I log in almost every day in hopes that... well, you know. Hope everyone is doing well.
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I log in almost every day in hopes that... well, you know. Hope everyone is doing well.
"The night was..."
<trashes page one>
"The evening was..."
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it seems like you're asking about creating virtual backgrounds... which you can do with Fusion 2.5 - and yes, you can post questions in this forum about how to do it... but you'll need to be more detailed in your questions if you want to get meaningful answers.
Welcome to the Forum!
most mobile devices are getting fast enough to handle the single large object being rotated, but always test on as many devices as possible...
awesome! Thanks Fernando! I'll grab that IOSPlus... Mobichan - i don't need to toggle it... this will be great!
There was a much more recent post that says this method no longer works... I guess i'll just try it for myself this evening when i get home. Thanks!
I'm looking for the thread that shows how to keep IOS music/audio playing even when a fusion app is running on the IOS device. I can't find the current one that works above IOS 9 or at least works with 10+
Can anyone point me to that, or - describe here how to fix it?
it works for me... i'm using ini in my current ios project without issues.
constantly seeing new and amazing things from the community! BRAVO SolarB!
yes it was - thanks - already knew!
no issues so far - thanks Fernando for fixing the bugs I reported!
could you provide a little more information on what you're doing, and how you're doing it? Are your characters walking with arrow keys? what movements are you using?
For anyone following this thread - there is a work around from Fernando in the Bug Box Please login to see this link.
I have an open Bug Report on this - Fernando is working on it. In fact, I have tested a new Crunkclist.m file and found that it "works" to some extent. There is no border still, but it does work.
Please login to see this link.
Please login to see this link. has been created.
I know this was over a year ago - but I'm back at trying to use the list view object to do a true 3D wheel picker... if I am using PICKER view it NEVER SHOWS UP. This is driving me CRAZY. I'm on XCODE 8.3.2 on Sierra OSX - running on an iPhone 6s with IOS 10.3.1 -
Still - the Picker View is invisible all the time, if I use Table view its an ugly flat list that scrolls. I desperately need a proper picker wheel like AyreGuitar's image shows. PLEASE HELP!
is there an extension that works with FB and IOS exporter? IF so please point me to it!
all your videos are top notch! As a veteran clicker, I love watching your videos because you help me break some bad habits and there's always an "ah ha!" moment i get from something you say!
I'm getting this tonight after work! very well done - just watched your video and I'm highly impressed!
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)