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Finally released my first mobile game on Google Play
Free to play with in app purchases.
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Hey Everyone, In my game I have a sub app and whenever I open it then close it I lose some of my sounds in my main game. Anybody have an issue like this? (it's and Android game)
Nice, very cool 😎
So that's those 2 problems solved. However, you'll still have the problem of it abruptly jumping from one side to the other when the angle crosses over from 359 to 0 or vice versa. To solve that, I would go about it a slightly different way:
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The key equation here is differenceAB = ((angleA - angleB + 540) mod 360) - 180 (courtesy of MuddyMole's Please login to see this link.). This always finds the shortest difference between two angles (So rotating the slider from 359 degrees to 0 degrees gives a reasonable +1 instead of a whopping -359), which we then apply to the paddle position.
Thank you for taking a look at this for me, This is the part that I was struggling with.
I really do appreciate your help and your always so detailed (which really helps)
It works perfect now!
Hi folks,
Hoping someone can help me with the math to be able to control a paddle with a spinner control.
please see the attched example (It should be self explanatory)
yes please, when you have time. Important to see what can be happening with this configuration.
So as it turns out this may all be just my own mistakes.
Tried to make an mfa to recreate my issue only to find out that the problem must be in my events somewhere, just not sure where yet.
All the attempts I made trying different ways of doing it and they all work so far, If anything changes I'll let you know.
can you post a small mfa to test here?
I actually changed how I use the SubApp and now Create it when I need it instead of just Pausing it and restarting it each time.
The way I'm doing it now appears to be working fine (Pain in the butt changing everything but it works).
If you still want an mfa showing what I was doing I will try to make you one, just let me know.
Thanks Fernando
I've had my own idea that I was eventually gonna try and attempt that may work for something like this.
I'll try to explain it.
I was gonna make a game (not sure what yet) whereas I would build the core engine in a way that would allow me to build "add ons" that I could just drop into the game and they would just automatically work with the core engine.
This would of course be in the form of objects behaviors, I know alot of people don't like using behaviors in this manner but I have found them very useful and if done right very beneficial. Also much easier to do this now in 2.5+
This of course would be very tricky and would take a great deal of planning but I think it could be done.
I started a very basic mockup of doing this for a match 3 game awhile ago but I'm sure it could be done for other games.
Anyways just my two cents.
I am using the SubApp in my Android game and the main app is not unpausing when the SubApp is paused.
The SubApp is created at start and then paused, hidden and positioned off screen.
1. When I need to use it I restart the SubApp, show it and position it where I need it.
2. When I no longer need it I pause it, hide it and position it off screen
This all works fine in windows but when I run it in Android the game is paused when I pause the SubSpp (2.) Until you tap on the screen and then the game resumes as normal.
Is this a know issue or am I doing something wrong?
Please post a small mfa with non-proprietary images for me to text here
Thanks for the response,
I may have solved it, I'll get back to you soon.
Hi, I'm running a SubApp in my game but the subapp shows the same size as the main application size when running on Android
but doesn't when running on windows. (See Pics)
I need it to maintain its frame size when it runs on Andriod like it does in Windows.
Any suggestions?
The application is set to 640 x 960
The game is set to 720 x 1280
The sub app is set to 512 x 768
Just like setting multiple flags in one value, e.g., R = color & 0xFF
The value saved: ID * a number big enough + actual value.
Get ID: value / a number big enough
Get actual value: value mod a number big enough
Ok, thank you
Unless I'm missing something, it's just: floor(card_number / 9) + 1
Even the floor() part is not really needed in most cases (only if there's a chance that the card_number could somehow be a float).
Tried that and that doesn't work but thank you for the response
Found a good work around
Just added 2 Values to each group of cards and used them to keep track of each groups Min/Max card counts
Run a ForEach Loop on the group of cards to check if the current Random card picked is value within Range of Min_CardNum/Max_CardNum values
Works perfect
With the help of array object, or add a prefix, e.g., 10001, 10012, 10023, divide 10000 to get group ID.
I want to stay away from an array for this particular issue
Not quite understandin how dividing 10000 into the number using a prefix would work, unless I'm missing something
Thanks for the response,
appreciate it
I'm not sure how elegant you wanted your solution. This works, I used an example that NaitorStudios created and modified it ever so slightly.
Please login to see this attachment.
Nice but not quite what I need.
Thank you for the reply and effort
Hi, wondering if anyone can help me figure something out?
I got Groups of cards and there are 9 cards in each group numbered in squence
If I pick a random card number I need to figure out how to determine which group that card number belongs too
1 2 3
1 10 19
2 11 20
3 12 21
4 13 22
5 14 23
6 15 24
7 16 25
8 17 26
9 18 27
Say I pick a random card number of 12 > How to return the value of which Group that card belongs too?
Obviously it's group 2 but I am struggling to find a good way to accomplish this.
Random Card=12
Group Number=
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance
If you can send me your MFA and instructions to reproduce the crash, I can take a look. Is it big? (having random connection at the moment)
Sure I can send it, how can I send it privately to you?
I am getting a crash, I do not know how to reproduce it because I don't know why it's crashing.
This is happening in the game I have been building for a long time now and I have never had this issue.
It happened first after I Reordered my frames in the Workspace Toolbar and then > Run Application (F8), It crashes, however, if I keep trying it will randomly work.
So far if I put the frames back in the original order it works and doesn't crash.
Not sure what to make of this, If it's something in my code then why does it work sometimes?
Tried making a mfa and swapping the frames around but I can't get it to crash again so perhaps it's something specific to my app?
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)