video with fraps and kill enemies for 1-2 minutes and you should see the first glitch, where a spawned active shows as some other random animation frame from a completely different active from the game when killing an enemy and "gib" actives get spawned. Sometimes it uses an animation from an active used for the HUD etc so definitely an animation that is not even within the active that is spawned. To verify this, look at the video you recorded and see exactly that the spawned active uses an animation that is not from the same spawned active, so this is 100% a glitch of MMF2 since it's not possible or intentional to make actives spawn with animations from other actives. The developers should be well aware that animations are not working properly, since they already implemented a work-around for a glitch they can't address which causes animation numbers in the negative (I received an email about this). Looks to me this work-around didn't fix the issue, since my game is still crashing and animations are still not showing up correctly from time to time.
Clickteam please fix animations properly, animations should never be taken from other actives and only use animations within the same active. Maybe it has to do with the animation names? Uppercase and lowercase? Or when copy&pasting events that have animations in them, it does not get copied properly? I'm just trying to help give some ideas what might cause this problem. Maybe something wrong with global events, since I'm heavily using global events. And please nobody tell me that I "shouldn't use" global events, thank you.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)